
  • Ep 9. CC on Solo Time, Solo Travel, and Self Love
    Apr 11 2023

    CC records the pod remotely during a solo trip in Jackson, Wyoming! She dives into how she's spending her time there, what she's learned about herself throughout 3 years of solo trips, when she got comfortable spending time alone, and how to foster self love like never before.


    Find Your Host:
    IG: @carolinecannon, @confidentlymewithcc
    TikTok: @confidentlycc

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    34 mins
  • Ep 8. Feelings, Emotions, and Being Human... Oh My!
    Mar 21 2023

    CC dives deep into the difference between feelings and emotions and teaches you about 5 different ways to safely process them (which are also available in the show notes below):

    5 Safe Ways To Process Your Feelings/Emotions (CC elaborates on these in the episode):

    1. Language
    2. Sound
    3. Movement/Physical Exertion
    4. Stillness
    5. Music and/or Movies

    Pro-Tip #8: In your ‘Me, Myself, and I’ locked note, identify 3 ways to work through your feelings and emotions. It can be anything from the 5 pillars above or something else if that’s what works for you. It can be a go to song, a go to exercise activity or class, or a go-to person you can call or an activity you can do with yourself.

    Next time you’re overwhelmed with a surge of mixed feelings and emotions, you know you can look to these things to get your needs met, help yourself feel seen, and use them to successfully work through the feelings and emotions without it having to eat away at you in some other area of your life! And remember, the more you practice this, the stronger feelings and emotions muscle you'll build.

    Link to Feelings Wheel: https://feelingswheel.com/


    Find Your Host:
    IG: @carolinecannon, @confidentlymewithcc
    TikTok: @confidentlycc

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    43 mins
  • Ep 7. How To Take Ownership Over Your Personal Preferences
    Mar 7 2023

    Being a human means that we inevitably have personal preferences, but sometimes we forget to lean into them in order to understand who we truly are. Not only do personal preferences make us human, but they’re what make us uniquely US!

    CC dives into all things personal preferences and teaches you how to better understand your own as well as how to manage differing preferences with others, especially in romantic relationships.

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    Locked ‘Me, Myself & I’ Note Overview - To start making real change, we gotta put in some work. This starts with creating your SAFE SPACE. Doing something from you and for you that's quick, simple, efficient, and accessible. Go ahead and create a locked note on your phone and name it whatever you want - CC’s note is named "Lil CC & More”. She originally used it to chat with her inner child/past self and now it's turned into her full time journal. Use your own locked note to safely connect with yourself and for CMWCC Pro-Tips!

    Pro-Tip #7 - In your "Me, Myself, and I," locked note, use the following 5 buckets for preferences (you can also add your own), jot down 3 preferences in no particular order for each bucket:

    • Movie genres
    • How you keep your living space
    • Things that make you laugh
    • What pisses you off
    • How you like to spend your Sundays

    A couple examples from CC are below:

    Things that make CC laugh

    • When something is out of place or things don’t belong (I.e. Larry David humor in Curb Your Enthusiasm)
    • When someone says “pudding”
    • A really clever pun (these are rare, but when they land for me, they land GOOD)

    How CC likes to spend her Sundays

    • Triple Movie Bagel Sunday (Listen to Ep 1 for deets — It’s essentially me horizontal on the couch all day, crushing bagels and movies with my dog Mollie)
    • Long walks around the perimeter of Manhattan
    • Self care (facemask, mani/pedi, meditation, etc.)

    The goal with this exercise is to help you get into the preferences mindset and really get clear on what you uniquely have a preference for that makes you, YOU! There are so many buckets for our preferences in our life and the key is for you to feel empowered and curious to better understand what you prefer (or don’t prefer) across the board. When you know your preferences, you can take pride in them as a way of taking ownership over YOUR life and most importantly around WHO YOU ARE!

    P.S. Here are directions for how to create a locked note on iPhone and Android.


    Find Your Host:
    IG: @carolinecannon, @confidentlymewithcc
    TikTok: @confidentlycc

    Follow The Podcast, Every Tuesday:
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    31 mins
  • Ep 6. Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold, But Juuust The Right People (Part 1)
    Feb 28 2023

    CC chats all about relationships and shares how you can find that perfect cup of people porridge that’s juuust right for you (wherever you’re at today):

    1. Why our relationships are important to building confidence
    2. How to suss out whether or not a relationship in your life is ‘right’ for you
    3. How CC learned that different people serve different purposes in our lives at different times
    4. What it means to have the ‘wrong’ people in your life
    5. CC vulnerably shares her story, recalling her past relationships that are no longer present in her life, but also helped make her who she is today


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    Locked ‘Me, Myself & I’ Note Overview - To start making real change, we gotta put in some work. This starts with creating your SAFE SPACE. Doing something from you and for you that's quick, simple, efficient, and accessible. Go ahead and create a locked note on your phone and name it whatever you want - CC’s note is named "Lil CC & More”. She originally used it to chat with her inner child/past self and now it's turned into her full time journal. Use your own locked note to safely connect with yourself and for CMWCC Pro-Tips!

    Pro-Tip #6 - In your "Me, Myself, and I," locked note, you’re going to do a little ‘people in your life’ evaluation. Take a few minutes to jot down a couple lists… One should be focused on writing out the names of people in your life who you feel positively energized by after hanging out or being with vs. people who you leave feeling worse/icky/or lesser about yourself after you hang out or interact with them — and be honest with yourself! The lists shouldn’t be only focused on people you engage with socially, but is all encompassing, which means friends, family, colleagues, etc. If you feel uncomfy writing people’s full names, feel free to use their initials or any other naming convention that works for you and your system.

    Remember, this locked note is your safe space to be with you and only you. Don’t be afraid of the results either… Even if you have more people on your ick list than you thought, that’s telling! Identifying this is what’s going to help you start attracting the energy that is a value add to your life. Life is too short to waste your precious time on people who you don’t feel it back from fam! This Pro-Tip will especially help you start generating the awareness to set a personal boundary with YOURSELF to not take things so personally from the people on your ick list since you now know it’s a them thing and NOT YOU! Also, it will help you better understand which people in your life you can go to when you’re in need of some extra support.

    P.S. Here are directions for how to create a locked note on iPhone and Android.


    Find Your Host:
    IG: @carolinecannon, @confidentlymewithcc
    TikTok: @confidentlycc

    Follow The Podcast, Every Tuesday:
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    34 mins
  • Ep 5. What Brings You JOY?!
    Feb 21 2023

    CC dives deep into the emotion JOY and shares some simple tricks for how you can utilize joy to better your life no matter where you’re at:

    1. What is joy and why it’s such a special emotion
    2. How channeling joy can help you progress along your confidence journey
    3. An example of when CC used to joy to help her see a way out of being at her lowest point during a mental breakdown last month
    4. How joy shows up throughout our upbringings and why it’s a natural breaker to the barrier between our conditioned operating model vs. what is truly positive for us
    5. Our joys change as we grow and evolve — CC shares an major example of how something that used to be a ‘joy-sucker’ is now one of her greatest joys in life


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    Locked ‘Me, Myself & I’ Note Overview - To start making real change, we gotta put in some work. This starts with creating your SAFE SPACE. Doing something from you and for you that's quick, simple, efficient, and accessible. Go ahead and create a locked note on your phone and name it whatever you want - CC’s note is named "Lil CC & More”. She originally used it to chat with her inner child/past self and now it's turned into her full time journal. Use your own locked note to safely connect with yourself and for CMWCC Pro-Tips!

    Pro-Tip #5 - This week’s pro-tip is all about creating your very own JoyFULL Toolkit! In your ‘Me, Myself, and I’ locked note, make 3 sections for "Small Joys", "Medium Joys", and "Big Joys." In each section, you're going to jot down 5 joys of those types. The goal here is for you to create a toolkit to access joy easily and efficiently whenever you need it most. And the small, medium, and big framework allows you to utilize your joys to help meet your needs wherever you're at, whenever you're at it. Overtime, continue to revisit your JoyFULL Toolkit and make any changes to ensure the list meets you where you’re at today. See below for examples of Small, Medium, and Big Joys for inspo:

    • Small Joys are little things that are super accessible and don't take much effort to facilitate like a drawing a warm salt bath or treating yourself to a whole piece of chocolate cake, going on a hottie walk while listening to your favorite pod, getting a hug from someone you love, eating your favorite meal, doing a face-mask, not skipping your nighttime self-care routine, FaceTiming someone who makes you happy, cuddling with your fur baby, noticing a certain time of day you love, putting on your favorite outfit or popping on some makeup.
    • Medium Joys are more time consuming and take a bit more effort (or $$$) to make happen. They’re things like taking yourself out on a date night, making plans to do a fun activity with one of your best people, splurging on a pair of shoes you've been dying to buy, ordering in from your favorite restaurant, going to TJ Maxx/Homegoods and buying some candles, getting tickets to a concert you want to see, going to your favorite workout class, getting a facial or mani/pedi.
    • Big Joys are things that require the most time/effort/$$ but also yield the greatest level of joy. Examples include renovating/updating a room in your apartment/house, booking a dream trip to a destination you've been dying to visit, putting effort into pursuing something you're passionate about like starting a volleyball league or going out West to ski for a month, getting yourself a pet, organizing a group trip for you and your squad, working towards getting a new degree.

    P.S. Here are directions for how to create a locked note on iPhone and Android.


    Find Your Host:
    IG: @carolinecannon, @confidentlymewithcc
    TikTok: @confidentlycc

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    27 mins
  • Ep 4. Why You Should Value Your Values
    Feb 14 2023

    ***PSA Pod Fam: This episode is a CMWCC MUST LISTEN TO!

    CC doubles down on all things values, answering questions like: What are values? Why are values important? And how can identifying your own values lead to living a more happy and fulfilled life?

    1. Quick refresh on authenticity and what it actually means to be truly authentic
    2. An introduction to a new pod segment called “CC’s Pod-Pit and Pod-Peak of the Week,” where CC spills some tea about a boy she used to date
    3. Defining core values and how they influence a) what we’re motivated by and b) what we’re emotionally attached to
    4. Examples of how CC’s core values have helped shape her life across work, romance, and family
    5. CC vulnerably reveals one of her most significant core values and discusses how learned norms and conditioning delayed her realization of this value — leading to a full on identity crisis at 24-years-old


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    Locked ‘Me, Myself & I’ Note Overview - To start making real change, we gotta put in some work. This starts with creating your SAFE SPACE. Doing something from you and for you that's quick, simple, efficient, and accessible. Go ahead and create a locked note on your phone and name it whatever you want - CC’s note is named "Lil CC & More”. She originally used it to chat with her inner child/past self and now it's turned into her full time journal. Use your own locked note to safely connect with yourself and for CMWCC Pro-Tips!

    Pro-Tip #4 - Today’s pro-tip is nice and simple! Who are our list-making lovers out there? This one's for you! In your ‘Me, Myself, and I’ locked note, you’re going to make two lists. One for the things you like and one for the things you don’t. To put it simple, a likes and dislikes list. It can really be ANYTHING, anyone, no matter how big or small. The only rule for something getting on your likes list is that it’s actually something you like, something that makes you feel good that you’d be very happy if more of it came into your life. And the only rule for getting something on your dislikes list, is that it’s something that drives you mad, that makes you angry or disgusts you, that goes against what you believe in.

    Try to get at least 15 - 20 bullets on each list. Odds are, every single bullet can be tied back to one of your core values, which is the first step to identifying your core values in the first place. Once you’re done, go chill or do something else for a bit (can be for a couple hours or even a few days) and then come back to your lists and ask yourself - Am I surprised by anything on here? Is anything missing that should be on there? Keep working on your list until it feels right for you wherever you’re at today.

    Then start thinking about how the bullets on your list might bucket into larger themes. Guess what?! Those larger themes are indicative of your core values, and can help guide you around what you should focus on putting your energy into so you can exist as a happier, more fulfilled you.

    P.S. Here are directions for how to create a locked note on iPhone and Android.


    Find Your Host:
    IG: @carolinecannon, @confidentlymewithcc
    TikTok: @confidentlycc

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    37 mins
  • Ep 3. 3 Anti-Confidence Red Flags and How To Spot Them
    Feb 7 2023

    CC introduces Anti-Confidence Red Flags (ACRFs), as she reveals the 3 major ACRFs that hold us back from becoming our most confident selves:

    1. This week’s Moody Mic Drop, inspired by one of the greatest chick flicks of all time
    2. Introduction to Anti-Confidence Red Flags and why they’re important for you to be aware of
    3. ACRF #1 about that ‘hater’ voice in our head and how CC learned to quiet hers
    4. ACRF #2 discusses why putting our self-worth in the hands of others can be detrimental to our mental health and how you can flip it
    5. ACRF #3 focuses on comparison — why we naturally compare ourselves as humans and how you can develop a healthy relationship with comparing so that it’s ultimately a value add to your life


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    Locked ‘Me, Myself & I’ Note Overview - To start making real change, we gotta put in some work. This starts with creating your SAFE SPACE. Doing something from you and for you that's quick, simple, efficient, and accessible. Go ahead and create a locked note on your phone and name it whatever you want - CC’s note is named "Lil CC & More”. She originally used it to chat with her inner child/past self and now it's turned into her full time journal. Use your own locked note to safely connect with yourself and for CMWCC Pro-Tips!

    Pro-Tip #3 - In your ‘Me, Myself & I’ note, jot down 3 ‘anti-confidence red flags’ that you believe exist in your life today. If there are more, feel free to make the list as long as you want. Next to each ACRF, make an arrow (dash plus right carrot ->) where you’ll write the opposite of the ACRF next to it. The opposite of the ACRF is an indicator of your own authenticity hiding behind it and reveals what you should challenge yourself to move towards.

    CC EXAMPLE: “ACRF: Spending time obsessing about missing out on potentially meeting a future partner since I don’t feel like going out, even though I’m given the opportunity to, and that’s rare sometimes.” -> “Opposite: I am NOT taking any risks by not going out because what I truly want is to stay in and REST, which will ultimately make me happier than doing the whole going out thing tonight.”

    As a reminder, ACRFs are our own personal confidence building journey deal breakers — they’re what our norms and conditioning has led us to personally hold ourselves back from becoming confident. You know it’s an ACRF when you hear that voice in your head that has nothing but bad things to say. Or you hold onto triggering comments that come from other people and let it deplete your sense of self worth. Or you find yourself beating yourself up when comparing your vibes to others, thinking that yours are worse than theirs. Start becoming curious about it and where ACRFs come up in your everyday life. And outside of this exercise, use your ‘Me, Myself & I’ note as a tool to write ACRFs down whenever you recognize they’re happening.

    The goal with this pro tip is that you will eventually start to notice when ACRFs appear in your everyday life and start working towards flipping them to uncover your true authenticity. This is key to learning how to stop them and understanding the origin of where they came from. It’s not you, it’s the conditioning and OG hardwiring of your brain. And with time, you’ll eventually start naturally giving yourself the unconditional love and support that you need to thrive today!

    P.S. Here are directions for how to create a locked note on iPhone and Android.


    Find Your Host:
    Instagram @carolinecannon, @confidentlymewithcc
    TikTok @confidentlycc

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    22 mins
  • Ep 2. How We Became NOT Confident
    Jan 31 2023

    CC dives into why we became not confident in the first place and how you can start maximizing your life today:

    1. CC’s first Moody Mic Drop and what caused her to have a full on ‘menty b’ this past week
    2. Life is shorter than you think, fam! CC reveals the average amount of days one lives in their lifetime and asks "What are you going to do between now and your last day on Earth to maximize your time here?!"
    3. The primary reason behind why we became not confident and how you can use it to your advantage in becoming your best self
    4. Our parents as our primary caretakers and the implications of their instinct to meet their own needs before they could meet our own
    5. Introduction to ‘shoulds and shouldn’ts’ along with this week’s Pro-Tip, which teaches you how to easily undo everything that’s made you not confident


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    Locked ‘Me, Myself & I’ Note Overview - To start making real change, we gotta put in some work. This starts with creating your SAFE SPACE. Doing something from you and for you that's quick, simple, efficient, and accessible. Go ahead and create a locked note on your phone and name it whatever you want - CC’s note is named "Lil CC & More”. She originally used it to chat with her inner child/past self and now it's turned into her full time journal. Use your own locked note to safely connect with yourself and for CMWCC Pro-Tips!

    Pro-Tip #2 - Think about all the ‘shoulds and shouldn’ts’ in your life, across relationships, your job or school, with yourself and your body, family, or wherever they might show up in your life. In your ‘Me, Myself & I’ locked note, make two sections next to each other — one for the ‘shoulds and shouldn’ts’ and one for why/because (aka why you tell yourself the shoulds/shouldn’ts in the first place). Start by identifying a minimum of 3 ‘shoulds and shouldn’ts’ and jot them down in your note. Over the next week, curiously observe where they occur in your life and keep building out your list as you go. Several examples from CC can be found below:

    Example 1: “I SHOULDN’T get cheese on my egg sandwich; WHY? Because it’ll make me fat”

    Example 2: “I SHOULD wear a lot of makeup to work; WHY? Because people will think I’m more attractive than I actually am”

    Example 3: “I SHOULDN’T tell people what I’m good at; WHY? Because it’ll make it seem like I’m not humble and humility is important to getting people to like me”

    Example 4: “I SHOULD wait to respond to their text; WHY? Because playing hard to get is how to win them over”

    This exercise will help you start to realize how ridiculous these subconscious personal guidelines are and just how obvious it is that they’re not actually coming from the true you. Next week, we’ll use your ‘shoulds and shouldn’ts’ as a basis for developing your personal ACRFs (Anti-Confidence Red Flags). Also fam, don’t forget to take some pride in the fact that you’re doing something purely for yourself and your own greater good. What you develop on the inside will only help positively enhance your life on the outside! You got this!

    P.S. Here are directions for how to create a locked note on iPhone and Android.

    1:11 - The Moody Mic Drop
    3:49 - Maximizing your time here on Earth
    9:04 - Why we became not confident
    13:34 - Challenges of our parents meeting their own needs AND ours
    19:49 - Undoing the conditioning by leading with curiosity
    23:29 - Me, Myself, & I


    Find Your Host:
    Instagram @carolinecannon, @confidentlymewithcc
    TikTok @confidentlycc

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    27 mins