• The House of Mercy (God’s Hesed • Lovingkindness – part 6)
    Sep 4 2024

    Jesus is Yahweh in the flesh. And because Yahweh God describes Himself as "abounding in hesed (lovingkindness)" this means Jesus is hesed in the flesh! What an amazing reality!

    In this episode, Nathan talks about how the Hebrew concept of "hesed" is seen in the New Testament (often translated as "mercy") and examines one specific story in the life of Jesus where He (the God of hesed) goes to the "House of Hesed" to give hesed to a man desperately needing it.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 333

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/333

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    23 mins
  • God's Mercy to the Most Wicked Nation in History (God’s Hesed • Lovingkindness – part 5)
    Aug 28 2024

    Is God's mercy, forgiveness, and lovingkindness only for a select few "special" people … or is it available to everyone?

    The book of Jonah gives us incredible insight into the heart of God for wicked people. God sends a messenger (Jonah) to the most wicked nation in human history with a message of repentance and judgment. And the moment the city of Nineveh repented, God showed mercy.

    In this episode, Nathan takes the concept of hesed (mercy/lovingkindness/steadfast love) and shows how the entire book of Jonah revolves around this incredible theme. In so doing, we discover that God's mercy always triumphs over judgment, if we would but respond to His hesed.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 332

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/332

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    20 mins
  • Hesed in Every Season of Life (God’s Hesed • Lovingkindness – part 4)
    Aug 21 2024

    While we are promised difficulty and trials in this life, as Christians we can stand firm upon the mercy, grace, supply, peace, joy, and life of Jesus Christ. Regardless of the season of life you may be in (good, bad, or ugly), we must remember that God’s hesed (lovingkindness) is still available and surrounds us.

    In this episode, Nathan talks about the tremendous reality that even for ancient Israel, God’s hesed was celebrated in every season of life—the good and the difficult—and when we truly understand the hesed of God, we too should cry out “Your hesed (lovingkindness, steadfast love, faithfulness, mercy), O God, endures forever!”


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 331

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/331

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    22 mins
  • The Anthem of Ancient Israel (God’s Hesed • Lovingkindness – part 3)
    Aug 14 2024

    Every nation has a national anthem that rallies the troops and reminds its people of their national identity. In ancient Israel, God’s hesed (specifically Exodus 34:6–7) was the celebratory anthem that rallied the people, stirred unity, reminded them of their identity in Yahweh, and exalted His character and nature.

    In this episode, Nathan continues his series on God’s hesed (lovingkindness) and how the character of God should also be the anthem of our lives.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 330

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/330

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    22 mins
  • Abounding in Steadfast Love (God’s Hesed • Lovingkindness – part 2)
    Aug 8 2024

    My favorite attribute of God's character and nature is that He abounds in steadfast love. This Hebrew word (hesed) is considered one of the most powerful and profound Hebrew terms, yet is also one of the most difficult words to translate into English.

    In this episode, we examine God's hesed (His steadfast love / lovingkindness), and look at Exodus 34 where God reveals the heart and meaning of His name Yahweh … which is seen in His abounding lovingkindness.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 329

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/329

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    31 mins
  • The foundation of God’s character (God’s Hesed • Lovingkindness – part 1)
    Aug 1 2024

    If we are going to understand the nature and character of God, we must understand the basis (foundation) upon which all His attributes are based upon.

    In this episode, Nathan talks about God's immutability (God is always the same) and why this is such a profound and foundational concept for our lives and why we must view all of God's attributes in light of it.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 328

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/328

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    16 mins
  • God’s amazing and sufficient grace (regardless of what you are facing)
    Jul 3 2024

    Paul declares that regardless of the season of life you are in or what you may be facing, God's grace is not only amazing but sufficient for what you are facing.

    He writes in 2 Corinthians 9:8, "And God is able to make every grace abound to you, so that in everything at every time having every sufficiency, you may have an abundance for every good deed…"

    Or as Peter writes in 2 Peter 1:3, you have everything you need for life and godliness in Christ Jesus.

    In this episode, we talk about the amazing reality and sufficiency of God's grace in our lives.

    » Watch and/or listen to Nathan's new weekly study series – The Grand and Glorious Gospel – on the Ellerslie website or on the Daily Thunder podcast.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 327

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/327

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    9 mins
  • Finding Peace Amidst Your Troubles
    Jun 5 2024

    Do you have true peace in every circumstance and trouble and issue in your life?

    You can!

    As believers, Paul reminds us that we have a peace (God's shalom) that surpasses all understanding available in Christ that will guard our inner life.

    In this episode, Nathan talks about this incredible peace and what it means to find it amidst your troubles.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 326

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/326

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    10 mins