• Hyp | Make sure your values are aligned with your goals.
    Aug 23 2023

    Hyp works with people coming home from jail and prison, doing “restorative reentry”, helping them reintegrate into society. He also has his own music publishing company. For him, success means progress, and the most important thing behind: making sure your values are aligned with your goals. In this episode of The Three Pillars of Success, we are in conversation with someone who truly works to create an impact and contributes to making the world a better place. Learn all about his view on self-achievements.

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    16 mins
  • Andrea Lo | Being ready, willing and able.
    Aug 16 2023

    Andrea Lo is a Canadian event planner and a dating coach. In this episode, Andrea brings us the following interrogation: When we say we are urging for something, are we really disposed for that? This checklist will take you further: “Being ready, willing and able”. Being sure of what we want plays an important role in order to succeed. It’s not always easy, she struggled in the pandemic and overcame a difficult situation with new life accomplishments. Let’s hear more in this episode of The Three Pillars of Success.

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    17 mins
  • Donny Mangos | You'll lose a lot more dignity if you don't give yourself the chance to succeed.
    Aug 9 2023

    Donny Mangos is a real estate professional in the city of Toronto, Canada. For him, success is about balance: would achieving financial goals and career success be relevant if one’s freedom, health or a personal feeling of completion are missing? On the road to achieving success, Donny’s biggest advice is: take chances. “You'll lose a lot more dignity if you don't give yourself the chance to succeed” he claims. Listen to the full conversation on this new episode of The Three Pillars of Success.

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    12 mins
  • Dervla Trainor | Imperfect action, taking risks, growth and curiosity.
    Aug 2 2023

    Dervla Trainor works on tv production and is a voice actor. In this episode of The Three Pillars of Success we learn about her concept of “imperfect action”, taking risks, the importance of growth and staying curious in order to fulfill success. Let’s find out more!

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    13 mins
  • Victoria Generao | Be persistent in the face of non acceptance.
    Jul 26 2023

    Victoria Generao is an Emperor general, an 18th degree Reiki Grandmaster, and the high priestess and the mother abbess of the Magdalena orderliness. Success for her is defined by attainment, accomplishment, and progress. As a practicing ceremonial magician, she’s had a long inner journey into identifying and developing the skills and resources she needs to to carry out her task. Also, coming from a bicultural background, she’s had to face a good number of roadblocks, the most important of them being persistence in the face of non acceptance. In this new episode of The Three Pillars of Success we discuss the importance of self-knowledge to achieve any accomplishment.

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    24 mins
  • Verne Harnish | The importance of priorities, routines and the relation he had to build with cash.
    Jul 18 2023

    Verne Harnish is the founder of the Entrepreneurs' Organization, and Scaling Up company based in Miami, he also has a writing career of prestigious books such as Mastering the Rockefeller Habits (2002). In this episode of The Three Pillars of Success, we get the opportunity to learn which are the main action points that create success for him, as he describes it. The importance of priorities, routines and the relation he had to build with cash in his daily experience are also highlights he shares with us in this interview. Find out more about this interesting conversation with him.

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    12 mins
  • Emily Leahy | Being humble enough to understand one’s gifts.
    May 10 2023

    Emily Leahy is a performance strategist. Originally from Boston, she is now settled in Lisbon, Portugal, from where she helps entrepreneurs, funders and investors. For her, success means being humble enough to understand one’s gifts, and to use them fully. Going to bed at night, both happy and tired, but also wanting to achieve your full potential. How can you get there? She says, the first step is to surrender. Learn more about her views and insights on this new episode of the Three Pillars of Success.


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    31 mins
  • David Wei | Adding value to other people’s existence.
    Mar 2 2022

    David Wei is the executive director of a wellness ministry based in Oakland California called, WuDang West Cultural Heritage Center. He describes his job as a place where he is able to ‘touch lives’. For him, success through financial abundance only makes sense if it is not at the cost of compromising other very important elements of our lives. He believes the best that the human being has to offer is adding value to other people’s existence, and providing for them. But how do we achieve that and how is that role compared to the figure of a superhero? Find out in this new episode of The 3 Pillars of Success.

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    11 mins