• Reason is an Illusion
    Jun 30 2021

    This is how i "broke" reason within myself, i called it "breaking my brain" as i am unaware currently of other resources that speak about this idea.

    There is only one question, we are all desperately seeking an answer to - without even being aware of the question itself. That is - "what will make me happy?"

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    21 mins
  • What if - the Reason for any Reason, is Love
    Jun 29 2021

    We try to reason things, come up with an understanding about why someone did something, especialy if it was hurtful or irrational, why people behave how they do, why things do or don't happen. We use reason to escape the lower emotions, but what if instead of using reason, we could use love to accomplish the same result?

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    28 mins
  • Change Subconscious Beliefs and Behaviour, be the Version You Most Prefer
    Jun 29 2021

    We will always act out, that which we believe about ourselves, what we believe we are, SUBCONSCIOUSLY. How we see ourselves and how we act, are in this loop - a behaviour, produces more reflection of beliefs of others, for you to be the way you are acting (people you are in a relationship with, change their idea of you based on your actions) which then creates more actions on your end, subconsciously. We are running on autopilot a lot of the time, but we can choose this autopilot. We can rewire our brains and mind. By utilizing the idea that we are just an idea, we can consciously choose the idea and wire in, the version of ourselves that we most prefer to be and embody.

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    35 mins
  • Merge Ego with your Heart, Become your Higher-Self
    Jun 28 2021

    If we can merge our hear, the "I", the ego, our reason, with the truth of our heart - we are able to act as one of God's will, which is our Higher-Self.  

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    41 mins
  • Belonging, is Returning "Home" to Yourself
    Jun 25 2021

    Our body is our home. I kept saying this.. without fully understanding what it meant. But I feel I do now. When go back "home", where we are meant to be. However, while on earth, we must find a belonging within the limit of our 5 senses. If we return to source, where we think our home is, we no longer are able exist or be aware the same way. We loose our 3 dimensional selves, we loose language, we loose sight, understanding, body, all of us.

    If you'd like to read the original post with the link to the frequency: https://crystallizeyourlife.com/2021/06/25/belonging-is-returning-home-to-yourself/

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    18 mins
  • The Only Problem, to All of Our Problems, is Our Own Selves
    Jun 23 2021

    I was reading a book "Power" by Robert Greene, and it said that our emotions and states of being, are infectious. We infect others with our emotions, and they infect us. This makes a lot of sense, since world is a mirror. However, while we are aware of their effect on us, we are not aware of our effect on others. In particular when it comes to helping others. Recently, I cut out the only person who was stable my whole life out of my life, the only person who was always there for me. And I didn't even fully know why.. until he told me later. Little did I know, what effect I was having on him. Like Robert greene says, "the only cure to infection, is Quarantine".

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    15 mins
  • Self Love Is Illusion
    May 28 2021

    The idea of self love, is nothing more than an illusion of the self. The escape of such illusion lay in the understanding of our truth, of our nature, of what we are at our core - love. Love is our nature, nature does not judge itself. We do not look at a tree, and expect it to not love itself. When we are able to remove the filters of polarity, the filters of judgement, we are able to uncover the truth of our being - love.

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    12 mins
  • Self-Love, Who You Are
    May 28 2021

    Each puzzle piece is created perfect, to be exactly where it is, in the way that it is. The sky is created to be the sky, and earth to be earth. To the creator, you are perfect. You are created from a place of love, as is everything around you. Love, is the frequency of all existence. Creation is only possible from a place of love, and so all is love. If you let your heart speak, if you hear your heart, your heart says - I love you.

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    16 mins