
  • Installing and Using Cargo Lambda Overview
    Oct 5 2024
    Episode Notes
    • Introduction to Cargo Lambda

      • Interacts with AWS Lambda ecosystem from the terminal
      • Enables native running, building, and deployment of Lambda functions
      • No need for containers or VMs
    • Installation Options

      • Homebrew (recommended for macOS and Linux)
      • Scoop for Windows
      • Docker and Nix as alternatives
      • Binary release or building from source
    • Getting Started

      • Use cargo lambda new to create a project
      • Directory structure includes package management, default code, compiler, and linter
      • cargo lambda watch for immediate code writing
      • cargo lambda invoke for testing with JSON payloads
    • Web Framework Support

      • Ability to expose microservices with HTTP interfaces
    • Deployment Process

      • cargo lambda build --release for building (including ARM64 support)
      • cargo lambda deploy for straightforward deployment
    • Additional Features

      • Verbose mode and tracing options available
      • Integration with GitHub Actions and AWS CDK
    • Advantages of Cargo Lambda

      • Leverages the robust Rust ecosystem
      • Modern package management with Cargo
      • Potentially easier than scripting languages for Lambda development
    Key Takeaways
    1. Cargo Lambda offers a superior method for interacting with AWS Lambda compared to scripting languages.
    2. The tool provides a streamlined workflow for creating, testing, and deploying Lambda functions.
    3. It leverages the Rust ecosystem, offering modern package management and development tools.
    4. Cargo Lambda supports both function-based and web framework approaches for Lambda development.
    5. The ease of use and integration with AWS services make it an attractive option for Lambda developers.

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    5 mins
  • What is Cargo Lambda?
    Oct 4 2024
    What is Cargo Lambda?
    • A framework for building tools and workflows for Rust on AWS Lambda
    Key Benefits
    1. Rust Performance

      • Allows writing AWS Lambda functions in Rust
      • Provides amazing performance and low cold start times
      • Leverages modern compilation features of Rust
    2. Type Safety

      • Utilizes Rust's strong type system
      • Helps catch errors at compile time
      • Reduces runtime errors in production
    3. Memory Safety

      • Implements Rust's Ownership model
      • Prevents common bugs like null pointer dereferences
      • Eliminates data races without a garbage collector
    4. Easy Deployment

      • Simplifies the process of building, testing, and deploying Rust functions to AWS Lambda
      • Leverages Rust's modern binary-based features for optimized and cross-compiled binaries
    5. Local Testing

      • Provides tools for running and debugging Lambda functions locally
      • Enhances the development and prototyping process
    6. Custom Runtime

      • Leverages the AWS Lambda Rust runtime
      • Allows optimization for Rust's unique performance capabilities
    7. Ecosystem Integration

      • Easy integration with other AWS services
      • Seamless connection to the broader Rust ecosystem
    8. Resource Efficiency

      • Utilizes Rust's naturally low memory footprint
      • Potentially 70-80% less memory usage compared to languages like Python
      • Cost-effective for data engineering pipelines
    9. Cross-compilation Support

      • Enables building Lambda functions for different architectures
      • Allows targeting ARM for cost savings on high-performance functions
    10. Productivity

      • Streamlines the development workflow for Rust
      • Combines powerful features with time-saving processes

    Cargo Lambda offers a compelling solution for developers looking to leverage Rust's power in serverless environments, providing a unique combination of performance, safety, and ease of use.

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    5 mins
  • What is Function as a Service?
    Oct 3 2024
    Function as a Service (FaaS): Core Building Block of Serverless TechnologyWhat is FaaS?
    • Simplest unit of work for building applications, microservices, or event-driven protocols
    • Basic workflow: Input → Logic → Output
    Characteristics of FaaS
    • Simple and easily understandable
    • Highly scalable
    • Quick response time
    Popular FaaS Framework: AWS Lambda
    • Can be attached to various services:
      • S3 notifications (e.g., file uploads)
      • SQS (Simple Queue Service) messages
    • Enables building infinitely scalable services with small response times
    Best Languages for Serverless/FaaS
    1. Rust
    2. Go
    Advantages of Modern Compiled Languages for FaaS
    • Speed
    • Safety
    • Optimal deployment characteristics
    • Millisecond response and invocation times
    • Low energy usage
    Key Considerations for FaaS Development
    • Focus on maintenance over ease of building
    • Optimize for low costs (financial and energy)
    • Consider total cost of service over time

    When developing Function as a Service applications, prioritize long-term efficiency, maintenance, and cost-effectiveness over initial development ease. Choose languages and practices that support these goals in a serverless environment.

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    2 mins
  • Build a cup vs wash a cup: Rust vs Python
    Oct 3 2024

    Build a cup vs wash a cup blog post

    Building vs. Washing a Cup: Rust vs. Scripting LanguagesKey Points:
    • Analogy: Building a cup (initial development) vs. washing a cup (maintenance)
    • Rust represents a well-crafted cup, while Python represents a quickly made, crude cup
    Advantages of Rust:
    1. Optimized for long-term maintenance
    2. Compiler catches bugs early:
      • Type errors
      • Syntax errors
      • Concurrency issues
    3. Better packaging and deployment
    4. Improved energy efficiency
    5. Smaller carbon footprint
    Disadvantages of Scripting Languages (e.g., Python):
    1. Easier initial development, but potential long-term issues
    2. Packaging often an afterthought
    3. Slower package performance
    4. No compiler to catch certain types of bugs
    Considerations for Choosing a Language:
    • Long-term maintenance costs
    • Energy efficiency
    • Carbon footprint
    • Deployment process
    • Overall cost (human labor and cloud resources)

    When selecting a programming language, consider factors beyond initial ease of use. Languages like Rust may require more upfront effort but can provide significant long-term benefits in terms of maintenance, performance, and reliability.

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    3 mins
  • What is AWS Lambda?
    Oct 3 2024
    Understanding Serverless Computing

    What is AWS Lambda


    Introduction to Serverless

    • New paradigm in cloud computing
    • Contrasts with pre-cloud, always-running systems

    Inefficiency of Traditional Models

    • Example: Apache web service running constantly
    • Analogy: Lights always on in a house

    Characteristics of Serverless Computing

    • Stateless
    • Event-driven
    • Automatically scalable
    • "Logic to live" concept

    Light Bulb Analogy

    • Manual invocation (switch)
    • Timer-based activation
    • Sensor-triggered (motion, garage door)

    Simplicity in Coding

    • Functions in various languages (Python, Rust, Go)
    • Input-process-output model

    Efficiency and Use Cases

    • Low latency workloads
    • Data engineering
    • Modern cloud-native workflows

    Example of Serverless Platform

    • AWS Lambda mentioned as popular example
    Key Takeaways:
    • Serverless computing offers more efficient resource utilization than traditional models
    • It's event-driven and scales automatically
    • Simplifies coding by focusing on function-based logic
    • Well-suited for modern cloud applications and data engineering tasks

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    3 mins
  • Broken Economic Models in Tech That Hurt Humans At Scale
    Sep 20 2024
    Broken Economic Models for HumanityKey Concepts:
    1. Surveillance Capitalism

      • Definition by Shoshana Zuboff
      • Extracts and monetizes human experience data
      • Concentrates wealth, knowledge, and power
      • Threatens human nature and democracy
    2. Externality First Capitalism

      • Proposed solution to create markets for social good
      • Examples:
        • Carbon pricing in services
        • Media platform taxation based on factual content
        • Tax credits for repairable technology
        • Taxation of addictive technology profits
        • Corporate and individual wealth tax
        • Right to repair initiatives
    3. Game Theory and AI

      • Tragedy of the Commons applied to GenAI
      • Internet as a public commons
      • Data collection without consent destroys the commons
    4. Privacy and Power

      • Importance of privacy in protecting freedom
      • Data collection's impact on society
      • Need for action to reclaim privacy
    5. Optimizing for Humans

      • Critiques of current business climate
      • Anti-patterns in current systems:
        • Rapid growth
        • Addiction
        • Income inequality
        • Centralized systems
      • Focus on human welfare over GDP
      • Importance of environmental protection
    Key Takeaways:
    • Current economic models, especially surveillance capitalism, pose significant threats to human rights and societal well-being.
    • Solutions should focus on creating incentives for social good and addressing negative externalities.
    • Privacy is crucial for maintaining individual freedom and societal health.
    • Economic systems should prioritize human welfare and environmental protection over unchecked growth and profit.
    Action Items:
    1. Research and support initiatives that promote "Externality First Capitalism"
    2. Advocate for stronger privacy protections and data rights
    3. Support right to repair movements and sustainable technology practices
    4. Engage in discussions about redefining economic success metrics to prioritize human welfare

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    12 mins
  • Human Rights From French Revolution to Digital Age
    Sep 19 2024
    Human Rights: From French Revolution to Digital AgeThe Age of Revolutions: A Perfect Storm

    The French Revolution emerged from a convergence of systemic issues and random events:

    • Feudalism's oppressive structure
    • Widespread poverty and hunger
    • Emerging ideas of democracy
    • Influence of Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"
    • Inspiration from the American Revolution
    • Rise of mass printing and pamphleteers
    The Rights of Man: Reshaping Society

    The French Revolution brought forth the concept of human rights, influencing democracy globally:

    • Liberty
    • Property ownership
    • Personal security
    • Natural rights
    • Freedom
    • Resistance to oppression
    • National authority over individual rulers

    Note: Major limitations existed for women and slaves

    The Dark Side: Mob Rule and Napoleon

    Negative aspects of the revolution included:

    • Violent and irrational mob rule
    • Misinformation spread through pamphlets
    • Innocent victims of violence
    • Political purity purges
    • Power vacuum leading to Napoleon's rise
    Feudalism: A System of Exploitation

    Human rights were non-existent under feudalism:

    • Limited education
    • Forced labor
    • Arbitrary justice
    • No property rights
    Digital Feudalism: A Modern Parallel

    Today's digital landscape mirrors feudal exploitation:

    • No opt-out options for data scraping
    • Dystopian gig economy labor
    • Opaque platform policies
    • Data serfdom trapping users
    • Intellectual handicap through echo chambers and addiction
    Surveillance Capitalism: Profiting from Human Data

    A business model built on mass surveillance:

    • Threat to informed democracy
    • Behavior modification through nudges
    • Algorithmic governance superseding nations
    • Asymmetrical power of corporations
    • Vulnerability to data breaches
    The Need for Human Digital Rights

    Prioritizing humans over corporations and technology:

    • Data and intellectual property should belong to individuals (opt-in use only)
    • Rejection of exploitative business models
    • Right to a digital commons
    • Right to live free from addiction and algorithmic harm

    As we navigate the digital age, it's crucial to learn from history and establish robust digital rights to protect human autonomy and dignity.

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    9 mins
  • Spotting and Debunking Tech Propaganda
    Sep 17 2024
    Tech Propaganda: An Introduction to Critical Thinking in TechnologyEpisode Notes1. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)Definition: Rushing to adopt new technologies without clear benefitsExamples:Implementing GenAI without clear ROI just because competitors are doing itSkill development driven by fear of obsolescenceVCs worried about missing the next big thing2. Naive UtopianismDefinition: Assuming all technology is inherently goodExamples:Believing more smartphone scrolling is always betterExpecting social media to lead to world peacePromoting UBI or crypto as universal solutionsAssuming AI can completely replace teachers3. Disruption and Technological SolutionismDefinition: Ignoring negative consequences of tech solutionsKey point: Tendency to overlook negative externalities4. "Selling Two Day Old Fish"Definition: Resisting improvements to maintain profitable but outdated products/servicesExamples:Exaggerating job market demand for outdated skillsAppealing to authority (big tech companies)Dismissing newer technologies as unnecessary or overly complexClaiming established technologies aren't actually old/slow5. Superficial MediaDefinition: Promoting shallow or misleading information about technologyExamples:Media monetizing via supplementsConspiracy theory forumsInexperienced podcast hosts discussing complex topicsMaking sensational predictions about future tech with little evidenceOversimplifying complex topics6. Push to DisruptDefinition: Overconfidence in technology's ability to solve complex problemsExamples:"Figure out the business model later" mentalityPushing products to market prematurelyIgnoring negative externalitiesDismissing critics as "not understanding the vision"7. BillionairismDefinition: Excessive admiration of tech billionaires and their perceived expertiseExamples:Equating extreme wealth with universal expertiseIdolizing tech billionaires as infallible visionariesRomanticizing the "Harvard/Stanford dropout genius" narrativeIgnoring the role of luck vs. skillOveremphasizing individual genius over team efforts8. Irrational ExceptionalismDefinition: Unrealistic beliefs about a startup's chances of successExamples:"We're different from other startups that fail""Weekends are a social construct"Obsession with "changing the world"Rationalizing present hardships for imagined future gainsDismissing industry-wide failure ratesGlorifying extreme effort and sacrifice9. Double DownDefinition: Making increasingly grand claims to distract from unfulfilled promisesExamples:Promising self-driving cars "next year", then pivoting to Mars travelDeflecting from current AI model flaws with promises of future sentience10. Trojan SourceDefinition: Open source projects that later switch to commercial licensingExamples:"Rug pull" strategy in open sourceUsing community labor before pivoting to commercial model11. "Generous Pour" Ethical FramingDefinition: Highlighting easy ethical actions while ignoring larger issuesExamples:Claiming unbiased AI training sets while hiding addictive designEmphasizing harm reduction in AI outputs while ignoring IP theft12. Business Model Circular LogicDefinition: Exploiting legal grey areas and claiming they're essential to the business modelExamples:Justifying use of pirated data for AI trainingCreating unfair competition by ignoring regulations (e.g., taxi services, hotels) 🎓📚 Unlock the power of AI with two Master's degrees worth of courses on edX, covering everything from ☁️ Cloud Computing to 🦀 Rust to 🤖 LLMs and 🎨 Generative AI! 🚀👉 Join the Pragmatic AI Labs Community now:🔥 edX 🔥💬 Discord Community 💬🌟 Coursera 🌟🌟 Future Learn 🌟🌟 Linkedin Learning 🌟🎉 Start your AI journey today and take your skills to the next level! 🎉
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    15 mins