• #12: Lost At Home
    Feb 22 2025

    Your mind has the capacity to take you places that are very dangerous for your soul. This episode explores the Parable of the Prodigal Son through the lens of the older brother. This story really could be called the Parable of the Prodigal Sons (plural), because not only did the younger son lose his way, but the one who stayed home also became lost. Ultimately, getting lost has nothing to do with one’s physical location. We don’t have to run away to get lost. When we allow our minds to take us to dark places, it’s easy to get lost at home.

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    34 mins
  • #11: Long Way Home
    Dec 18 2024

    The things that preoccupy our minds expose the place we truly call home. This episode explores the Parable of the Prodigal Son through the lens of the younger brother. When we place ourselves in the story, it becomes clear that leaving home is more than a physical state; it’s a spiritual problem. In the far country, we become deaf to the voice of the Father. Leaving home is ultimately disbelief that God provides everything we need.

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    40 mins
  • #10: Furnace Club
    Jan 30 2024

    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s story offers an excellent example of a life fully surrendered to Jesus. Their willingness to face the furnace is the embodiment of devotion to God. What looked like the end of their lives turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to them. Facing death over worshipping a false idol led to a divine encounter that forever marked their lives. Today’s episode reminds listeners to stand strong in challenging times because God is still meeting people in the furnace.

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    49 mins
  • #9: Generation Sex
    Nov 26 2023

    For the past few decades, American culture has shifted in ways few saw coming. At the forefront of this movement is the sacrifice and sexualization of our children. From the government to public education, healthcare to big tech, politics to entertainment—our culture is playing along. This neo-pagan sexual revolution brands itself as liberating yet leaves a trail of brokenness in its wake. What is the responsibility of Christians living in a culture that sacrifices their own on the altars of sexual gratification?

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    40 mins
  • #8: Unauthorized Source
    Oct 4 2023

    An idol is any unauthorized source that people look to for a sense of identity, purpose, and fulfillment in life. An idol could be a belief, ideology, person, object, place, or anything else that a person turns to as a source of life. It is something besides God that people attach to their identity. This episode explores the allure of idolatry, its impact on society, and how Scripture teaches us to respond.

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    47 mins
  • #7: Identifying Counterfeits
    Aug 22 2023

    For everything God creates, the devil counterfeits. Discernment is essential in effectively navigating the false narratives of our post-Christian culture. Scripture remains our go-to guide for identifying the counterfeit spirits wreaking havoc today. The Bible doesn’t only tell us what happened in times past; it reveals what always happens in every generation.

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    50 mins
  • #6: Wake-Up Call
    May 15 2023

    Scripture describes those who introduce false doctrine and strange teachings as divisive and quarrelsome, not those who correct it. Yet today, when pastors and church leaders confront unbiblical ideas, they are the ones considered controversial. The collective conviction of the early church wouldn't allow them to stand by silently in the face of false teachers. They took the call to "contend for the faith" seriously, and so should we. 

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    39 mins
  • #5: Progressive Christianity
    Mar 23 2023

    The western church is biblically and doctrinally adrift. In our wandering, we’ve grown indifferent toward false teaching and silent in the face of evil. Thus, we find ourselves at the crossroads of scriptural faithfulness, orthodox teaching, and cultural pressure. At the forefront of these issues is a movement known as “Progressive Christianity." This episode helps answer the question: What is Progressive Christianity?

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    48 mins