• Masculine Energy / Feminine Energy
    May 11 2023

    Does your work exhaust you daily? If you feel you fit in your work, you work within your energy. In this episode, Stan Padgett explains the importance of understanding the difference between masculine energy and feminine energy. He discusses the role of these energies within relationships. Stan points out that appearances are not always what they say, and instead get in touch with the little voice within ourselves. Tune in to this episode to guide you through tapping into our energies!

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    28 mins
  • Mote And Beam
    Apr 27 2023

    The best foundation for a happy life is happy relationships. Within the family, that starts with the husband and wife. If this central relationship is strong, safe, fulfilling, joyful, and passionate, the rest of the family unit will echo that and have a long, happy, and healthy life. In this episode, Stan Padgett digs deeper into how we can achieve that in our intimate relationships. He uses the metaphors of the mote and the beam to show how, sometimes, what causes friction in the partnership is our perception of each other. How do we begin to reflect better on ourselves and see a better reflection of our partner? How do we see the other person as they are? Join Stan as he helps you reflect in today’s show!

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    23 mins
  • Binary Stars
    Apr 13 2023

    The universe is full of parallels that constantly remind us how our lives are even more connected than we let on. A perfect example is the concept of the Binary Stars and how this physical phenomenon mirrors human relationships. In this episode, Stan Padgett looks into the lessons we can learn from the universe as we further our understanding of relationships through our connection with the stars. He takes us deep into this system of two stars revolving around each other, just like with us and our partners. We find ourselves orbiting around a central point, where, in time, we slowly merge into one entity. Stan also discusses the four elements present in relationships and explains who comes first in the family dynamic. Look to the stars and see the wisdom in them. Join Stan in this conversation as he seeks to learn more about our intimate relationships and improve our connection from the binary stars above.

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    25 mins
  • Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself
    Mar 30 2023

    To love thy neighbor as thyself, you have to first love yourself. Stan Padgett discusses the importance of loving yourself, acknowledging yourself, and the role those play in loving others. Stan shares how the Golden Rule underpins the idea of loving your neighbor as yourself, and shares how you can start having a better relationship with yourself in order to have healthier relationships with the people you love. Tune in now. 

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    22 mins
  • The Diamond Relationship Formula
    Mar 16 2023

    We all want our relationships to be like diamonds. We want them to last forever. How can we achieve that? Is there a formula that could help us improve the quality of our relationships? In this episode, Stan Padgett shares the secret to having quality relationships with others. The Diamond Relationship Formula allows you to measure the quality of your relationships mathematically, create a plan, and take action to improve them. The quality of a relationship is equal to the quality of questions, communication, and commitment in that relationship. But there’s more to it than meets the eye. Tune in to this episode and learn more.

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    30 mins
  • 8 Words To Live By
    Feb 23 2023

    We have the ability to shape our dreams and reach our goals, but we fail because we don’t do it consciously. Stan Padgett teaches the right way of setting yourself up for success and programming your mind to constantly search for personal growth. He also shares tips on becoming a better partner in every relationship and being energized in everything you do.

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    19 mins
  • Control Is Relationship Poison
    Feb 9 2023

    In this ever-changing world, there are just so many things we can’t control. To compensate for that fact, we, whether knowingly or unknowingly, try to control our relationships instead. And this does more harm than good. In this episode, Stan Padgett discusses the damage any form of control does to a relationship. He lists the levels of relationships and breaks down how we go from dependence to independence. Offering more advice, Stan then helps you recognize and avoid controlling behaviors. Join this conversation and learn why control is relationship poison. Notice the signs before it is too late.

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    20 mins
  • The Building Blocks Of Successful Relationships
    Jan 26 2023

    What do successful relationships have in common? Whatever culture you grew up in, the basic building blocks remain the same. You need to have trust and respect in your relationship. The same can be said for both your relationship with your intimate partner and your relationship with your children. In this second episode of Cracking the Relationship Code, Stan Padgett leads us through the journey to successful relationships by teaching the foundations of love and how to build and strengthen them. He talks about trust and respect from both the feminine and masculine perspectives. As much as they are key building blocks to successful relationships, they can also be stumbling blocks if not handled properly. Tune in and learn how to strike that perfect balance that allows your relationship to thrive!

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    19 mins