• ADHD Consultant & Trainer H Harris shares their story on masking and how own the sh*t out of who you are
    Dec 6 2024

    Today I’m joined by H Harris who coaches neurodivergent people to own the sh*t out of who they are! I came across them on social media when they shared a post that talked about double masking as a black neurodivergent person.

    We had an amazing conversation covering a lot of topics that I think will be helpful for so many people.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • H’s late identified journey with ADHD and Autism (and why they prefer the term identify instead of diagnosis even with a professional diagnosis)
    • How they always knew something was different and ‘waiting’ for that change to feel normal.
    • H’s late diagnosis of dyslexia at age 16 and how the language around it at the time shaped how they felt about their diagnosis
    • What the meaning of a personal ‘threshold’ is when meeting the demands of your environment.
    • How they didn’t know anyone with ADHD at the time.
    • The narrative around ADHD being both debilitating and a strength and how those two things can co-exist.
    • How H realised that doing things the ‘neurotypical’ way didn’t work for them
    • The visualisation they use to get rid of their demons.
    • The different ways to deal with thoughts around Autism if you feel you identify with Autistic traits.
    • How to confidently go into the referral process.
    • What double masking is and how that can show up, specifically how they double masked their blackness to fit into white societal norms.
    • The mental health difficulties that come from masking.

    You can follow H on Tik Tik and Instagram and direct message them about coaching if you’d like to know more. We will be back with part 2 in the new year so keep an eye out!

    As many of you know, I'm a Digital Marketer in my day-to-day life. If you're an online business owner then come and check out my membership designed specifically for busy brained entrepreneurs like you!

    Check it out here: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com/10

    I hope you’re enjoying these episodes. We’ve got some great episodes planned in for the end of this season so subscribe to listen out for more. Every time you listen or hit subscribe it pushes the pod up the charts and I truly appreciate it!

    You can also find me over here:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast

    and www.instagram.com/sam.milburn.digital.marketing

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coulditbeadhd

    Website: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com

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    56 mins
  • Sarah Cawood on ADHD, Navigating Menopause without HRT and Living a Life you Love after Surviving Cancer
    Nov 18 2024

    Sarah Cawood is a TV presenter who regularly appeared on shows like Live and Kicking, Top of the Pops and MTV back in the 90s and 00s – if you’re a 40-something like me you’ll remember those days well! Sarah has had the most incredible and challenging few years surviving breast cancer and navigating menopause. She identifies with ADHD traits and has found a way to navigate menopause and life without HRT that works for her and her family.

    It was a pleasure to have Sarah on and take on board her infectious energy and outlook on life.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How Sarah’s ADHD traits started to manifest
    • Challenges that come with ADHD and freelancing
    • How Sarah found HRT and why she can’t take it anymore
    • The key supplements that Sarah takes instead
    • Why we need to change how we think about anti-depressants
    • The types of exercise Sarah swears by that has helped her through menopause
    • The ways in which Sarah has designed her work life to fit around family
    • Vaginal atrophy and dryness and having those conversations with our partners
    • Being open with our kids about puberty and sex
    • How Sarah simplified things in her life to avoid burnout

    You can find Sarah over on Instagram here and check out her affiliate links for both Simon Ourian (the skincare range I use – and no I don’t get anything from this I just love it!) and Scentsy here.

    As many of you know, I'm a Digital Marketer in my day-to-day life. If you're an online business owner then come and check out my membership designed specifically for busy brained entrepreneurs like you!

    Check it out here: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com/10

    I hope you’re enjoying these episodes. We’ve got some great episodes planned in for the end of this season so subscribe to listen out for more. Every time you listen or hit subscribe it pushes the pod up the charts and I truly appreciate it!

    You can also find me over here:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast

    and www.instagram.com/sam.milburn.digital.marketing

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coulditbeadhd

    Website: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com

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    58 mins
  • ADHD, Neurodivergency and the Correlation with BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder)
    Nov 7 2024

    In this episode I talk about the correlation between neurodivergency and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

    I ran a webinar recently with BDD specialist Dr Lauren Peile for the BDD foundation (the only charity dedicated to supporting people with BDD) and found out that 80% of the children in the BDD specialist unit in London were neurodivergent.

    I have cared for an adolescent for a number of years with BDD and helped them through extensive therapy. I also have another close family member with BDD. And we are a neurodivergent family. So although there still needs to be more research on this there is a clear correlation of some kind.

    This made me even more aware of how this information needs to be common knowledge in the neurodivergent community.

    But neurodivergent or not, It’s always good to be aware of what BDD is, the signs of BDD and how to best support a young person with BDD. The effects can be devastating – but the good news is that recovery is possible.

    As a neurodivergent yourself it’s likely you have neurodivergent children. You probably already know how OCD, anxiety, depression and eating disorders might present themselves, but what about BDD? And with estimates that up to 2% of the population suffer with BDD, often suffering an average of 10 years before seeking treatment, it’s clear it’s also highly prevalent.

    In this episode I share:

    • What BDD looks like (and what it’s not)
    • How to talk to your child about BDD if you suspect they may be showing signs
    • The treatment options for BDD
    • How to navigate recovery from BDD and what it looks like
    • Where to get help and advice for BDD (lots of links are below with further resources)
    • The best things you can do as a parent or carer to support a child (or even friend) with BDD

    Whether you’re ADHD, Autistic, or have any other neurodivergence, being aware of the signs of BDD is really important so that you can intervene early.

    For screening tests and further support head to the BDD Foundation's website: https://bddfoundation.org/

    To listen to the webinar with me and Dr Peile on YouTube for Parents and Carers of children with BDD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1XTtm1eTRc

    To join my private Facebook support group for parents and carers of children with BDD: https://www.facebook.com/

    As many of you know, I'm a Digital Marketer in my day-to-day life. If you're an online business owner then come and check out my membership designed specifically for busy brained entrepreneurs like you!

    Check it out here: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com/10

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast

    and www.instagram.com/sam.milburn.digital.marketing

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coulditbeadhd

    Website: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com

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    40 mins
  • ADHD Right to Choose Expert Nicola Cheetham Shares Advice and Her Experience of ADHD
    Oct 23 2024

    Nicola Cheetham is a fellow late diagnosed ADHDer and Advocate who received her diagnosis when she was 50. Nicola has grown a large following on Tik Tok and is dedicated to helpng people access a diagnosis through the right to choose pathway to avoid lengthy wait times and to empower people to advocate for them themselves.

    This is such a juicy episode full of useful info about right to choose!

    We talk about

    • How her ADHD realisations came about
    • How even after two years post diagnosis Nicola is still working out what unmasking is and how to advocate for her needs
    • How Nicola is comfortable to be open about her ADHD and advocating for herself which drives her mission to help others who feel they can’t
    • Her diagnosis journey and experience of shared care
    • Advocating for yourself when speaking to your GP especially in peri menopause
    • The work Nicola is doing to deep dive into the ADHD diagnosis crisis in the UK
    • ADHD medication Nicola’s journey to find the right type
    • The things Nicola has changed in her life since her diagnosis
    • What Nicola loves about her ADHD
    • Nicola’s advice for anyone who is at the start of their ADHD journey

    Find out more about Nicola over on Tik Tik where you can also find a link to her ADHD Right to Choose documents.


    As many of you know, I'm a Digital Marketer in my day-to-day life. If you're an online business owner then come and check out my membership designed specifically for busy brained entrepreneurs like you!

    Check it out here: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com/10

    You can also find me over here:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast

    and www.instagram.com/sam.milburn.digital.marketing

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coulditbeadhd

    Website: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • ADHD, Social Anxiety & Stigma - Public Speaker and Mental Health Advocate Wes Woodson Shares His Story and Insights
    Oct 16 2024

    Wes Woodson is an incredible human, public speaker and mental health advocate making a difference to the lives of teenagers up and down the US touring Universities and Colleges. Through his talks and workshops fighting the stigma and giving children the tools to manage their mental health.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Wes’s experience at Primary School and feeling different.
    • How he came to be labeled with ‘learning disabilities’ instead of understanding it was ADHD
    • How his story has shaped his purpose and passion for helping children by touring schools in the US and sharing his message.
    • The negativity and stigma attached to labels and how we need to change that.
    • How Wes found out about his ADHD
    • How Wes feels when he’s in hyperfocus!
    • I asked Wes for his top tips to share with me to overcome my fear of public speaking!
    • What our kids need from us to help encourage them to talk about their feelings as they get older
    • Wes’s parent's reaction to his ADHD
    • How executive function difficulties affect Wes
    • Wes's final words of wisdom about discovering your ADHD

    Follow Wes over on Instagram (and threads!) to follow his speaking journey https://www.instagram.com/weswoodson/

    If you liked this episode then please do subscribe to the podcast as I’ve got more incredible guests lined up every week.

    As many of you know, I'm a Digital Marketer in my day-to-day life. If you're an online business owner then come and check out my membership designed specifically for busy brained entrepreneurs like you!

    Check it out here: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com/10

    You can also find me over here:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast

    and www.instagram.com/sam.milburn.digital.marketing

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coulditbeadhd

    Website: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com

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    55 mins
  • ADHD Journey with Meredith Carder - Author, ADHD Coach and Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur
    Oct 8 2024

    Meredith Carder is an ADHD Coach, creator and writer with a BS in psychology and MBA. As a true multi-passionate adult with ADHD, Meredith has gained considerable experience over the last 20 years working in employee training and development, as well as successfully running several small businesses culminating in a huge following on social media.

    Meredith shares her ADHD story with us and how as an adult, the struggles started to creep in. And like so many of my guests these realisations started to come to light when she found out about her child’s neurodivergences.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The diagnosis pathways in the US
    • How Meredith felt around her and her daughter’s ADHD diagnosis and the worry of being believed
    • The grief process that Meredith has worked through
    • How Meredith slowly shared her ADHD news and found safe people to share her diagnosis with
    • How Meredith’s Instagram was a way to talk about ADHD and how positive the response was
    • Meredith’s very random previous businesses (the typical multi passionate ADHDer!)
    • Some of the systems Meredith puts in place to stay focussed on her successful coaching business so it works for her
    • Bucking the ‘typical’ business advice for an ADHDer by incorporating variety
    • Some of the common difficulties ADHDers face in the workplace and as entrepreneurs
    • What Meredith loves about her ADHD
    • How ADHDers can be great listeners and talkers
    • Checking for understanding with your partner so information sinks in
    • Meredith’s advice for anyone who thinks they may have ADHD

    Meredith has some great strategies in her brand new book ‘It all makes sense now’ designed for anyone who wants to learn more about their ADHD and strategies they can try out to manage some of their ADHD struggles. I’ve found it super easy to read with bite size-tips. Great for anyone who is at the start of their journey. Buy your copy here

    You can find Meredith on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/hummingbird_adhd/

    If you liked this episode then please do subscribe to the podcast as I’ve got more incredible guests lined up every week.

    As many of you know, I'm a Digital Marketer in my day-to-day life. If you're an online business owner then come and check out my membership designed specifically for busy brained entrepreneurs like you!

    Check it out here: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com/10

    You can also find me over here:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast

    and www.instagram.com/sam.milburn.digital.marketing

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coulditbeadhd

    Website: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com

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    40 mins
  • ADHD Journey with Journalist Helen Dewdney - Self Diagnosis and Dealing with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria when Making Complaints
    Sep 30 2024

    Helen Dewdney is a well-known journalist and consumer champion who regular features in the media on programs like Sky, ITV News, Rip Off Britain and Alexis and Friends, giving her advice and expertise on consumer matters. Over the years it became clear to her colleagues that she was Neurodivergent, unbeknown to her! Until one day it all clicked.

    I met Helen through a Neurdodivergent group we’re both a part of and LOVE Helens authenticity and straight-up approach. She has a huge passion for justice and she shares not only some great stories from her younger years, but some tips for fellow ADHDers on how to advocate for themselves when it comes to complaining.

    This is something a lot of us find hard due to rejection sensitivities, something I hear more and more of that is common among ADHDers.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How Helen’s friends and staff recognised her neurodivergent traits when she was working in children’s services

    • Her struggles with reading people’s intentions and her straight-up approach • How her neurodivergent traits showed up when she was younger

    • How important her sense of justice is, a common feeling among ADHDers, and how it’s shaped her career

    • How as ADHDers we both find it hard to accept the first answer to a problem and demand a fullproof solution so that others don’t come up against the same struggles we did.

    • How to get over your RSD and tips for making a complaint • Helen’s personal reasons for not seeking a diagnosis and how she’s put in place great support systems to manage any struggles

    • Finishing the episode on our soapbox as we complain about smalltalk! If you liked this episode then please do follow as I’ve got more incredible guests lined up every week.

    If you want to find out more about Helen or download her book then you can find her details here: https://thecomplainingcow.co.uk/

    As many of you know, I'm a Digital Marketer in my day-to-day life. If you're an online business owner then come and check out my membership designed specifically for busy brained entrepreneurs like you!

    Check it out here: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com/10

    You can also find me over here:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast

    and www.instagram.com/sam.milburn.digital.marketing

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coulditbeadhd

    Website: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com

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    52 mins
  • ADHD Impulsivity, hyper fixating and how I just had to have the tent! And the intense feelings that come with wanting everything
    Sep 24 2024

    A friend said that the first part of your ADHD diagnosis is filing through memories and past life experiences and making sense of things. And this was an example of something that popped into my head this week.

    I get SO sad when I can't have the things I want. And that sounds like a spoilt brat right? But I don't have many other ways to describe it. I don't outwardly stamp my feet (well not often!) but I feel a deep sadness. Because when I get an idea into my head, and I spend hours researching it (to the detriment of others around me) I feel like I can't stop until I've made it a reality, or I've quite literally lost the flow. Like gone numb from it.

    My tent story is a CLASSIC example of how it doesn't matter what anyone says to me, I'll ignore it all. Which is scary. Scary that I get so much satisfaction from hours of looking at things (what a waste of precious time) and that I've spent years putting energy into so many things that never worked out.

    This is the side of ADHD that is my biggest struggle. One I still struggle with now. One that can cost money and arguments. But I'm getting better at recognising the patterns and trying to understand my feelings better so I don't put my energy and time into the wrong things. Thank you ADHD!

    I don't have the answers - but this isn't something I hear all the time so maybe it resonates with you? And maybe you can take a step back now and try to evaluate what's actually happening before you fall into the black hole.

    As many of you know, I'm a Digital Marketer in my day-to-day life. If you're an online business owner then come and check out my membership designed specifically for busy brained entrepreneurs like you!

    Check it out here: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com/10

    You can also find me over here:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast

    and www.instagram.com/sam.milburn.digital.marketing

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coulditbeadhd

    Website: www.sammilburndigitalmarketing.com

    Show More Show Less
    31 mins