In this true crime story of Love and Murder: Heartbreak to Homicide, I tell you about the tragic case of four-year-old Stormy Williams, whose life was abruptly ended under suspicious circumstances. On the night of November 21, 2024, in Kannapolis, North Carolina, police responded to a distressing call, discovering Stormy unresponsive at her aunt's house. The explanation provided by her caregiver, Vanity Rubenstein Williams, raises more questions than answers. Listen now as I explore the disturbing details, the family's heartbreaking statements, and the questions surrounding Stormy's care and custody.Don't miss out on our exclusive December sale—50% off your first month on any Patreon tier! Gain access to bonus episodes, ad-free content, and more by joining us at ************************************************************************************************Support these businesses; support LaM:BJs - Save $35 on a yearly membership with my link: SALE - Save 50% off of your first month on any tier until 12-31-2024✨✨For a commercial-free episode, pictures, and more head to our exclusive group at✨✨Podcast Promo: Darkcast Network*************************************************************************************************🧃Buy me a coffee (or an apple juice)🧃: can now join Love and Murder's Supporter's Club in one of 3 places:1. Patreon (✨✨best option for more extras✨✨) Spreaker (choose the premium feature) Spotify take some time to Rate, Share, Subscribe! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Full Show Notes:📢📢Leave me a Voice Message:👉WHERE ELSE CAN YOU LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE?👈 GROUP:🛒 MERCH: 🛒Want to hear about a specific true crime case?Email me at noconductradio@gmail.comorRequest here:! It's Ky, the host of Love and Murder: Heartbreak to Homicide. In this podcast, I tell you true crime cases of relationships that turned to murder, love that turned to homicide, and trust that turned to betrayal. Join me as we delve into true narratives that unravel the thin line between passion and peril, exploring the darkest corners of the human heart. These are not just stories; they're cautionary tales that make you question the fragility of emotions and the unforeseen consequences that love, or what appears to be love, can bring. So, buckle up for a journey through the tumultuous landscapes of romance gone wrong, only on Love and Murder: Heartbreak to Homicide.If you want even more episodes, then head on over to our Patreon for commercial free episodes, bonuses, and to help support Love and Murder Podcast.Thanks for stopping by and remember that it’s All Love and No Murder Yall!Become a supporter of this podcast: