
  • Sept 15th Derwin Gray. US NFL Player
    Sep 15 2024

    1. Who has challenged you to develop your character and strive for your best, and how have you responded to that call in your life?

    2. How can you step up and mentor someone who needs guidance, just as others have poured into you?

    As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
    Proverbs 27:17 NIV

    365 Christian Men Linktree

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    6 mins
  • Sept 14th William McKinley. US President
    Sep 14 2024

    1. How does the daily act of making courageous decisions reflect our commitment to God's call in our own lives?

    2. In what ways can we demonstrate faithfulness and bravery in our everyday actions and responsibilities?

    Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
    1 Corinthians 16:13 NIV

    365 Christian Men Linktree

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    6 mins
  • Sept 13th Billy Graham. US High School Student
    Sep 13 2024

    1. Is there a part of your heart that still resists God’s call, and what’s holding you back from surrendering it?

    2. When you consider the ripple effect of one person’s obedience to God, how could your own obedience impact others around you?

    I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
    Ezekiel 36:26 NIV

    365 Christian Men Linktree

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    8 mins
  • Sept 12th Majed El Shafie. Canada Human Rights Activist
    Sep 12 2024

    1. How do you respond when standing for your faith puts you at risk of persecution?

    2. Are you prepared to trust God's deliverance, even in life-threatening situations? How would that trust affect your response?

    In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
    2 Timothy 3:12 NIV

    365 Christian Men Linktree

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    8 mins
  • Website update
    Sep 11 2024

    We apologize for the disruption in website service as we were migrating the site. We are up again. Thank you for your patience.


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    1 min
  • Sept 11th Todd Beamer. US 9/11 Hero
    Sep 11 2024

    1. When faced with fear and uncertainty, how do you rely on your faith to make courageous choices?

    2. In challenging situations, how do you ensure that your actions leave a lasting legacy of faith and courage?

    Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.
    John 15:13 NIV

    365 Christian Men Linktree

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    6 mins
  • Sept 10th Thomas Cranmer. England Minister
    Sep 10 2024

    1. How do you respond when false rumors or gossip are spread about you?

    2. When you face opposition or slander, do you stand firm in the truth, or are you tempted to compromise?

    Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.
    Proverbs 12:19 NIV

    365 Christian Men Linktree

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    7 mins
  • Sept 9th Oswald J. Smith. Canada Evangelist
    Sep 9 2024

    1. When your plans don't go the way you envisioned, how do you respond to God's unexpected direction in your life?

    2. How do you handle rejection and setbacks while trusting that God’s bigger plan is still unfolding for you?

    Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.
    Proverbs 19:21 NIV

    365 Christian Men Linktree

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    7 mins