Agent FBI - Serial 4, Episode 61 - 75
Title: I Was a Communist for the FBI
Overview: I Was a Communist for the FBI was based on a series of stories written by Matt Cvetic that appeared in The Saturday Evening Post. The stories were later turned into a dramatic film nominated for an Academy Award as the Best Documentary Feature of the year, best-selling book, and a radio show starring Dana Andrews that ran for 78 episodes from April 23, 1952, until October 14, 1953. The story follows Cvetic, who infiltrated a local Communist Party cell for nine years and reported back to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on their activities. I Was a Communist for the FBI consisted of 78 radio episodes syndicated by the Frederick W. Ziv Company to more than 600 stations, including KNX in Los Angeles, California. The program was made without the cooperation of the FBI. Real-life undercover agent Matt Cvetic was portrayed by Dana Andrews. The show had a budget of $12,000 per week, a very high cost to produce a radio show at the time. The program frequently dealt with the great stress that Cvetic was under, as he covertly infiltrated a local Communist Party cell. There were many personal and family problems caused by his being a Communist as well as a certain amount of mental torment. He saw the party as being hypocritical and a great danger to society. The film and radio show are, in part, artifacts of the McCarthy era, as well as a time capsule of American society during the Second Red Scare. The purpose of both is partly to warn people about the threat of Communist subversion of American society. The tone of the show is ultra-patriotic, with Communists portrayed as racist, vindictive, and tools of a totalitarian foreign power, the Soviet Union.
Original Air Date: April 23, 1952 - October 14, 1953
Series: I Was a Communist for the FBI Radio Series (1952 - 1953)
Star: Dana Andrews
Actors: William Conrad, Peter Leeds, Sam Edwards, Byron Kane, Olan Soule', Jeff Silver, Marvin Miller, Personne Inconnue
Writers: Personne Inconnue
Genre: Espionage Thriller Drama
Episode: Agent FBI - Serial 4, Episode 61 - 75
Serial: 4 of 4
Length Serial: 6:49:24
Episodes: 61 - 75 of 75
Length Series: 33:47:39
Announcer: Truman Bradley
Creator: Matt Cvetic
Director: Frederick W. Ziv Company
Producer: Frederick W. Ziv Company
Origin: United States
Language: English
Rated: Guidance Suggested
Edition: Complete, Unexpurgated, Classic, Broadcast
Running Time: 30 Minute
Audio: Monaural
Keywords: true, official, fbi, adventure, anthology, cvetic, espionage, crime, drama, espionage, historical, thriller, news, music, mystery, police, detective, investigator, mccarthy, spy, fiction, truth, undercover, patriotism, variety, communist, war, radio, old-time, serial
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Credits: Old-Time Radio Era Recordings in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream.