• Unmasking Childhood Religious Trauma
    Sep 13 2024

    In this episode, I had the honor & pleasure to speak to a fellow inner child coach who shed so much light on how she was able to heal, recover from years of multi-generational religious trauma & deprogram her inner child from stressful fear-based thinking & learn how to regulate her emotional nervous system.

    Alicia Farricielli holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science, B.Msc., and has cultivated a 20-year multifaceted career in marketing, public relations, and entrepreneurship. Now, as a Certified Life and Health Coach, she specializes in inner child work, intuitive healing, and personal empowerment. Alicia’s approach centers on the profound importance of intuition, holistic well-being, and achieving life balance, guiding her clients to overcome limiting beliefs and embrace transformative change, unlocking their true potential. Drawing from her own journey of overcoming adversity and mastering life's complexities, Alicia infuses her coaching with empathy and deep insight, empowering individuals in their quest for self-discovery and liberation from insecurity, anxiety, and burnout. Dedicated to fostering inner strength and harmony, Alicia serves as a steadfast pillar of support and inspiration for those seeking authenticity, growth, and a harmoniously empowered life.
    Additionally, Alicia is the host of The Intuitive Revolution Podcast, her website is: https://www.aliciafarricielli.com/ & her Free Inner Child Workshop is https://aliciafarricielli.com/free-inner-child-workshop

    Please hit the like button, give us a 5 star review & subscribe to my podcast on Buzzsprout at https://hopeandhealingforadultchildreninrecovery.buzzsprout.com & my You Tube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@VandanaLightHealing To schedule a discovery session and receive a free gift when you subscribe to my website, visit https://vandanalighthealing.com

    Blessings to you & your inner child!

    Vandana Atara Aura

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    50 mins
  • The Danger Of Unhealed Adult Children In Power
    Aug 31 2024

    Hello Adult Children,

    Today I welcomed back one of my most requested guests Phyllis Leavitt to unpack the potential danger when our inner childhood wounds, abuse & trauma remain buried and unhealed and how the toxic after effects of being raised in an abusive and dysfunctional home may and often do negatively affect all of us on in our adult relationships and why every one of us benefits from therapy.

    Phyllis & I discussed the importance of mental health globally and systemically as a solution to live peacefully and non-violently so every one of us can be safe by embodying conscious awareness, kindness, compassion & one day end the war with ourselves and each other.

    Phyllis is a psychotherapist who has treated children, families, couples, and individual adults for 34 years, specializing with abuse and dysfunctional family dynamics, their aftermath, and some of the most important elements for healing.

    She's published three books, A Light in the Darkness, Into the Fire & her latest. book, America in Therapy: A New Approach to Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis. She lives with her husband in Taos, NM and is now retired from her psychotherapy practice focusing on writing and speaking.

    Her website is https://phyllisleavitt.com

    To learn more about how to reparent your inner child, please visit my website to schedule a discovery session so I may serve & support you at https://vandanalighthealing.com

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    55 mins
  • Unmasking A Mental Illness Diagnosis
    Aug 12 2024

    Greetings Adult Child,

    On this episode, I met with the "un-doctor" Dr Fred Moss who shares that you may not have a mental illness and there may be absolutely nothing wrong with you.

    Dr. Fred Moss is a mental health advocate/psychiatrist serving in many capacities: keynote speaker, psychiatry expert witness, podcaster, mental health coach, and teacher. A desire to help people be real and heard has been the driving force leading him to multiple settings and roles as a psychiatrist over the years and compelling him to continually look for better, more effective ways to provide the highest quality care to align people with their most authentic self to deliver into an eagerly awaiting world. He is the amazing creator of Welcome To Humanity, The True Voice Course, Healing the Healer, and Global Madness.

    As the founder of the Welcome to Humanity movement, and the True Voice Mastermind and methodology, Dr. Fred now finds himself making the difference he came here to make. His years in the community, where he has been a physician to over 40,000 patients, and his storied and adventurous life traveling around the world has left him uniquely qualified to remind us of what we already know. Communication is where love arises from, and speaking the truth and listening authentically is the source of that love.

    He is the author of "Creative 8 - Healing Through Creativity and Self-Expression" and "Find Your True Voice!". He has written many articles for Psychology Today. Also, he has won an award for the best essay at the 2019 Conference for Global Transformation, titled "Global Madness, What Must Happen to Unite.”

    To learn more about Dr Fred, visit his website at https://drfred360.com/

    To learn how to become your own loving parent, schedule a 15 minute discovery session with me at https://vandanalighthealing.com

    Please like, review & subscribe to my YouTube Channel at Vandana LIght Healing & share my adult child in recovery podcast with others who have had a difficult childhood.

    Bless You,

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    41 mins
  • The Narcissist & The Empath
    Aug 4 2024

    Greetings To All Adult Children,

    It was my honor & pleasure to sit in conversation with a narcissistic coach & therapist in today's latest Adult Child In Recovery Podcast.

    About Darren Elliott

    Darren is a warm and compassionate story teller who has an exceptional perspective as both a survivor of narcissistic abuse and now a coach and therapist specializing in this field. His personal journey, from victim to therapist, provides an intimate understanding of the subject. He has unraveled the energetic processes of narcissism and developed a unique orientation towards relational healing, recognizing that narcissism cannot heal in isolation; it's a disorder of disconnection.

    His work involves helping clients unpack narcissistic woundings, uncover their impact, and make choices that lead to more intimate, loving, and sustainable relationships. Darren believes in the power of coaching, trauma therapy, and fostering loving kindness as a healthy human behavior. We are inherently pack animals, meant to support one another for mutual thriving, and it's a perspective he actively promotes. Before becoming a therapist and coach,

    He's a crusader for human rights through his singing mental health drag character, Doreen, who features on social media with messages of love, belonging and mental health awareness. https://friendsofdoreen.com & is currently working on his first book, "Love Loops" that describes his work with narcissism and more generally with Men who have disconnected from their emotions and the negative impact that has on their families, and why and how there is a better way.

    Darren reminds us, "You can't group up emotionally by not feeling your feelings" For more information, you can connect with him on these websites: https://darrenelliott.ca and https://coachingfornarcissism.com

    To learn more about my inner child coaching & energy healing services, visit my website at https://vandanalighthealiing.com to schedule a 15 minute clarity call & if this video has helped & inspired you, give a thumbs up, like & subscribe to my podcast at https://hopeandhealingforadultchildreninrecovery.buzzsprout.com/ & my You Tube Channel at Vandana Light Healing.

    Stay tuned for more inspiring episodes to come!


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    50 mins
  • Forgiving The Unforgivable
    Jul 27 2024

    Greetings Beautiful Adult Child,

    In my latest adult child in recovery podcast, I sat down with Katharine Giovanni, an amazing author, speaker & forgiveness facilitator!

    Katharine's a three-time award-winning best-selling author, speaker, and one of the original founders of the independent concierge industry. Katharine has authored over twelve books, including her latest release, 'The Ultimate Path to Forgiveness: Unlocking Your Power.' Katharine's journey, from battling stage 3 breast cancer to navigating a challenging childhood, has given her profound insights about resilience and forgiveness.

    During our time together, she walked us through a unique forgiveness modality that was both gentle & powerful so I hope you tune in and try this healing method to heal your inner child, teen & especially those loud & overwhelming voices of your inner critic that is really just trying to protect you.

    You can find more information about her & her brand new book on her website at https://katharinegiovanni.com/

    To learn more about me & my inner child mentoring sessions, visit my website at https://vandanalighthealing.com

    If you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful, please like & subscribe to my podcast on You Tube & on my podcast platforms.



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    41 mins
  • Healing Toxic Relationships
    Jul 16 2024

    Greetings Adult Child In Recovery,

    On this latest episode, I spoke with therapist & author Shannon Petrovich about how to heal and recovery from narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships.

    I hope you find the guidance, recommendations & conversations helpful and give you greater clarity and peace of mind on your healing journey.

    About Shannon:

    Shannon is a therapist, author, and YouTube creator who specializes in helping people deal with and heal from narcissistic, abusive, and other toxic relationships. Her new book, "Out of the FOG Into the CLEAR, Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships" has earned a #1 Amazon Bestseller status in Codependency, Self-Help from Abuse, and Personal Transformation.

    Her YouTube channel TherapistTalks offers information, insights, and strategies on a wide range of mental health issues and offers a trauma-informed strengths-based approach for anyone to easily identify their self-limiting old stories and negative internal self-talk that perpetuate relationship dysfunction & with self-care & self-awareness make it easier to recover from the debilitating effects of staying too long in unhealthy toxic relationships.

    You may order Shannons book Out Of The Fog Into The Clear here:


    Learn more about Shannon’s Group Coaching, Masterclass & Online Community Websites: https://www.healfromtoxicrelationships.com/
    To schedule a reparenting your inner child consultation with me, check out my healing library & subscribe to my website to receive a free guided healing journey to reduce your stress, process unresolved childhood trauma & re-set your nervous system with high vibrational spirit guides at https://vandanalighthealing.com

    Don't forget to like & subscribe to this podcast to continue offering this important work to support all sentient beings who are suffering!



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    43 mins
  • healing your inner critic
    Jul 16 2024

    Greetings Adult Child,

    I sat down with an internal family systems practitioner and spoke about how this healing system can heal the wounded parts of us that can overtake our nervous system leading to chronic anxiety, worry & not allowing our core self, wisdom & gifts to shine through and be expressed.

    I hope you listen, like & subscribe to my Adult Child Podcast if you're interested in making peace with the voices of your inner critic who are actually just trying to protect us and always want the best for us!

    About Sara Avant Stover

    As a bestselling author, business strategist, teacher, and mentor, Sara helps spiritual women entrepreneurs break free of limiting beliefs and identities and build multiple six-figure businesses, based on sound business strategies, ancient spiritual principles, and their own inner wisdom so they can fulfill their highest potential– without burning out or betraying their values. She's a multi-certified yoga & Buddhist meditation teacher with an active daily practice of both for the past 25 years. Throughout that time, her work has been dedicated to uplifting the lives of tens of thousands of women worldwide. She's A Certified Internal Family Systems Practitioner who weaves an evidence-based psychotherapeutic healing model of IFS into everything she does.

    Her Books Are "The way of the happy woman" & "The book of she"

    Her Website Is Saraavantstover.com

    Her Podcast Is "Her Self" & Newsletter Is Saras Sunday Journal

    To learn more about my inner child coaching & mentoring services, workshops & energy healing inspirational videos, visit & subscribe to my website to receive a free gift at https://Vandanalighthealing.com

    Thank you for your continued support for my You Tube Adult Child In Recovery Podcast!


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    23 mins
  • How To Shift From Anxiety To Calm & Serenity
    May 26 2024

    Greetings Adult Child Family,

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting in conversation with a truly courageous soul who overcame years of hardship, struggle & abuse in childhood and how she was able to pause and recover from the debilitating symptoms of complex ptsd.

    Dr. Jeanne was diagnosed with Panic Disorder in 2015 which forced her to reconsider her life path and views on mental illness. Facing a health and soul crisis, she had to make difficult choices. The human rights career she built with a single-minded focus no longer inspired her, and the symptoms of her diagnosis were wreaking havoc on her life. Seeking peace but still craving a challenge - she found it time to speak to her wiring by providing a product to address one of the symptoms of anxiety: Sensitive, dry skin. After completing her Certificate in Advanced Cosmetic Chemistry she released FIGGI Beauty. Tired of toxic positivity and after many setbacks in her own healing journey she created the Anxious Calm. An online learning community for those seeking to peacefully coexist with their anxiety, where its okay Not to be okay, and where we can celebrate the hidden gifts that come with anxious wiring.

    To contact her, learn about her anxious calm program and receive support from her online community wherever you live in the world, visit: https://www.docjeanne.com/courses/the-breaking & learn more about her amazing skincare line for sensitive skin here: https://www.figgibeauty.com/

    To take my reparenting courses & schedule an inner child mentoring session with me, visit my website & book a 15 minute free consultation with me here: https://vandanalighthealing.com

    Please like & subscribe to my Vandana Light Healing Youtube channel to help all adult children to suffer less.



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    47 mins