
  • Coffee with the Angels #18 - Ding Dong!
    Mar 12 2025
    Ding Dong, doorbells are ringing! What do you do when someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell... do you answer it? You never know who/whom you will meet if you are open to answering the call. Angles have many ways of showing up in our lives. Tune in and listen to some magic as Cheryl shares some beautiful stories of what happened when she went to the door! LINKS: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2M8EmuSoYEZbzWhfoKRmif
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    55 mins
  • Coffee with the Angels #17 - Cheryl & Friends
    Mar 5 2025
    Well, last week we talked about friends and this week, I want to share some of my friends with you. There is an expo in the Twin Cities this weekend (March 8th & 9th)... I would like you to meet some friends of mine that will be there and hope you will come join us! Tune in tonight for a special edition of Coffee with the Angels as I share with you some special people in my life, their gifts and their offerings at the expo! I have a bonus at the end of the show for all my out-of-town friends who might not be able to make it to the event... I never forget about you beautiful souls!
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    59 mins
  • Coffee with the Angels #16 - Friends!
    Feb 26 2025
    Friends arrive in our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. This is a beautiful way to understand the different types of friendships we experience in our magical journey of life. Every friendship serves a unique purpose and understanding this can help us treasure the connections we make. Even if the friendship doesn't last forever, the impact is felt in our hearts for a lifetime! Tune in tonight as the Angels share some wisdom about friendships.
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    59 mins
  • Coffee with the Angels #15 - Balance...
    Feb 19 2025
    Remember playing on the teeter totter at the park as a child? You would shoot up in the air and fly back down. Well, that was "fun" when you were a child... however, living a life of ups and downs as an adult is not very fun! Tonight, the Angels want to help you create some balance in your life! Tune in as they share their wisdom with us to help reduce the ups and downs, and help you find some peace and calm!
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    55 mins
  • Coffee with Angels - All about LOVE w/ special guest Sara Anondson
    Feb 13 2025
    Step into a world where love sparkles like glitter and unfolds with the grace & beauty of a rose. 🌹 ♥️✨ *** Special Guest: Sara Anondson *** Tonight's conversation is all about the magic of love, in all its forms... romantic, self-love, and the divine connections that lift our souls. With angelic whispers of wisdom, enchanting stories, and heart-opening reflections, this episode is a journey into the beautiful mystery, and power of love. Let's embrace the magic together. ✨😇🌹
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Coffee with the Angels #13 - You Inner Child
    Feb 5 2025
    Tonight Cheryl & the Angels want you to meet someone very special to you... your inner child! Tune in as we create some magic together and connect with our beautiful inner child.
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    55 mins
  • Coffee with the Angels #12 - What are you waiting for??
    Jan 29 2025
    Tonight Cheryl & The Angels want to ask you a question… when will you start living? What are you waiting for to truly live? When will your "real life" start? Most people are waiting for something… some future goal… some obstacle to be removed. Or maybe they are waiting to finish their “to-do” list… loose 20 pounds... have the kids leave the house... the list goes on and on. It’s time to stop waiting! Time to shut out all of the noise and listen to the beautiful heartfelt messages that are coming from your soul. The soul is your navigation system. Today let's initiate the grand adventure into the magical realms of the soul. Let’s begin by clearing away the inner clutter and debris from the deepest place within you. As we slowly declutter… stress and life struggles will disappear. Inner peace, joy and love will begin to radiate from you... which brings you a greater connection to your spiritual team. Tonight tune as we create some magic together and connect with our Souls!
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    49 mins
  • Coffee with the Angels! Episode #11 - A Fresh New Day!
    Jan 22 2025
    Tonight Cheryl & The Angels want to help you create a fresh "new"start everyday! Often we begin our day the same way we end our day ... without a whole lot of thought because let's face it life is busy! However, we are given a "new day" a fresh new day every day and we can push the reset button whenever we choose! You have complete control over your attraction today. What do you want to attract ... how do you wan to feel ... what's your goal for today? What if today and everyday were filled with all the things that make you feel good? Tonight tune as we create some magic together!
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    55 mins