• Can Evolution and Genesis Be Friends? | An Interview with Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass
    Feb 28 2020
    https://pathology.wustl.edu/people/joshua-swamidass-md-phd/ (Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass) is a professor at Washington University, founder of the platform https://peacefulscience.org/author/swamidass/ (Peaceful Science), and author of a new book, https://peacefulscience.org/genealogical-adam-eve/ (The Genealogical Adam and Eve). We are excited to feature him in our first guest interview. In this episode, https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Patrick) asks Dr. Swamidass about his faith, his research, and how he reconciles the two. They discuss a wide range of topics, including Genesis, genetics, evolution, AI, and aliens. Patrick asks questions for scientists and non-scientists, for skeptics and believers. Listen to their conversation as they navigate how Christianity and science work together. Be sure to check out Dr. Swamidass's book https://peacefulscience.org/genealogical-adam-eve/ (The Genealogical Adam and Eve). You can also read more of his writing through his platform https://peacefulscience.org/author/swamidass/ (Peaceful Science). Like the podcast? Bible Field Guide also combines images and short essays on https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (Instagram) to help people visualize and internalize the historical, cultural, literary, and theological world of the Bible. Check out our https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (Instagram) account for our latest posts, or go to our http://www.biblefieldguides.com/ (website) to learn more. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/) Website: http://www.biblefieldguides.com/ (http://www.biblefieldguides.com) Outline 0:20 - https://pathology.wustl.edu/people/joshua-swamidass-md-phd/ (Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass) 0:45 - https://peacefulscience.org/author/swamidass/ (Peaceful Science) 0:55 - https://peacefulscience.org/genealogical-adam-eve/ (The Genealogical Adam and Eve) 1:20 - Conflict between Christianity and science 2:50 - https://www.josh.org/easter-mtac/ (More Than a Carpenter) by Josh McDowell 3:35 - Origin stories (Genesis vs Science) 6:30 - Failed conflicts 7:30 - Borders of the Eden (Genesis 2 and 3) 8:25 - Adam and Eve as genetic vs genealogical ancestors 11:00 - Reading Genesis as a genealogical account 13:20 - https://www.nature.com/news/2004/040927/full/040927-10.html (2004 Nature article) on ancestry 14:10 - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/10/04/upcoming-book-leaves-scientific-possibility-existence-adam-eve-column/3826195002/ (Nathan Lex article) 15:00 - How long would it take for Adam and Eve to be the genealogical ancestors of humanity? 16:45 - People outside the Garden 20:35 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+5%3A12&version=NIV (Romans 5.12) 21:10 - Doctrine of Monogenesis 23:10 - Evolution, death, and mortality 26:30 - Assumptions when approaching the Bible 27:15 - What's a human (to scientists)? 31:30 - What's a human (to theologians)? 32:40 - Substantialist View 33:00 - Vocational View 33:15 - Relational View 34:35 - Textual Humans 35:40 - Human value, equality, and dehumanization 38:20 - Speed round 39:30 - How does this research help us to answer fresh questions about AI and alien life? 40:00 - https://www.cslewis.com/tag/space-trilogy/ (Space Trilogy) by CS Lewis 42:50 - Subscribe. Rate. Share. Scripture Romans 5.12: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+5%3A12&version=NIV (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+5%3A12&version=NIV)   References Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass: https://pathology.wustl.edu/people/joshua-swamidass-md-phd/ (https://pathology.wustl.edu/people/joshua-swamidass-md-phd/) Peaceful Science: https://peacefulscience.org/author/swamidass/ (https://peacefulscience.org/author/swamidass/) The Genealogical Adam and Eve: https://peacefulscience.org/genealogical-adam-eve/ (https://peacefulscience.org/genealogical-adam-eve/) More Than a Carpenter by Josh...
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    43 mins
  • Why “How did God make all this stuff?” is the wrong question
    Jan 7 2020
    As modern people, we can’t help but bring modern question to Genesis. But in doing so, we ask it questions it was never designed to answer. If we want to get the most out of Genesis, we must ask better questions… the questions it wants us to ask. Like the podcast? Bible Field Guide also combines images and short essays on https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (Instagram) to help people visualize and internalize the historical, cultural, literary, and theological world of the Bible. Check out our https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (Instagram) account for our latest posts, or go to our http://www.biblefieldguides.com/ (website) to learn more. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/) Website: http://www.biblefieldguides.com/ (http://www.biblefieldguides.com) RESOURCES: Want more on reading Genesis 1-2 in light of its ancient genre? The Lost World of Genesis 1:https://www.amazon.com/Lost-World-Genesis-One-Cosmology/dp/0830837043 ( https://www.amazon.com/Lost-World-Genesis-One-Cosmology/dp/0830837043) Here are some of our favorite, accessible commentaries on Genesis: Jack Collins on how to read Genesis well: https://www.amazon.com/Reading-Genesis-Well-Navigating-History/dp/0310598575 (https://www.amazon.com/Reading-Genesis-Well-Navigating-History/dp/0310598575) Bruce Waltke: https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Commentary-Bruce-K-Waltke/dp/0310224586 (https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Commentary-Bruce-K-Waltke/dp/0310224586) John Walton: https://www.amazon.com/NIV-Application-Commentary-Genesis/dp/0310206170 (https://www.amazon.com/NIV-Application-Commentary-Genesis/dp/0310206170)
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    9 mins
  • Debate
    Dec 31 2019
    Whoops again!
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    11 mins
  • Thaddeus Williams Edit 1
    Dec 24 2019
    This is not for public consumption. Good job uncovering it, Sherlock.
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    46 mins
  • Luke Goodrich Edit
    Dec 17 2019
    Not the final thing!
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    47 mins
  • Os Guinness Final Proof
    Dec 10 2019
    Whooooopsies, you found me.
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    49 mins
  • Religious Right Pt. 3 FINAL PROOF
    Dec 2 2019
    Ooooops. Not for you.
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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • New Sermon
    Nov 26 2019
    Today we FINALLY start reading the actual Torah. There’s no better place to start than Genesis, and in this episode we give a sweeping overview of the entire book. Understanding the whole of Genesis, helps you to interpret the various parts. Like the podcast? Bible Field Guide also combines images and short essays on https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (Instagram) to help people visualize and internalize the historical, cultural, literary, and theological world of the Bible. Check out our https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (Instagram) account for our latest posts, or go to our http://www.biblefieldguides.com/ (website) to learn more. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/ (https://www.instagram.com/biblefieldguide/) Website: http://www.biblefieldguides.com/ (http://www.biblefieldguides.com) RESOURCES: Here are some of our favorite, accessible commentaries on Genesis: Bruce Waltke: https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Commentary-Bruce-K-Waltke/dp/0310224586 (https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Commentary-Bruce-K-Waltke/dp/0310224586) John Walton: https://www.amazon.com/NIV-Application-Commentary-Genesis/dp/0310206170 (https://www.amazon.com/NIV-Application-Commentary-Genesis/dp/0310206170)
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    19 mins