• 55: A Free Operant Approach to Behavior Management with Rick Hester, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo & BehaviorWorks
    Sep 4 2024

    This episode Rick Hester, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and BehaviorWorks, discusses a free operant approach to behavior management. Rick starts with explaining the practical application of free operant behavior and, in order to get the full scope, also discusses discrete trial training and the relationship between the two. Breaking down some of the science, Rick educates about Lindsley's (1996) Four Free Operant Freedoms and the considerations for providing and maintaining a free operant environment (depletion, satiation, and dosage of resources). Rick finishes the episode with giving advice on how to start curating free operant environments by celebrating each approximation. Stay tuned in for a "dam" great "Training Tale" about creating a free operant environment for beavers using the sound of running water. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to contact Rick email rph@behaviorworks.org Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

    6:40 Definition and application of “Free Operant”

    10:05 Definition and application of Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

    14:10 Connecting the dots between environmental enrichment and free operant principles

    16:55 The Freedom to Present Stimuli

    17:20 The Freedom to Repeat Responses Many Times to Each Signal

    17:50 The Freedom to Form Responses

    18:20 The Freedom to Slow or Speed Responses

    19:15 Considerations for providing and maintaining a free operant environment

    20:40 Resource Depletion

    23:20 Satiation of Resources

    24:50 Dosage of Resources

    28:00 Advice for Getting Team Buy-In; Using Approximations

    35:35 The balance between free operant and discrete trial training

    39:50 “Training Tales”

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    52 mins
  • 54: The Behaviors of Effectively Giving and Receiving Feedback with Scott Trauger, Natural Encounters, Inc.
    Aug 14 2024

    This episode continues on "The Behaviors of..." series which dives into the human side of the animal care field. In this episode Scott Trauger, Natural Encounters, Inc., dives deeper into a discussion centered around his presentation at the 2024 ABMA Annual Conference titled "Expanding Our Feedback Loop: Evolving the Way that We Give Feedback to Our Peers". Scott discusses the different types of feedback and considerations to think about in order to effectively give specific and honest, but also kind, feedback. Scott also discusses the thought of also giving choice and... control to people while providing feedback. Stay tuned in for a "Training Tale" about how Scott used his tree climbing skills and relationship to rescue a pied crow. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to reach Scott contact him on the ABMA Community or email michael.scott.trauger@gmail.com If you are an ABMA member you can watch Scott's presentation on animalprofessional.com Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

    • 2:10 Introduction to Scott Trauger

    • 6:05 “Expanding Our Feedback Loop: Evolving the Ways we Give Feedback to Our Peers”

    • 7:55 Using the word “Feedback” vs “Criticism”

    • 12:05 Different Types of Feedback

    • 18:40 Importance of Individual Relationships

    • 23:30 Being honest and specific but also kind

    • 27:15 Reinforcing the behaviors/responses you want to see happen again

    • 29:30 Recapping or following up after feedback

    • 31:15 Starting with heart and the human, not evidence

    • 35:10 Giving choice and… control to people

    • 43:00 “Training Tales”

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    48 mins
  • 53: Practical Applications of Choice and... Control" with Tegan Noel, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
    Jul 31 2024

    This episode we are joined by Tegan Noel, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, to discuss some practical applications and examples of providing choice and... control. This episode is a continuation of Episode 50 where Ken Ramirez broke down the science of choice and... control. The episode starts with Tegan commenting how the focus of those two topics have changed and shaped behavior in recent years. Additionally, she educates about what it means to remove "forced" choice and providing control through the use of encouraging animals to say now. Tegan gives thoughtful examples of providing choice and... control and why it is not only important for animal care professionals to have an understanding but also the public. Stay tuned in for Tegan's interesting "Training Tale" about a pygmy falcon who decided to create an awkward ending to a show. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to reach Tegan you can email tnoel@sdzwa.org Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

    2:45 Introduction to Teagan Noel

    5:40 How has the focus on choice and control evolved and changed the way we care for animals?

    11:30 Giving animals control and encouraging animals to “say no” while still receiving active participation

    16:00 Practical examples of providing choice and control: Squirrel Monkeys

    28:35 Practical example: Control over putting on a harness (coati, wombat)

    31:10 Giving more control and removing “forced” choice

    40:35 Importance of providing choice and control from the view of the pubic

    49:40 Advice for starting the process of providing more control

    54:35 “Training Tales”

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    1 hr
  • 52: Distant Antecedents: Navigating the Role They Play in Behavior with Chris Jenkins, Natural Encounters, Inc.
    Jul 17 2024

    This episode we are joined once again by Chris Jenkins of Natural Encounters, Inc. in order to dive deeper into Antecedents, specially looking at Distant Antecedents and navigating the role they play in behavior. This episode is a continuation of Episode 6 where Chris broke down the fundamentals of Antecedents. The episode starts with defining the difference between immediate and distant antecedents and then shifts to the slippery slope that is labeling behavior using distant antecedents as the reason. Chris educates about how behavior is influenced by a myriad of environmental conditions and gives advice on how to take away the subjectivity of a distant antecedent and instead listen to what the animal and their behavior is telling us. Stay tuned in for Chris's interesting "Training Tale" about a double mouth open with a tapir! Additionally check out "The TEC Talk Podcast: Presented by Natural Encounters, Inc.", a like-minded podcast hosted by Chris and Ari Bailey! For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to reach Chris you can find his contact information on the Natural Encounters, Inc. website. Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

    3:10 Introduction to Chris Jenkins

    7:10 Immediate vs Distant Antecedents

    13:20 Antecedents affecting motivation and how our view of them can affect behavior

    15:50 Not letting our “arrogance” create roadblocks or excuses for behavior

    21:30 Using antecedents to inform decisions while not labeling

    26:25 Past consequences become future antecedents

    33:00 Using behavioral observations vs our subjective thoughts

    37:15 Recognizing that behavior is influenced by more than one condition

    41:10 Advice for encouraging others to not place “blame” on distant antecedents

    48:55 Critical role us as the human trainers play in behavior

    51:50 “Training Tales”

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    59 mins
  • 51: The Behaviors of Successfully Implementing Change with Justin Garner, The Animal Behavior Management Alliance
    Jul 4 2024

    This episode continues on "The Behaviors of..." series which dives into the human side of the animal care field. In this episode Justin Garner, Committee Chair for The ABMA, helps to give advice on how to successfully implement change. The discussion begins with ideas and advice on communicating ideas to others and how to then put those ideas into action. Justin and Shane also talk through ideas to overcome some of the common "roadblocks" to successfully implementing change including not enough time, we've always done it this way, and a lack of resources. Stay tuned in for a "Training Tale" about a ground hornbill's love for popcorn and how that almost prevented a new idea from coming to fruition. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to reach Justin contact him on the ABMA Community or email justingarner80@gmail.com Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

    • 3:10 Introduction to Justin Garner

    • 4:35 Realistically starting to make change

    • 13:45 Putting the focus on the animals and off yourself

    • 18:50 Leading by example

    • 28:20 Building relationships with your teammates

    • 34:25 Potential Roadblock: “We don’t have enough time for this change”

    • 41:20 Potential Roadblock: “This is what we have always done”

    • 54:40 Potential Roadblock: “Lack of resources”

    • 1:00:00 Be real, show your passions

    • 1:03:20 Not being afraid to fail

    • 1:06:55 Training Tales

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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • 50: Choice and ... Control with Ken Ramirez, Karen Pryor Clicker Training
    Jun 12 2024
    For the 50th episode of the podcast, special guest Ken Ramirez, Karen Pryor Clicker Training breaks down what it means to provide animals with choice and... control. Ken discuss why these terms have often been connected and how to ensure that we are providing both for animals. Ken also speaks to the importance of training in a modern animal setting and how it can be used to help animals get to the "yes" behavior in order to provide control. This episode is filled with practical examples that can provide clarity and help to focus these topics into welfare discussions. Stay tuned in for Ken's "Training Tale" about how he and a rescued dog accidentally ruined a show at the Shedd Aquarium. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to reach Ken you can follow him on Instagram at ken_ramirez_kptc Let's talk some training and banter about behavior! 3:55 Introduction to Ken Rameriz 12:05 Introduction to choice and... control 13:45 Definition and practical application of Choice 17:10 Definition and practical application of Control 29:15 Giving animals control while still getting to the yes 37:00 Why are these two terms connected 48:21 Practical example of control 52:10 Can an animal have control but not choice? 59:10 How choice and ... control fit into welfare and future advancements 1:05:40 Advice on how to start using training and behavior to give animals choice and... control 1:08:10 "Training Tales"
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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • 49: Stimulus Control with Sandy Jabas, First VP of The ABMA
    May 29 2024

    This episode Sandy Jabas, The First VP of The ABMA, discusses what it means for a behavior to be under stimulus control. Sandy educates about how to tell if a behavior is under stimulus control and also the importance of stimulus control in our training. Sandy also teases the 2025 ABMA Annual Conference in Galveston, Texas hosted by Moody Gardens! Stay tuned in for three "Training Tales" about a funny mishap when shifting dolphins, a dolphin tail fluke splash gone wrong, and interesting research about dolphin dive reflex. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org and to reach Sandy you can email firstvp@theabma.org. Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

    • 2:30 Intro to Sandy Jabas

    • 5:50 Intro to the 2025 Annual Conference in Galveston, Texas

    • 9:25 Definition of Stimulus Control

    • 11:40 Practical Examples of Stimulus Control

    • 15:20 How to tell if a behavior is under stimulus control?

    • 23:25 Advice for challenges with training a behavior to be under stimulus control.

    • 27:15 “Training Tales”

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    38 mins
  • 48: Recap of the 2024 ABMA Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee with Benjamin Fainsod, Dr. Cathy Mingee, Cam Luna, and Chandelle Cotter
    May 1 2024

    This episode, through daily live recordings, features a recap of the 2024 ABMA annual conference (April 15-19 2024) hosted by the Nashville Zoo. Each day of the conference, one of the presenters for the day discusses their presentation and other learning that impacted them.

    Day 1: Benjamin Fainsod, Jerusalem Zoo & The Animal Behavior Community (carnivores@jerusalemzoo.org)

    Day 2: Dr. Cathy Mingee, North Carolina Zoo (cathy.mingee@nczoo.org)

    Day 3: Cam Luna, Nashville Zoo (cluna@nashvillezoo.org)

    Day 4: Chandelle Cotter, Bird Treatment and Learning Center (chandelle_cotter@birdtlc.org)

    If you are an ABMA member be sure to log in to Animalprofessional.com to watch most of the presentations and panels from the 2024 conference. For questions or suggestions about the podcast email abc@theabma.org. Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

    • 7:00 Recap of Monday with Benjamin Fainsod, Jerusalem Zoo & The Animal Behavior Community

    • 18:45 Recap of Tuesday with Cathy Mingee, North Carolina Zoo

    • 35:45 Recap of Thursday with Cam Luna, Nashville Zoo

    • 45:05 Recap of Friday with Chandelle Cotter, Bird Treatment and Learning Center

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    1 hr and 8 mins