
  • 3GG 043: NFL Week 8, World Series, and Are Pop Tarts Calzones?
    Nov 4 2021

    Episode 43: The Richard Petty... er, Jeff Nelson episode! The boys recap week 8 in the NFL, talk N.Y. Giants and Pittsburgh Steelers football, give thoughts on games of interest for Week 9, and Gokey reviews the week that was in college football. The boys offer tributes to Red Sox television announcer and former big-leaguer Jerry Remy and talk up the Ass-tros vs. Braves World Series. A.J. and the boys sift through some nuggets and things, and then the schmucks wrap it all it in Grab My Bag!

    08:04: 1st and Goal from the 30 (NFL Week 8 Wrap-Up, Weekly Giants and Steelers reports, Games We're Interested In, College Football wrap)
    55:32: Mohawk Honda KBB Instant Cash Offer!
    57:15: Heath Cleef's Big Fat Ass World of Sports
    1:00:47: Home Run But Foul (Tributes to Jerry Remy, Ass-tros vs. Braves World Series)
    1:12:40: Nuggets and Things!
    1:20:00: Grab My Bag!

    Check out this episode on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/uc_eA9itZR8
    Check out more episodes by clicking here
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    Music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library
    Sound Effects courtesy of freesound.org

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    3 Gweeds + a Goke is a proud member of the Gozilla Media network. For the best in sports, entertainment, and pop culture podcasts, visit https://gozillamedia.com/

    Support the show (https://pod.fan/3gg)
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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • 3GG 042: NFL Week 7, World Series, and Mikey's Got a Toothache!
    Oct 28 2021

    Episode 42: The... Stump Merrill episode? The boys recap week 7 in the NFL, talk N.Y. Giants and Pittsburgh Steelers football, give thoughts on games of interest for Week 8, and Gokey reviews the week that was in college football. The boys give their predictions for the World Series, Mikey emparts his nuggets and things, and then the schmucks wrap it all it in Grab My Bag!

    04:51 1st and Goal from the 30 (NFL Week 7 Wrap-Up, Weekly Giants and Steelers reports, Games We're Interested In, College Football wrap)
    1:05:39: Mohawk Honda KBB Instant Cash Offer!
    1:06:40: Home Run But Foul (Pickle Pennant Preview - World Series predictions)
    1:13:32: Nuggets and Things!
    1:16:51: Grab My Bag!

    Check out this episode on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/uc_eA9itZR8
    Check out more episodes by clicking here
    You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

    Music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library
    Sound Effects courtesy of freesound.org

    Click here to host your own podcast
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    3 Gweeds + a Goke is a proud member of the Gozilla Media network. For the best in sports, entertainment, and pop culture podcasts, visit https://gozillamedia.com/

    Support the show (https://pod.fan/3gg)
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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • 3GG 041: NFL Week 6, MLB Playoffs, and Mikey's Contagious!
    Oct 24 2021

    Episode 41: The Keith Jackson episode! The boys recap week 6 in the NFL, talk N.Y. Giants and Pittsburgh Steelers football, give thoughts on games of interest for Week 7, and Gokey reviews the week that was in college football. The boys look at MLB's Championship Series and give their predictions for the World Series, Gokey delivers his nuggets and things, and then the schmucks wrap it all it in Grab My Bag!

    07:13: 1st and Goal from the 30 (NFL Week 6 Wrap-Up, Weekly Giants and Steelers reports, Games We're Interested In, College Football wrap)
    54:16: Mohawk Honda KBB Instant Cash Offer!
    55:16: Johnstone Supply and Gozilla Media Road Trip!
    56:03: Home Run But Foul (Pickle Pennant Preview - League Championship Series and World Series predictions)
    1:06:40: Nuggets and Things!
    1:14:13: Grab My Bag!

    Check out this episode on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/QpFz51vvKcg
    Check out more episodes by clicking here
    You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

    Music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library
    Sound Effects courtesy of freesound.org

    Click here to host your own podcast
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    3 Gweeds + a Goke is a proud member of the Gozilla Media network. For the best in sports, entertainment, and pop culture podcasts, visit https://gozillamedia.com/

    Support the show (https://pod.fan/3gg)
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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • 3GG 040: NFL Week 5, MLB Playoffs, and the Big Announcement!
    Oct 14 2021

    Episode 40: The Chien Ming-Wang episode! The boys recap week 5 in the NFL, peek in on the N.Y. Giants and Pittsburgh Steelers, give thoughts on games of interest for Week 5, and Gokey reviews the week that was in college football. The boys look at MLB's League Division and Championship Series playoffs, talk movies in Grab My Bag, and then... a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT for episode 41!

    04:12: 1st and Goal from the 30 (NFL Week 5 Wrap-Up, Weekly Giants and Steelers reports, Games We're Interested In, College Football wrap)
    47:09: Mohawk Honda KBB Instant Cash Offer!
    23:01: Johnstone Supply and Gozilla Media Road Trip!
    49:04: Home Run But Foul (Pickle Pennant Preview - League Division and Championship Series)
    57:30: Grab My Bag!
    1:08:35: The Big Announcement for Episode 41!

    Music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library
    Sound Effects courtesy of freesound.org

    Check out more episodes by clicking here
    You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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    3 Gweeds + a Goke is a proud member of the Gozilla Media network. For the best in sports, entertainment, and pop culture podcasts, visit https://gozillamedia.com/

    Support the show (https://pod.fan/3gg)
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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • 3GG 039: NFL Week 4, MLB Playoff Preview, and the Return of Pumpkin Spice!
    Oct 7 2021

    We're releasing on a new day! 3 Gweeds + a Goke will now be released weekly on Thursdays to accommodate the NFL schedule!

    Episode 39: The Darryl Strawberry episode! The boys kick it off with tributes to Yankees broadcast great Ken Singleton, and then preview the Opening Round of the MLB Playoffs. The boys then recap week 4 in the NFL, peek in on the N.Y. Giants and Pittsburgh Steelers, give thoughts on games of interest for Week 5, and Gokey reviews the week that was in college football. The schmucks then wrap it all up with Grab My Bag!

    04:24: Home Run But Foul (Ken Singleton Tributes, Pickle Pennant Preview)
    22:01: Mohawk Honda KBB Instant Cash Offer!
    23:01: Johnstone Supply and Gozilla Media Road Trip!
    23:59: 1st and Goal from the 30 (NFL Week 4 Wrap-Up, Weekly Giants and Steelers reports, Games We're Interested In, College Football wrap)
    1:07:45: Grab My Bag!

    Music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library
    Sound Effects courtesy of freesound.org

    Check out more episodes by clicking here
    You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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    Become a patron of the show here

    3 Gweeds + a Goke is a proud member of the Gozilla Media network. For the best in sports, entertainment, and pop culture podcasts, visit https://gozillamedia.com/

    Support the show (https://pod.fan/3gg)
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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • 3GG 038: NFL Week 3, Yanks Go for Broke, and Record-Setting Charcuterie!
    Sep 30 2021

    We're releasing on a new day! 3 Gweeds + a Goke will now be released weekly on Thursdays to accommodate the NFL schedule!

    Episode 38: The Yogi Berra (yes, Yogi Berra) episode! The boys recap week 3 in the NFL, give thoughts on games of interest for Week 4, and Gokey reviews the week that was in college football. Heath Cleef provides a sports update (as only he can) in his Fat Ass Wide World of Sports segment. In baseball, the boys provide updates on MLB's red hot pennant races, talk the stories of the week, and A.J. reviews the previous week in N.Y. Yankees baseball. The boys congratulate the 315 Foodies on their Guiness Book of World Records-setting charcuterie board, Gokey shares some Nuggets & Things (blep), and then they wrap it all up with Grab My Bag!

    04:32: 1st and Goal from the 30 (NFL Week 3 Wrap-Up, Weekly Giants and Steelers reports, Games we're interested in, College Football wrap)
    42:42: Heath Cleef's Fat Ass Wide World of Sports
    44:47: Home Run But Foul (Pennant Races, The Pickle, and Yankees Week in Review)
    58:36: 315 Foodies Record Setting Charcuterie Board
    59:52: Nuggets & Things
    1:05:45: Grab My Bag!

    Music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library
    Sound Effects courtesy of freesound.org

    Check out more episodes by clicking here
    You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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    3 Gweeds + a Goke is a proud member of the Gozilla Media network. For the best in sports, entertainment, and pop culture podcasts, visit https://gozillamedia.com/

    Support the show (https://pod.fan/3gg)
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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • 3GG 037: NFL Week 2, MLB Pennant Races, and Over the Top!
    Sep 23 2021

    We're releasing on a new day! 3 Gweeds + a Goke will now be released weekly on Thursdays to accommodate the NFL schedule!

    Episode 37: The Maurice White episode! The boys recap week 2 in the NFL, give thoughts on games of interest for Week 3, and Gokey reviews the week that was in college football. In baseball, the boys provide updates on MLB's red hot pennant races, talk the stories of the week, and A.J. reviews the previous week in N.Y. Yankees baseball. The boys talk wrestling and AEW's new relationship with the Owen Hart Foundation, and then wrap it all up with Grab My Bag!

    05:22: 1st and Goal from the 30 (NFL Week 1 wrap-up, games we're interested in, college football wrap)
    47:47: Home Run But Foul (Pennant Races, News and Notes, and Yankees Week in Review)
    1:02:44: Wrestling News and Notes
    1:07:27: Grab My Bag!

    Music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library
    Sound Effects courtesy of freesound.org

    Check out more episodes by clicking here
    You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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    3 Gweeds + a Goke is a proud member of the Gozilla Media network. For the best in sports, entertainment, and pop culture podcasts, visit https://gozillamedia.com/

    Support the show (https://pod.fan/3gg)
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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • 3GG 036: NFL Week 1, MLB Pennant Races, and Lawrence Taylor!
    Sep 16 2021

    We're releasing on a new day! 3 Gweeds + a Goke will now be released weekly on Thursdays to accommodate the NFL schedule!

    We're still giving away free pizza! Go to 39:20 to hear more!

    Episode 36: The Steve Balboni, er, we mean, the David Cone episode! While Mikey is on sabbatical for the second episode in a row, A.J., Gokey, and Bill recap week 1 in the NFL, give thoughts on games of interest for Week 2, and Gokey reviews the week that was in college football. In baseball, the boys go in "The Pickle" to answer questions on this week's top stories, Billy updates all on the pennant races, and Gokey wraps up the past few days in N.Y. Yankees baseball. The boys offer tributes to the late comedian Norm Macdonald, and then wrap it all up with Grab My Bag!

    05:00: 1st and Goal from the 30 (NFL Week 1 wrap-up, games we're interested in, college football wrap)
    39:20: We're still trying to give away free pizza from Paesan's Pizza!
    40:50: Home Run But Foul (The Pickle, Pennant Races, and Yankees Week in Review)
    56:20: Tributes to the late great Norm Macdonald
    1:00:14: Grab My Bag!

    Music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library
    Sound Effects courtesy of freesound.org

    Check out more episodes by clicking here
    You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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    Become a patron of the show here

    3 Gweeds + a Goke is a proud member of the Gozilla Media network. For the best in sports, entertainment, and pop culture podcasts, visit https://gozillamedia.com/

    Support the show (https://pod.fan/3gg)
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    1 hr and 10 mins