• Adaptive Strateggy - The changing paradigm of management thinking
    Sep 19 2024

    How to establish an Adaptive Strategy and bring the board and organisation on the journey.

    As the rate of change increases and the world becomes more complex and uncertain, traditional strategy methods become less effective. Over the last few years new methods of creating and activating strategy have been developed. Adaptive strategy provides a new paradigm in strategic thinking. Using our experience with The Guardians of NZ Superannuation we will show how we co-created an Adaptive Strategy and how it influences and guides decision making.

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    44 mins
  • Webinar - Optimising director planning with a skills matrix
    Sep 12 2024

    Explore using skill matrixes to ensure effective director succession planning and onboarding. Understand how to identify the right competencies, balance the board’s collective expertise, and plan for future needs.

    In today’s business world, boards must be agile, diverse, and prepared for future challenges. A skill matrix is a powerful tool that helps boards evaluate their current capabilities, identify gaps, and ensure they have the right mix of skills for long-term success.

    This webinar will guide you through creating and utilising a skill matrix for director succession planning and onboarding. We will cover key elements such as identifying essential skills, assessing current directors, and planning for strategic recruitment and training.

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    44 mins
  • Webinar - How to determine if your governance is fit for purpose
    Sep 8 2024

    This webinar is meticulously designed to illuminate what 'fit-for-purpose' governance really means in today's dynamic business environment.
    Dr Dean Blomson, supported by the panel, of Steven Bowman and Lisa Cook, will delve into why it is crucial for any organisation to develop a bespoke governance model that fits its unique needs, not generic, ‘one-size-fits-all’ governance.
    Dean will briefly touch on his research into new operating model constructs (shared in a previous session on 7 March 2024 – ‘Governance 4.0’); the key topics and questions the board and executive need to ask themselves (and answer) in order to determine what ‘fit-for-purpose’ means for them.
    Dean, together with the panel will be offering actionable suggestions for boards and executives.

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    46 mins
  • Webinar - Compliance in the boardroom - Who is responsible for what?
    Aug 29 2024

    Increasingly boards are in the frame when things go perilously wrong and people die. Industrial manslaughter legislation exists in several jurisdictions putting the onus on directors to know how their compliance 'T's were crossed and 'I's dotted. What they knew when and what they did with the information when they had it. Could or should they have done more? Compliance requirements pervade all levels of an organisation and includes the maintenance of board policies, asking management for more information when required, and understanding the scope and extent of delegations.

    This session won’t necessarily be able to answer all your questions, but it will be a start to how you might think differently about compliance being someone else’s responsibility.

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    46 mins
  • Difficult conversations with difficult directors - How it's done.
    Aug 15 2024

    A difficult director can derail the performance of a board very quickly. This webinar will provide tips for how to tackle conversations with directors that are causing problems.

    Difficult directors come in all shapes and sizes – some never listen to the opinions of others, some are aggressive, some barely fulfil their commitments. In all cases, a difficult director left unchecked will cause dysfunction, a lack of unity or otherwise impact the smooth operation of the board.

    Dealing with these situations in a timely manner is imperative for the ongoing success of a board. This webinar will provide a framework so that you can confidently prepare for and engage in difficult – but constructive – conversations.

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    41 mins
  • Webinar : The importance of board meeting etiquette
    Aug 14 2024

    There would not be a director in the world who has not had a gripe about the conduct of a colleague at one time or another for annoying, frustrating or downright dreadful behaviour during a board meeting. If you’re one of them join this session to hear about approaches to instilling a code for meeting etiquette.

    How directors conduct themselves at the board table has a big influence on the success and effectiveness of meetings and thus on the performance of the organisations they serve. Indiscretions can be small and aggravating or big and adversely influential from subverting good governance practice to blatant bullying and everything in between. However everyone is responsible for their behaviour and should understand they will be called to account if the rules of engagement aren’t adhered to.

    This session will address meeting etiquette, what it encompasses, the place of the code of conduct or board charter, and the role of the chair in setting and maintaining standards.

    Register for our free Webinar

    What role do you have on the board?*
    Board Chair
    CEO - Executive Director
    Board Member
    Company Secretary
    Administrator / Board Secretary
    Governance Specialist

    14th August 2024

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    46 mins
  • Webinar: From Strategy to Excellence - How to Bridge the Gap
    Aug 8 2024

    According to studies, some 60–90% of strategic plans never fully launch (HBR). This webinar will provide practical tips and tools on shifting strategy from words on a page to impactful action.

    Bridging The Gap – Strategic Design and Operational Implementation

    When bridging the gap, Chairs and CEOs should be considering the strategy design process and preempting the execution gaps. Join us to discuss the two most important facets:
    1) An iterative CEO led Strategic Design process with the Board and,
    2) A rigorous Execution Cadence led by Management.

    This webinar will cover how to tackle common pitfalls of misalignment, lack of engagement, and inadequate traction.

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    48 mins
  • Webinar : Is your constitution fit for purpose
    Jun 26 2024

    Listen to our webinar to assess if your constitution meets today's needs! Learn how to read it critically, understand historical clauses, and explore how to amend it effectively. Stay informed about modern trends and key issues.

    Our expert speakers will guide you through the intricacies of constitutional analysis, offering practical insights and real-world examples. You'll have the chance to ask questions, and gain valuable resources to help you navigate the complexities of constitutional amendments.

    Whether you're a board member, legal advisor, or organisational leader, this webinar is tailored to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to make informed decisions. By attending, you'll be better equipped to address potential challenges and ensure that your constitution reflects the evolving needs of your organisation.

    Register now and be part of this essential discussion! Take the first step towards a more robust and adaptable constitution. We look forward to seeing you there!

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    47 mins