• Land Your Next Interview, Promise
    Sep 10 2024

    When it comes to getting a job – say, the job of your dreams – you have to get existential before you get tactical. But what’s really killer is when you’re both at the same time. And that’s what this episode of the pod is all about, with tips galore from Suzy on both. Being existential, that is, and tactical. Also this week, the Becoming You values-probing question that makes everyone cry. It’s supposed to.

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    30 mins
  • “But You Don’t Understand, She’s Special.”
    Sep 3 2024

    There’s a little voice inside all of us telling us we were born to do something. You know it’s true. Sometimes, this voice translates into our “passion,” and as we grow up, we have to decide whether or not to admit this passion aloud and chase it, for all the world to see, or be logical, and go do “normal work.” In this episode, Suzy discusses the eternal conflict between these two routes, and then, oops, drops an epic rock & roll story on us out of the blue. Also in the pod: A new hack to get your coworkers to disagree with you in the most productive way imaginable. Hit play!

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    27 mins
  • Change is bad.
    Aug 27 2024

    Ok, not really! Change is good — usually. And really, these days, what choice do we have anyway? But sometimes, it’s worth the energy it takes to resist change, because you’ve built something worth keeping the same. Tune in to this episode for a story to make that point, and sorry not sorry, there will be blood, we mean “crying.” Plus down-and-dirty advice on landing your dream job, and a new secret mentor crush who can lay someone low with a velvet glove. That’s talent.

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    27 mins
  • Is it time to reinvent yourself? Ask the birds.
    Aug 20 2024

    Worried about Suzy the Swan? Yes, you and many other listeners too! In this episode, Suzy (the human, not the swan) gives an update on her missing spirit animal, and somehow also manages to make a point about allowing yourself to change, whether you want to or not. Also on the agenda: Madonna, not knowing which path to take, and advice for working parents.

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    23 mins
  • Becoming You: Survivor’s Unit
    Aug 13 2024

    We talk about Becoming You incessantly on the pod, but how about a first-hand account of the process in action? Heck yes, we got you! In this episode, Suzy welcomes former student, restaurateur par excellence, and full-time fabulous person Michael Lopez, who recounts his Becoming You journey, and also recommends a good Rosé, which, don’t lie, you need right now. Also on the pod: Suzy and Michael confess: “The one that got away.”

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    33 mins
  • Everyone Must Get…"Pwned"
    Aug 6 2024

    Back in the ‘60s, Bob Dylan made an anthem out of the phrase, “Everybody must get stoned,” but it’s 2024, friends, and pwned is what you must get nowadays…if you want to get over yourself and get better at life. Listen up as Suzy talks about two (count ‘em, two) pnwings in one day that reminded her what true friendship involves, and how not-easy it is to get a relationship A-plus IRL. Also on the pod: Music! Dogs! Party ideas! We’re having fun! Hurry up and join in!

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    35 mins
  • Guess What? Sometimes Guilt is a Choice.
    Jul 30 2024

    OK, not always. Sometimes we feel guilty because we should. But other times, guilt is just collateral of a war between our values and the world’s. How to tell the difference? Listen in! Also in this episode: Suzy’s secret mentor, a woman who has made her mad, embarrassed her, and otherwise brought her low, all for the good. Plus, more in-fighting about the best musician of all time. Did somebody mention Pitbull?

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    41 mins
  • Thinking of Pursuing Your Passion as a Career? Please Think Again.
    Jul 23 2024

    Doing something you love all day is the dream, right? Well, not if you’re not good at it. In this week’s episode, a cold, hard, realistic – and loving! – look at whether a passion-based career is for you, or anyone for that matter. Also, a long, sad story about a swan named Suzy…and ChatGPT. And if that wasn’t enough, another foray into Suzy’s favorite mistakes, this one involving (scary music, please) ENGINEERS.

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    37 mins