• Philip Pilla - Pilla Performance Eyewear
    Mar 24 2020

    Find out how Pilla Performance Eyewear started, how it has evolved and how it is now the leading eyewear in shooting sports. We also discuss other sports and professional fields that Pilla eyewear is used.

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Tom Seay / Wendell Cherry
    Mar 19 2020

    Tom Seay, one of Wendell's students, sits down and asks questions only he knows how to ask to be able to get a little further into the methods that one of the greats teach.  Learn even more about the thought process that goes into simply shooting a clay target.......or is it that simple?

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    39 mins
  • Jim Eyster - Heritage Gunsmiths
    Mar 15 2020

    We get into the conversation about porting and how to overall make your gun shoot smoother and more consistent.  We also discussed the spreader shell and find out just how they work.......or do they really work?

    Heritage Gunsmiths, Inc. was established over 50 years ago by Ken Eyster. Dedicated to serving discriminating shooters and sportsman, Heritage Gunsmiths, Inc. provides custom gunsmithing to insure the performance optimization of existing quality shotgun barrels, stock work, and decorative gun engraving as well as other products and services.

    Heritage Gunsmiths, Inc. does not use any automatic or production tooling, but rather completes each operation with individual handwork and hand-operated machines to insure each barrel is correctly adapted to achieve the best performance with the shooter.

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Wendell Cherry - 2/2
    Mar 5 2020

    Continuing on from the first episode, we find out about the post-shot routine and continue to listen to how and why Wendell does certain things at tournaments and during practice.  We also discuss a question that Anthony Matarese Jr. sent in about aging and eyesight.

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    42 mins
  • Wendell Cherry - 1/2
    Feb 27 2020

    We were able to sit down with one of the sport's greatest shooters and coaches and get some very valuable information on what it takes to be a great shooter and what it takes to be a great coach.  Find out what the "grid system" is and how to use it.  Listen to how Wendell learned to shoot clays and how he teaches his students.  Find out what a true practice session is and so much more in the first episode of the Wendell Cherry Series.

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    40 mins
  • Brad Kidd Jr. #2
    Dec 30 2019

    In this episode, Brad talks about how to prepare for the upcoming season, how to become a pro shooter, how to practice when you do not have a gun club nearby and his top 10 "Hot Shots" for the 2020 shooting season.  Get great advice from one of the best in the game today.

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    49 mins
  • Haylyn Hanks
    Dec 2 2019

    Haylyn Hanks, 16 years old, is definitely one of the best junior shooters in the country.  She has won several shoots from huge regionals to the silver medal in 2019 at the World FITASC Lady's division.  Haylyn is a very dedicated and determined shooter and we look for big moves for this young lady in the future.  In this episode she discusses her shooting goals, her new coaching career and what she wants to do once she graduates college.

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    52 mins
  • Tom Mack
    Nov 14 2019

    Tom Mack has been on the All American Team for 15 consecutive years. He is an Official Shooting Instructor for Clay Shooting USA. In June 2013, Tom was inducted into the inaugural class of the Michigan Sporting Clays Hall of Fame.

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    56 mins