
  • Embrace a growth mindset.
    Aug 16 2024
    Embrace a growth mindset.
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    7 mins
  • Engage in creative activities.
    Aug 16 2024
    Engage in creative activities.
    Show More Show Less
    7 mins
  • Practice daily meditation.
    Aug 16 2024
    Practice daily meditation.
    Show More Show Less
    7 mins
  • Set short-term goals.
    Aug 16 2024
    Set short-term goals.
    Show More Show Less
    7 mins
  • Avoid comparing yourself to others.
    Aug 16 2024
    Avoid comparing yourself to others.
    Show More Show Less
    6 mins
  • Join a community or forum.
    Aug 16 2024
    Join a community or forum.
    Show More Show Less
    6 mins
  • Limit TV and gaming time.
    Aug 16 2024
    Limit TV and gaming time.
    Show More Show Less
    7 mins
  • Use color-coding.
    Aug 16 2024
    Use color-coding.
    Show More Show Less
    8 mins