• #13 Arisa Trew: Australia's youngest Olympic gold medallist - #13 Arisa Trew: Australia's youngest Olympic gold medallist
    Aug 19 2024
    SBS Japanese caught up with Australia's youngest gold medallist Arisa Trew and her mother Aiko, reflecting on their journey, newfound fame, and of course the ducks. - 今や時の人となった14歳の金メダリスト、アリサ・トゥルーさん。パリから帰国後の生活、話題のアヒル、今後の予定などをお聞きしました。
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    18 mins
  • #12 Tomishima Family: Australia's sailing stars - #12 Tomishima Family: Australia's sailing stars
    Apr 29 2024
    Sydney-based Tomishima’s are one of Australia's leading sailing families. Their eldest daughter, Hanako, and fourth son, Goro, will represent Australia at the 420 Asia Oceania Championships in Enoshima, Japan. Their third son, Keizo, is a member of the Australian squad's emerging team and has his eyes firmly on the 2028 and 2032 Olympics. - シドニー在住の富嶋ファミリーは、オーストラリアを代表するセーリング一家。長女花子さんと4男五郎さんは、日本の江の島で開催される420アジアオセアニアチャンピオンシップでオーストラリアを代表するほか、3男の恵三さんは、ロス五輪に向けて期待されている、オーストラリアン・スクワッドの一員です。
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    18 mins
  • #11 Georgia Godwin: Artistic gymnast eyes spot on Australian team for Paris Olympics - #11 Georgia Godwin: Artistic gymnast eyes spot on Australian team for Paris Olympics
    Apr 12 2024
    Artistic gymnast Georgia Godwin has proven that as long as you have a passion for sport, age does not matter. She's had a move named after herself, was a vital member of the Australian WAG team to qualify for a spot in Paris, and now has her eyes on her second Olympics, eagerly awaiting the news. - 日本のヘリテージを持つオーストラリアの体操選手、ジョージア・ゴッドウィンさん。パリに向けて練習を重ねているゴッドウィンさんは昨年、段違い平行棒で新技を生み出しています。
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    17 mins
  • #10 Sydney Kito: 16 year old swimmer secures spot in Australian team trials - #10 Sydney Kito: 16 year old swimmer secures spot in Australian team trials
    Feb 14 2024
    Cairns student Sydney Kito qualified to compete in the Australian team trials for swimming, taking him a step closer to his Olympic dream. - ケアンズ在住の11年生、鬼頭シドニーさんが、6月に開催されるオーストラリア競泳代表選考会への出場権を獲得。オリンピック・ドリームに一歩近づきました。
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    16 mins
  • #9 Sora Wong: Visually impaired student fearlessly embracing challenges - #9 Sora Wong: Visually impaired student fearlessly embracing challenges
    Feb 12 2024
    Born with coloboma and microphthalmia, Sora faces the challenge of being fully blind in her left eye, with very weak vision in the right. Yet, Sora has consistently overcome her disability to pursue and achieve her goals, together with her mother, Maki by her side. - ウォン・ソラちゃんは今年7年生になったばかりの新中学生。視力に障がいを持って生まれたソラちゃんは左が全盲で右眼が弱視ですが、家族の支えのもと、これまであらゆることにチャレンジし、素晴らしい結果を残してきました。
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    21 mins
  • #8 Emiko Davies: Making Japanese home cooking more accessible - #8 Emiko Davies: Making Japanese home cooking more accessible
    Nov 29 2023
    Italy-based Japanese-Australian cookbook author Emiko Davies is known for her regional Italian cuisine. Gohan is her first Japanese cookbook that delves into everyday home meals, which she grew up with. - イタリアを拠点に活動する日系オーストラリア人フードライター、デイビース恵美子さん。自身が育った思い出深い日本の家庭料理を集めたクックブックを発表しました。
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    20 mins
  • #7 Arisa Trew: 13 year old skater en route to the Paris Olympics - #7 Arisa Trew: 13 year old skater en route to the Paris Olympics
    Nov 13 2023
    Skateboarder Arisa Trew is ranked 14th in the world and is on track to represent Australia at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Earlier this year, the 13-year-old made history as the first female to land a 720 (two full mid-air rotations) in competition. - 世界ランキング14位の日系スケートボーダー、アリサ・トゥルーさん(13)。6月には世界記録を樹立、来年のパリ五輪へ向けて順調に進んでいます。
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    17 mins
  • #6 Goki Saito: CP footballer hoping to share the sport this Para Asian Cup - #6 Goki Saito: CP footballer hoping to share the sport this Para Asian Cup
    Oct 30 2023
    CP footballer Goki Saito says the opportunity to interact with people with the same condition opened a whole new world for him. - CPサッカーのNSW州代表として活躍する斎藤ゴウキさん。同じ境遇の人たちと交流する機会を得たことで、まったく新しい世界が開けたと話します。
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    14 mins