By: The Cash Kid
  • Summary

  • Welcome to the Cash Kid Podcast! I’m here to teach kids and adults the financial literacy skills they need to start saving money early. Join us as we interview experts and explore topics to take that piggy bank to a real bank and start investing today to watch your money grow. “Cash Kids” are kids who at a young age have an entrepreneurial mindset and good financial skills to use their passions, hobbies, and skills to earn money. Just remember, anyone can be a “Cash Kid,” you just have to learn how to become one. So let’s be the generation to grow the greatest wealth and be the most financially literate. From financial skills to getting your first job, to investing in the stock market, we’ll cover it here on the Cash Kid Podcast.
    Copyright © 2024 Cash Kid. All rights reserved.
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  • It's Over! Reflecting on Financial Lessons and Sneak Peek into Season 3 | Cash Kid Podcast
    Sep 9 2024
    00:00:00] It's over! Not the podcast, just season two. A talk with the Cash Kid, coming up. So, you've got some cash. Maybe from the allowance, or that money your grandma gave you for your seventh birthday. Here ya go, sweetie! Woohoo! Thanks, Grandma! Whatever it is, what are you gonna do with it? Spend it, hide it away, or maybe invest it? Let's start learning how to make that money grow. Time to learn how to be a cash kid. Welcome back to the Cash Kid Podcast. I'm your host, and today, we're closing out season two with a bang. But don't worry, the podcast isn't over, just the season. We're reflecting on what we've learned. I'll share some personal insights as I continue my financial journey as a Cash Kid. Can you believe it? This is episode 40. We've covered so [00:01:00] much ground this season the last 25 episodes of season 2 our focus was building super financial skills. From understanding a checking and saving account and compound interest to avoiding scams and shopping tips. We've laid the groundwork to set you up for financial success. We live in the information age. All the information is there. It's just taking it and applying it. Which is where we got our motto for the Cash Kid Podcast. Stating how anyone can be a Cash Kid. You just have to learn how to become one. We're all capable of it. I see it already at the age of 12. Our most popular episode, episode 22, Working for Greater Financial Education, featuring Ms. Wanda McAbee from the Alabama Council on Economic Education. She's a true champion for financial literacy. It was inspiring to hear about the strides being made to bring this critical education into our schools. She continues to be a great advocate for what we are doing and help our [00:02:00] mission. So, what have I learned in these last 25 episodes? A lot, actually. Did you know how many adults feel uncomfortable talking about money? Some even graduate from college without a clue on how to manage their finances. I'm 12. That's a bit scary. But, I'm hearing from adults who appreciate our podcast shows and how important financial education is at any age. And let's be real, we don't have excuses anymore. The information is out there, and our mission is to make it accessible for kids and teens, parents, and even grandparents. Together, we're building a healthier mindset around money. And it's crucial, because according to Business Insider, the total household debt in the U. S. hit 17.987 trillion in early 2024. Imagine what this could look like if our generation doesn't get financially smart? What I've learned from my interviews this past [00:03:00] season is how my generation will be one of the ones to not really touch money or have less of an actual emotional attachment to it because we never get the sensation of feeling it. It's all in the cloud, basically. There's also the emerging world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. How will that affect my generation? There's just so much to explore. And I'm glad you're here to join me on this Cash Kid journey. I'm actually surprised how many of my friends are starting to invest now as well. I'm getting asked. Weekly about what companies I'm looking at and whether I plan to buy or sell a stock based on the market trends. Now that I think about it, it stresses my parents out some. But, me and my friends are on this journey together, and I love the discussions around stocks at my school. It's definitely a Cash Kid goal to have more kids discussing these topics. And, as we wrap up season two, I'm excited to announce our focus for season three. How kids can start earning money. We're [00:04:00] interviewing young entrepreneurs and exploring various job opportunities for kids and teens. You won't believe the amazing things kids are doing to make money. Whether you're interested in starting your own business, learning about stocks, or just finding a way to make some extra cash. Season 3 will be packed with tips and Information. It's mind blowing to me how many options kids like me really have. So please, if you aren't already, subscribe to our show on whatever platform you're listening from. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube at Cash Kid Podcast. And joining our mailing list can help you keep updated on what's next for the Cash Kid Podcast. You can find all of our handles episodes and our mailing list, also our merch, at our website, Also, we would love your support for this show. Podcasts are passion projects, but they come with expenses. So [00:05:00] let's support our mission by grabbing some cash kid merch on our website or by donating through Buy me a Coffee. You don't actually get me an actual coffee. It's just a metaphor to like, donate directly for a cause. The coffee's for my mom, who actually gets up really early to edit these episodes. Thanks mom! Remember, I'm learning right alongside you, and we're growing as cash kids together. I'm here to find the experts and bring you the best advice. To help us...
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    6 mins
  • Back to School: Managing Costs and Making Smart Choices/Budgeting Tips for the Smart Student
    Aug 20 2024
    It’s time to go back to school already. (Sigh) My true feelings about school and the cost of heading back. Coming up! Intro: So, you got some cash, maybe from an allowance? Or, that money your grandma gave you for your seventh birthday. Here ya go, sweetie! Woo hoo! Thanks, Grandma! Whatever it is, what are you gonna do with it? Spend it? Hide it away? Or maybe invest it? Let's start learning how to make that money grow. Time to learn how to be a Cash Kid. Hey, Cash Kids! Welcome back to another episode of the Cash Kid Podcast, where we teach you all the tips and tricks to becoming a money-savvy kid or teen. I’m the Cash Kid and today we’re talking about something that’s on everyone’s mind this time of year—going back to school. But not just any back-to-school talk—we’re diving into how to be mindful of the costs and expenses that come with it. Where I live, we are already in week two of school and the idea for this episode actually came from a story one of my new teachers shared in class. We were having to glue some items into some pages in our binder and he was instructing us how to use the glue…we’re 7th graders so thought it was a little strange but then he shared this story how a boy saw this girl using too much glue on a project, and he asked, “Why do you use so much glue?” And she replied, “Because glue is cheap!” And he said, “It must be nice to live the 3-ply life.” (sound effect after joke) So, whether you can live a 3-ply life or not, you need to listen up to this episode. Whether you’re getting new supplies, new clothes, paying for lunch for yourself – or your friends, or just taking care of school property, there’s a lot to think about. So, let’s jump right in and see how we can be smart with our money as we head back to the classroom. **[Sound Effect: School Bell Rings]** **Segment 1: Back-to-School Shopping** Alright, first up, let’s talk about back-to-school shopping. It’s easy to get carried away with all the cool notebooks, backpacks, and gadgets. But before you start filling up your cart, take a moment to think about what you really need. We’ve addressed these a few times already on the Cash Kid Podcast in understanding the difference between needs and wants. Make a list of the essentials—things like pencils, notebooks, and folders. Then, check to see if you have any supplies left over from last year. Reusing what you already have is a great way to save money. We reused our backpacks, and water bottles from last year for instance. Also, consider setting a budget with your parents. This way, you won’t be tempted to buy things that aren’t necessary. Pro tip: Look for sales and discounts. Many stores offer back-to-school deals, so you can get what you need without breaking the bank. **[Sound Effect: Cash Register Cha-Ching]** **Segment 2: New Clothes and Shoes** Now, let’s talk about something that’s super exciting for a lot of us—new clothes and shoes! I made a deal with my parents if I made straight A’s last year could I have a pair of OnCloud Shoes. I already own 5 shares of their company’s stock too so I wanted a pair. So, maybe you can make a deal like that. Maybe you’ve earned some money over the summer and can asks to share the cost of a pair you really want. Also, it’s always fun to start the school year with a fresh outfit, but it’s also important to be mindful of how much we’re spending. Before you go shopping, take a look at what you already have. Do you really need a whole new wardrobe, or can you mix and match some of your current clothes to create new outfits? Sometimes, just a couple of new pieces can make a big difference. You don’t actually need an entire new wardrobe to go back to school. Well, some my age do as there are kids who grew a lot over the summer. But, that constitutes a need, not a want. When you do go shopping, try to focus on buying quality over quantity. A few well-made items can last you longer and save money in the long run. **[Sound Effect: Clothes Hanger Sliding]** **Segment 3: Lunch Money and Daily Expenses** Next, let’s talk about one of the biggest daily expenses—lunch! I’m not going to lie, when I moved to middle school, the freedom of more choices for lunch was appealing. I started buying a X drink every day at lunch before my Mom got pinged with the need to replenish my lunch money supply within a few weeks and questioned me on what I was buying. Let’s just say… we had to make some cut backs. I also know of lots of other kids who want to be kind and buy all their friends an ice cream or buy their friends a lunch with their lunch money. Good intentions… but probably need to discuss with your parents first. Whether you’re buying lunch at school or bringing it from home, it’s important to be mindful of how much you’re spending. If you buy ...
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    10 mins
  • Smart Savings for Big Purchases – Good Money Habits for Kids and Teens
    Jul 29 2024
    We’re all guilty of it! What am I talking about? Stay tuned! Intro: So, you got some cash, maybe from an allowance? Or, that money your grandma gave you for your seventh birthday. Here ya go, sweetie! Woo hoo! Thanks, Grandma! Whatever it is, what are you gonna do with it? Spend it? Hide it away? Or maybe invest it? Let's start learning how to make that money grow. Time to learn how to be a Cash Kid. Welcome back to the Cash Kid Podcast! I'm your host, the Cash Kid, and today we're diving into a topic that's super important for kids and teens - saving for big purchases. Let’s be honest. We’ve all been guilty of asking our parents for something we want. My six-year-old brother has figured out how to search up toys on Amazon to show my parents to try and convince them to buy him things. My parents then showed him how to add things to a wish list, and that he has to wait until a birthday or has the money to buy it. But, if we don’t want to wait until a birthday or Christmas for the chance we get what we want, how do we learn to save for things we kids and teens want to buy? Whether you're aiming to buy a new gadget, that first car, a new lego set, Lululemon outfit, purse, or even start your own small business, learning how to manage your money wisely is key. So let's get started! First, let's talk about budgeting. Budgeting may sound boring, but it's the foundation of good money habits. A budget helps you keep track of your income and expenses so you can make sure you're saving enough to reach your goal. **[Sound Effect: Cash Register Ding]** Now, let’s say you get $20 a week from your allowance or a part-time job. If you spend all of it on snacks and video games, there won't be anything left for that big purchase you want. Instead, try the 50/30/20 rule. Save 50% of your income, use 30% for needs like school supplies, and spend 20% on fun stuff. Next, let's talk about earning money. Saving is great, but if you want to reach your goal faster, finding ways to earn extra cash is a smart move. Here are some ideas: First, for teens, why not think about getting a part-time job. Many teens work part-time jobs after school or on weekends. It could be at a local store, a fast-food restaurant, or even babysitting. I saw several teens working at a local farmer’s market the other day. I thought that’s a great job for the summer for teens to make money and save for big purchases. Second, what about tutoring? If you're good at a particular subject, consider tutoring younger students. It's a great way to earn money and help others at the same time. There are always parents on Facebook groups looking for tutors to help their kids with a subject they are struggling in, so lots of clients… and money. And then of course for younger kids there’s the good ole lemonade stand and doing household chores. Be mature and ask to talk with your parents to set-up a chore list for you and how you can earn some money around the house or do things for neighbors. You’d be surprised how many are willing to pay kids to do small jobs here and there. We’re actually working on season 3 of the Cash Kid Podcast already where we’re going to be interviewing lots of tweens and teens about ways they are using their skills to make money. We can’t wait to start releasing those episodes later this year! **[Sound Effect: Coins Clinking]** **Host:** Now, let's move on to selling old items. Most of us have toys, clothes, or gadgets that we no longer use. Why not turn those items into cash? We have lots of large lego sets in our house that we’ve put together. My Mom gave us the idea recently to take those apart and resell them used to others. We looked it up, and it’s actually a thing. Also maybe organize a garage sale, or sell old items online through platforms like eBay, Depop, or Facebook Marketplace. Not only will you declutter your space, but you'll also add to your savings goal for that big purchase. Another important habit is setting clear savings goals. It's easier to save when you know exactly what you're saving for. Break down your goal into smaller, manageable milestones. For example, if you want to save $200 for a new bike, aim to save $50 each month for four months. This makes the goal less overwhelming and gives you a sense of achievement as you reach each milestone. I use an app called Greenlight to help with my savings goals. I can always see how much I have in my savings account. When I get paid for a job or chores, I use the 50/30/20 rule we talked about earlier and know before the money even enters my account where it’s going. Seeing your progress can be incredibly motivating and helps you stay on track. **[Sound Effect: Checkmark]** **Host:** Let's not forget about the importance of needs versus wants. We actually produced an episode on needs versus wants. It’s titled “Needs, Loves, Likes, Wants.” Be ...
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    8 mins

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