• Understanding shared housing in Australia - 生活成本上升合租屋受歡迎 但提防詐騙
    Sep 19 2024
    Shared housing is becoming increasingly popular in Australia, as more people look to reduce rental costs. So, what key factors should you consider when searching for shared accommodation, and how can you avoid potential scams? - 越來越多人想降低租金成本,因此合租屋(Shared house)在澳洲越來越受歡迎。那麼,當在尋找合租住宿時,應該考慮哪些關鍵因素,以及如何避免潛在的詐騙?
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    6 mins
  • Indigenous astronomy: How the sky informs cultural practices - 原住民的天文學 觀星能知天下事
    Sep 10 2024
    Astronomical knowledge of celestial objects influences and informs the life and law of First Nations people. - 原住民對天體的天文知識,影響並塑造原住民的生活與法律。
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    6 mins
  • Why is dental health care expensive in Australia? - 為何澳洲牙科保健費用高昂?
    Sep 4 2024
    Understanding how dental care works in Australia can be crucial for maintaining your health and well-being. Learn how to access dental services, the costs involved, and some essential dental health tips to keep you and your family smile bright. - 了解澳洲牙科護理方式對維持你的健康和福祉最為重要。了解如何獲得牙科服務、涉及費用以及一些基本牙齒健康提示,讓你和的家人保持「燦爛笑容」。
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    6 mins
  • What are the unwritten rules in the Australian workplace? - 澳洲職場的不成文規定
    Aug 28 2024
    In Australia, workplace codes of conduct differ from company to company, but some standard unwritten rules are generally followed in most businesses and industries. There are also a few unspoken rules in the Australian workplace that can evolve into a set of social norms. Here is how to navigate and familiarise yourself with these unwritten rules when starting a new job. - 在澳洲的工作場所行為準則,因公司而異,但大多數企業和行業普遍遵循一些不成文的標準規則。澳洲工作場所還有一些潛規則,或演變成一套社會規範。以下是開始新工作時,如何熟悉這些不成文規則。
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    6 mins
  • How to protect your home from Australia’s common pests - 如何保護家居免受澳洲常見害蟲侵害
    Aug 23 2024
    Cold weather does not mean a pest-free home. Some pests, like termites, remain active all-year round and winter is peak season for mice and rats preferring your house instead of outdoors. Bed bugs and cockroaches are also on the list of invaders to look out for. Infestations have wide-ranging consequences, including hygiene risks and even home devaluation. Learn how to prevent, identify, and deal with them. - 寒冷的天氣並不代表家裡沒有蟲害。有些害蟲,如白蟻,全年都很活躍,而冬季是鼠患的高峰季節,老鼠更喜歡在家裡而不是戶外。臭蟲和蟑螂也是在需要警惕的入侵者名單上。被害蟲感染可能會產生很多後果,包括衛生風險,甚至房屋貶值。了解如何預防、識別和處理是重要一環。
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    6 mins
  • Is your child being bullied at school or online? Key steps you need to take - 孩子在學校或網絡遭受欺凌?關鍵應對步驟
    Aug 7 2024
    Experts say that dealing with bullying behaviours is never easy but always necessary, as the harm caused can impact children for years. To provide up-to-date advice on supporting a child experiencing bullying at school or online, we consult specialists in education, psychology, and cyberbullying response. - 有專家表示,處理欺凌行為從來不是一件容易的事,但是有必要的,因為所造成的傷害可能會影響兒童多年。為了向在學校或網絡遭受欺凌的兒童,提供最新的支援建議,我們諮詢了教育、心理學和網絡欺凌應對方面的專家。
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    6 mins
  • Good reasons to observe the pedestrian road rules - 遵守行人道路規則有多重要?
    Aug 1 2024
    Every day, pedestrians across Australia break the law without knowing it. This can result penalties and occasionally accidents. Stay safe and avoid an unexpected fine by familiarising yourself with some of Australia’s common pedestrian laws. - 澳洲各地每天都有行人在不知情下違法。這可能會導致被處罰,甚至會造成意外。熟悉澳洲一些常見的行人道路法,可確保安全並避免意外罰款。
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    6 mins
  • Understanding Australia’s legal system: laws, courts and accessing legal assistance - 了解澳洲法律體系 : 法例、法院及法律支援
    Jul 24 2024
    Are you familiar with Australia’s legal system? As a federation of six states and two territories, Australia has laws that apply nationally, as well as laws specific to each jurisdiction. Additionally, there are parallel structures of federal and state courts. Learn the basics of how the legal system works, from understanding Australian laws to accessing legal assistance. - 你了解澳洲的法律體系嗎?作為一個由六個州和兩個領地組成的聯邦,澳洲擁有適用於全國的法律,以及適用於每個司法管轄區的特定法律。此外,聯邦法院和州法院有並行架構。想了解法律體系如何運作的基本知識,可以從了解澳洲法律及獲得法律援助開始。
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    6 mins