• Winning the War on Mind with this Healing Modality with Jill Sitnick
    Sep 15 2024

    Jill Sitnick is the founder of The Journey Sage, an educational platform that demystifies MDMA for PTSD therapy to help dispel the stigma of psychedelics for mental health.

    This episode deeply explores whether the societal view on psychedelics is a war on drugs or a war on the mind, setting the tone for paradigm deconstruction.

    Jill's Background and Resistance Faced: A Personal Journey

    • Jill, a child of the 80s, shares her journey from being a corporate professional to exploring MDMA therapy for PTSD.

    • Faces resistance due to societal stigmas and misconceptions around psychedelics, fueled by historical narratives and propaganda.

    Psychedelics: Tools for Healing, Not Party Substances

    • Discussion on the misconception that psychedelics are for recreational use and the importance of discernment in their consumption.

    • Emphasis on responsible usage, proper dosing, and the medical supervision integral to therapeutic journeys.

    Breaking Down the Stigma: Destigmatizing Psychedelic Conversations

    • Jill shares her experiences in destigmatizing psychedelic discussions, highlighting the need for open conversations and dispelling myths.

    • Advocates for asking critical questions, akin to those asked about conventional medications, to understand context and ensure responsible use.

    Psychedelics vs. Harmful Drugs: Understanding the Difference

    • Distinguishing between psychedelics and harmful drugs, emphasizing the importance of context, set, setting, and individual responsibility.

    • Challenges the societal lumping together of diverse substances under the blanket term "drugs."

    Resistance Against Psychedelics: Unveiling Hidden Agendas

    • Ponders why society is vehemently against psychedelics and questions if there's an agenda at play.

    • Acknowledges the immense research and potential of psychedelics in unraveling consciousness.

    Jill's Trajectory into MDMA Therapy: Unforeseen Healing

    • Jill's journey into MDMA therapy triggered by a panic attack, grief, and subsequent PTSD diagnosis.

    • Narrates the unexpected shift in her consciousness through three therapeutic journeys, leading to significant improvement in her mental health.

    The Healing Process: Beyond a One-Stop Solution

    • Emphasizes that psychedelic therapy isn't a quick fix but a faster path, especially for trauma patients.

    • Compares the integration process post-therapy to physical therapy, illustrating the ongoing nature of the healing journey.

    Understanding Psychedelic Experiences: Jill's Revelations

    • Describes Jill's personal psychedelic experiences, highlighting the empathetic nature of MDMA and its role in unveiling repressed memories.

    • The revelation of an inner voice and the ability to confront and process traumatic memories with the support of therapeutic guidance.

    Conclusion: Shifting Consciousness and Unveiling Truths

    • The profound shifts in consciousness possible through psychedelic therapy were revealed.

    • Encourages open-minded exploration, responsible use, and a shift in societal perspectives on psychedelics for mental health.

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    53 mins
  • Free Energy to Revolutionize Everything with Tom Paladino
    Sep 15 2024

    Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher based in Florida. He began research with scalar energy during his undergraduate years. Inspired by various scientists, especially Nikola Tesla (a genius who invented alternating current).
    Tom was able to develop scalar energy instruments capable of harnessing and transmitting instructive energy to heal human subjects by way of their photograph.
    Tom’s instruments provide a guaranteed, fast, harmless and painless treatment process that has successfully healed patients with quantum illnesses such as HIV viral disease, Ebola, herpes, hepatitis, Lyme disease, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. by using only a photograph to remove the pathogens. Over 400,000 pathogens are identified and subsequently disassembled by way of this unique scalar energy protocol. These scalar light instruments administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, thereby causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan, can all be disassembled, representing a cure or prevention for thousands of diseases. Once the causative agent of a pathogen disease has been eliminated, the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or disappear altogether.

    15 days of FREE scalar light sessions are available to the public on the home page: www.scalarlight.com

    Tom Paladino discusses scalar energy and its potential to revolutionize the energy industry. He explains that scalar energy is the primary energy of the stars and offers unlimited, clean, and safe energy. Paladino believes that free energy from scalar energy could transform our culture and bring economic prosperity to all. He also discusses the suppression of this technology and the importance of stepping out of fear-based living to embrace abundance. Paladino shares his journey into scalar energy and how he uses scalar energy instruments to treat patients with quantum illnesses. He emphasizes that scalar energy works at the level of intelligence and information, correcting disease patterns and balancing the chakras. Paladino envisions a future where scalar energy is widely accepted and utilized for the benefit of humanity.


    • Scalar energy is the primary energy of the stars and offers unlimited, clean, and safe energy.

    • Free energy from scalar energy could transform our culture and bring economic prosperity to all.

    • Scalar energy works at the level of intelligence and information, correcting disease patterns and balancing the chakras.

    • Scalar energy has the potential to revolutionize the energy industry and provide a sustainable and abundant source of power.

    • Stepping out of fear-based living and embracing abundance is crucial for accessing the benefits of scalar energy.

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    48 mins
  • Walking through the Gates of Power to Live Again with Nomi Bachar
    Sep 15 2024

    Nomi Bachar is a human potential expert, keynote speaker, author and mentor. She is a trained psychotherapist and has been guiding individuals and organisations for 30 years.
    Nomi is the Founder and Director of White Cedar Institute for Expanded Living LLC, and the creator of the highly acclaimed method and program titled, Gates of Power®.

    She helps individuals and organisations achieve high levels of performance and fulfilment in their personal and professional lives. Her expertise guides and empowers individuals to become leaders of their lives and their communities.

    Nomi Bachar is the author of the Acclaimed International Best Selling book, “Gates of Power®: Actualise Your True Self”, a practical guide to creating the optimal self.

    Her second book, “Let the Heart Speak” was published in May 2018. Nomi has been globally interviewed on dozens of radio talk shows such as iTunes, CBS radio & Voice of America.

    Nomi Bachar's journey unfolds as a testament to the transformative power of holistic self-improvement. You are invited to question their illusions, differentiate between defensive and expanded selves, and embark on a journey towards true freedom and authentic power. Nomi's wisdom serves as a guide for those ready to navigate their personal gates of power and unleash the cosmic energy within, where you’ll continue to discover:

    The Evolution of Personal Truth:

    • Nomi delves into the process of recognizing illusions and false truths in her life.

    • She emphasizes the importance of listening to the heart's desires and the pursuit of true freedom.

    The Unveiling of Illusions:

    • Nomi shares pivotal moments of shedding illusions, such as the need for external validation and the belief that she couldn't stand up for herself.

    • Encourages listeners to identify and question their illusions by connecting with their authentic desires.

    The Continuous Process of Shedding Layers:

    • Discusses the ongoing journey of shedding layers and the challenges faced in letting go of deeply ingrained beliefs.

    • Highlights the beauty of returning to a natural, childlike state—free, joyful, and expressive.

    Navigating the Gates of Power:

    • Introduces the concept of the seven gates of power, representing different areas of life.

    • Emphasizes the significance of cohesive energy flow through these gates for a unified and empowered self.

    Recognizing Defensive vs. Expanded Self:

    • Nomi guides individuals to differentiate between their defensive and expanded selves.

    • Encourages compassionate exploration of wounds and vulnerabilities, leading to healing and unity.

    Misconceptions About Power:

    • Challenges the common misconception that personal power comes from achievements, external validation, or control.

    • Distinguishes between the fleeting, fear-based power and the enduring, cosmic power within.

    Unconscious Handing Over of Power:

    • Explores how individuals, operating from a defensive self, unconsciously surrender their power to external influences.

    • Highlights the addictive nature of seeking validation and a sense of self from outside sources.

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    42 mins
  • How You're Energetically Misaligned and Living in an Illusion with Jen Romanowski
    Sep 15 2024
    Sunshine is a Psychic Medium, Soul Healer, Spiritual Advisor, High Priestess, Reiki Master, Recovering Alcoholic and founder of Sunshine Readings. Her passion is helping others learn how to step into their shadows so they can uncover their own magick and psychic gifts needed to remove any energetic blocks to their soul’s enlightenment. She is the Creatrix of Illuminate, The Unschool of Witchcraft. This transformational program includes Sunshine’s divine-inspired gifts in 7 different monthly workshops and 1:1 access to her. In addition to owning and operating Sunshine Readings, Sunshine is also an award-winning software product manager and business operations expert that is helping corporations revolutionize their internal structure and processes to adopt a more innovative culture. In her spare time, you will find Sunshine dancing, cooking, painting, and hanging out with her five kitties in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. “Only when we know our own darkness can we sit in the darkness with others." - Pema Chodron Introduction: In this episode, we delve deep into the transformative journey of Jen, a seasoned professional in software product management, as she transitions from a corporate career to a path of spiritual and metaphysical exploration. Background: Jen's extensive background spans over 20 years in software product management and leadership roles. Managed million-dollar ad budgets and worked with Fortune 500 companies. Despite success, she experienced a profound shift, hitting a "springboard" moment in 2019 that redirected her life. Rock Bottom to Springboard: Jen's awakening was triggered by her father's struggle with alcoholism, leading her to confront her own patterns. A pivotal 2.5-month leave of absence to care for her ailing father became a catalyst for change. Returned to a corporate job briefly but felt disillusioned, resigning abruptly after almost 12 years. Unraveling the Mess: Jen describes this period as messy, icky, and horrifying, prompting her departure from a corporate world she once adored. The grieving process ensued, mourning the loss of identity tied to the corporate structure. The journey of self-discovery during this liminal space involved deep emotional release through daily yin yoga. The Mask Falls: The disillusionment brought forth profound questions about her choices, leading to a reevaluation of her life's direction. The first encounter with the unveiled self brought waves of shame, guilt, and intense introspection. Prayer and meditation became tools for seeking guidance and ensuring she never found herself in such a situation again. Shadow Work Importance: Reflecting on societal influences, Jen emphasizes how external forces shape identities from an early age. The critical need to explore the shadow self arises from a lifetime of living prescribed identities and beliefs. Acknowledges the challenge of awakening at an older age but stresses the necessity of this inner exploration for authentic living. Autopilot and Paradigm Shift: Discusses the autopilot mode where people may find success without delving into their shadows. Questions arise about societal conditioning, career choices dictated by others, and the impact on authentic self-expression. Urges those in autopilot to question and explore their true desires beyond societal expectations. The Unconscious Realm: Jen explores the disruptive nature of shadow work, challenging preconceived notions about gender roles, societal norms, and career paths. Acknowledges the discomfort and questioning that emerges during this process. Jen encourages individuals to go beyond conventional coaching or affirmations, diving into the unconscious realm for profound transformation. Energetic Imbalances and Chakras: Insight into the throat chakra and its connection to authenticity. The physical manifestations of misaligned chakras, such as laryngitis and respiratory issues. Memories in Energetic DNA: The lasting impact of memories on energetic DNA and how they influence our present experiences. The importance of addressing and releasing energetic scars through emotional expression. We explore the shadow aspects of various chakras and how they manifest in our lives. Understanding the interconnectedness of chakras and their influence on our well-being.
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    55 mins
  • Unmasking from the Inauthenticity of Plastic Surgery with Dr. Sharon McLaughlin
    Sep 4 2024

    Dr. Sharon McLaughlin is a speaker in the field of women's empowerment. After experiencing burnout as a plastic surgeon, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and in-depth study. Her focus is on confidence building, effective communication and the indispensability of setting healthy boundaries.

    Dr McLaughlin is the visionary behind Female Physician Entrepreneurs, a thriving network for women physicians that she established with the aim of empowering them to excel in their careers and ventures. The group boasts an impressive membership of more than 10,000 accomplished women physicians. Dr. McLaughlin's primary objective in creating this community was to provide a secure and supportive environment for women physicians to acquire valuable knowledge in the realm of business. Given the alarming statistics of over 50% of American physicians experiencing burnout, she felt compelled to assist them in forging alternative pathways and choices in their professional lives.

    Dr. Mclaughlin has been featured in the media and on multiple podcasts. She believes that each woman offers a unique voice and that we should be branding ourselves as we each have a message to share.

    Her latest book, Thriving After Burnout, is a compilation of stories from women physicians who share tips and strategies on what helped them during burnout.

    Dr. Sharon Mclaughlin graduated from SUNY Stony Brook with a degree in biochemistry. She completed her medical school training at SUNY Downstate. Dr McLaughlin Completed a 5-year general surgery training and a 2-year plastic surgery fellowship. She also is an executive coach.


    In this episode, Sharon's narrative becomes a roadmap for listeners navigating identity shifts, societal expectations, and the pursuit of authenticity. The conversation delves deep into the emotional and mental challenges of letting go of a successful career, urging individuals to prioritize internal alignment over external fixes. Sharon's candid insights and personal anecdotes offer a unique perspective on the intricate relationship between identity, societal standards, and the quest for true authenticity.

    You’ll discover:

    The Journey from Plastic Surgeon to Authenticity:

    • Sharon reflects on her years of dedication to becoming a plastic surgeon, fueled by societal expectations and personal ambition.

    • The tipping point: realizing she achieved her goal but questioning if it truly aligned with her desires.

    Identity Crisis:

    • Wrestling with imposter syndrome and the weight of societal expectations.

    • Sharon grapples with her identity being synonymous with her career, making it difficult to envision walking away.

    Emotional Turmoil and Burnout:

    • The emotional toll of feeling like an inadequate wife, mother, and professional.

    • Burnout manifested physically, leading to an autoimmune disease and a poignant realization that change was necessary.

    Owning Someone Something:

    • The struggle with feeling indebted to others for the investment in her medical training.

    • The all-or-nothing decision-making process that resulted in a drastic departure from plastic surgery.

    Plastic Surgery and Authenticity:

    • Exploring the complex relationship between plastic surgery and authenticity.

    • Unpacking societal influences and the quest for external validation versus internal acceptance.

    The Trap of External Fixes:

    • Discussing the allure of external fixes versus addressing the underlying issues.

    • How societal standards and platforms like Instagram contribute to distorted perceptions of beauty.

    Sharon's Personal Journey:

    • Candidly sharing her decision to get braces at 56, emphasizing the importance of thoughtful decisions.

    • Encouraging listeners to define their own standards of acceptability and not rush into decisions.

    Key Takeaways and Advice:

    • Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals when contemplating a career shift.

    • Emphasizing the significance of aligning one's actions with personal values.

    • Encouraging self-reflection and addressing internal issues before seeking external fixes.

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    42 mins
  • Resetting Your Authentic Baseline with Sarah Kirby
    Sep 4 2024

    Sarah Kirby is founder and astrologer behind SevenMoons Astrology. A former engineer and business consultant, she now helps friends and clients all over the world to embrace their true nature, connect with their inner wisdom, and reduce resistance in their lives through astrology and human design.

    In this episode, you will:

    • Gain insights into the origins and depth of astrology beyond common misconceptions.

    • Explore personal journeys of self-discovery and alignment with inner truths.

    • Understand the practical applications of astrology and human design in navigating life's challenges.

    • Encouragement to approach esoteric subjects with curiosity and open-mindedness for personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Introduction to Astrology:

      • Sarah shares her early introduction to astrology through her grandmother and how it resurfaced in her life later on.

      • Discusses how the pandemic prompted deeper exploration into astrology and led to the launch of her business.

    • Seeking Deeper Meaning:

      • Sarah and the guest reflect on their dissatisfaction with conventional careers and their journey towards exploring more esoteric interests.

      • Emphasizes the significance of introspection during times of uncertainty, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Paradigm Shift:

      • Explores the origins of astrology and its scientific and artistic aspects, challenging common misconceptions.

      • Highlights astrology as an empirical science rooted in observation and historical significance across civilizations.

    • Skepticism and Inquiry:

      • Addresses skepticism towards astrology and offers a perspective on its potential truths beyond conventional understanding.

      • Encourages listeners to approach astrology with an open mind and experiment with its insights.

    • Understanding Natal Charts:

      • Explains the concept of a birth chart and its significance in providing a symbolic map of an individual's consciousness.

      • Differentiates between traditional and modern astrology approaches, emphasizing the complexity and depth of interpretation.

    • Free Will vs. Destiny:

      • Explores the philosophical debate surrounding free will and destiny in astrology.

      • Sarah suggests that while individuals have inherent energies and patterns, they possess agency in how they navigate their lives.

    • Self-Discovery and Alignment:

      • Discusses astrology as a tool for self-discovery and alignment with one's natural energies and tendencies.

      • Emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing authentic self-expression for personal fulfillment.

    • Human Design Integration:

      • Introduces human design as an extension of astrology, incorporating physical and energetic aspects of individuals.

      • Highlights the concept of inner authority in decision-making and its role in living authentically.

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    56 mins
  • Accessing Your Highest Powers during War Time with Olesia Sinkova
    Sep 4 2024

    Olesia Sinkova is a Ukrainian refugee living in Germany, a motivational speaker and an author. Knowing that tomorrow is not guaranteed made her a spiritual warrior, cutting through anxiety and despair with the tools she has gained along her own spiritual journey. Sharing this with others became her true purpose.

    In this conversation, Olesia Sinkova, shares her experiences of living through wartime and how it led to her spiritual awakening and a shift in her perception of power and leadership. Olesia believes that every challenge we face in life is something we planned for ourselves, and this understanding gives her the power and stamina to overcome obstacles. She emphasizes the importance of following our inner guidance and trusting our intuition. Olesia also discusses the process of unbecoming a follower and reclaiming our power and authenticity. She encourages listeners to explore their own inner leader and find their own truth.


    • Every challenge we face in life is something we planned for ourselves, and this understanding gives us the power and stamina to overcome obstacles.

    • Following our inner guidance and trusting our intuition is essential for reclaiming our power and authenticity.

    • The process of unbecoming a follower and stepping into our own leadership requires vulnerability, honesty, and commitment.

    • Connecting with our inner truth and living authentically leads to a higher perspective and a more fulfilling life.

    • Exploring our own inner leader and finding our own truth is a beautiful journey that leads to a beautiful place inside.

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    48 mins
  • How Family Dynamics Marr You and the Collective, Healing Needed with Phyllis Leavitt
    Aug 22 2024
    Phyllis Leavitt has a Masters’ Degree in Psychology and Counseling from Antioch University. She co-directed the Parents United sexual abuse treatment program in Santa Fe, New Mexico for two years and then went into private practice full time. Phyllis has treated children, families, couples, and individual adults for 34 years, and has worked extensively with abuse and dysfunctional family dynamics, their aftermath, and some of the most important elements for healing. She has two previous books, A Light in the Darkness and Into the Fire. Her latest book, America in Therapy: A New Approach to Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis, published by Morgan James Publishing, explores the roots of divisiveness and violence in America from a psychological point of view, with the goal of bringing the best of what heals relationships and restores us to safety, into national conversation. Phyllis lives with her husband in Taos, NM and is now focusing on writing and speaking. This episode explores the impact of family dynamics on individual authenticity and emotional well-being. It highlights the major dysfunctions that stem from an injury to love and belonging, and the importance of positive formative experiences. We also delves into the effects of intergenerational abuse and neglect, and the role models and conditioning that shape our sense of self. It emphasizes the need to listen to those in pain and to break the cycle of violence. We concludes with discussions on healing, inner child work, and the importance of not blaming the child for family dynamics. The conversation explores the impact of family dynamics and intergenerational trauma on individuals and society. It emphasizes the importance of healing and breaking harmful patterns to create a healthier future. The conversation also touches on the role of parenting and the need for healthy boundaries and open communication. It concludes by highlighting the connection between personal healing and healing on a national level. Takeaways The major dysfunctions people suffer from stem from an injury to love and belonging. Positive formative experiences contribute to our health and mental well-being. Intergenerational abuse and neglect can shape our conditioning and role models. Listening to those in pain and understanding the societal environment are crucial for healing. The child is never to blame for family dynamics. The symptoms that children exhibit are often a result of an unhealthy family environment or dysfunctional and abusive dynamics. Intergenerational trauma can affect present-day relationships and well-being. Individual healing is key to breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma. Healing on a personal level is interconnected with healing on a national level. Parents can seek help through books, specialists, and building community to improve their parenting skills. Creating healthy boundaries and open communication is essential in parenting. Personal healing requires recognizing and addressing what is not working in one's life. Healing is necessary to experience fulfillment and to break harmful patterns. The impact of past generations' trauma is still deeply embedded within us. Healing is not a woo-woo concept but a natural state that allows for peace, safety, and love. The mistreatment of others and the justification of it is a mental health issue. Change and healing start within ourselves and extend to the larger society.
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    51 mins