• "The Final Call" [Sea 6 / Ep 4]
    Sep 11 2024
    ....and no, this episode is NOT going to be about that well-respected newspaper of the same name, published by the Nation of Islam. Instead, our topic of discussion relates to the theological concept of eschatology; that is, the study of last things. Yes, we’re talking about the end times, friends. And of course, Jesus had a lot to say about the end times and what His followers could to do be prepared for them. Interestingly, Jesus correlates the events which transpired during the time of Noah with those of the end times, pointing out that there are circumstances and/or situations which were present during Noah’s era which are ALSO present today, in our current age. He’s telling us that there are aspects of the last days which we can see transpiring today, and that we should have a heightened awareness about it because, as His followers, we all have a mission to accomplish before we leave this world. Come fellowship with us and learn how to DISCERNABLY OBSERVE these aforementioned aspects in the world today when it comes to determining whether we are reaching “The Final Call”! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reverend-adrian-l-robinso/support
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    41 mins
  • "Heart of the Matter" w/special guests Mike and Daniel Blackaby [Sea 6 / Ep 3]
    Aug 27 2024
    Friends, this episode of season six is truly historic in nature. For the first time ever, we have not one but TWO – count ‘em – TWO special guests, and they hail from a world-famous ministry which most likely has authored church studies that even YOU may have been apart of or taken! Listen…..there have been some famous family names throughout the Western history of Christian kingdom work, but almost none ring out quite as loudly as that of B-L-A-C-K-A-B-Y. Founded by the late great, world-renown evangelist, church planter and theologian Henry Blackaby, Blackaby International Ministries has – over the past several decades - impacted millions of lives in countless nations and communities around the globe through their discipleship and teaching work for the Kingdom of God. Today, that work lives on through the third-generation ministry of Mr. Blackaby’s grandsons, Mike and Daniel Blackaby, who are pastors preachers and Christian theologians in their own right and who have collaborated to write a new book, entitled “Straight From the Heart: Communicating the Gospel in an Emotionally Driven Culture”. The book expertly deals with the issue of how to minister the Gospel analytically and critically to those who are more prone to lead and/or respond emotionally. Join us for this special episode of “Deeper in the Word”, where we are thrilled to interview these two brothers and discuss their rich family legacy and its heritage in ministry. We also explore the book they’ve written, which deals with issues such as defining what “heart culture vs. head culture” means; why “living your truth” is the worst thing you can do, especially as a follower of Christ; and how it might shock you to know exactly WHO it is on some of these college campuses (*hint hint: PROFESSORS….I’m just sayin’…*) actively working to “undue” the work and influence which home churches (and the Lord) have had upon young Believers newly arrived to independent college living. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reverend-adrian-l-robinso/support
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • "Obstacle Courses" [Sea 6 / Ep 2]
    Aug 6 2024
    You ever had to run through an obstacle course? You know, where you had to run, jump, crawl, climb, hang, and swing through various obstacles as you competed for some goal or some prize? Well….doesn’t LIFE feel like that sometimes? Doesn’t it seem at times that the hurdles or other stumbling blocks which life places in our path make it OVERLY difficult for us to navigate through…..like you’re competing on an obstacle course of some TV game show? Well, the Gospels tell the story of one man whose friends were so dedicated to his healing that they sought the presence of Jesus in a most unusual way….and these men didn’t let ANY of the obstacles in their path stop them from getting their friend an audience with the Lord. Come fellowship with us and learn from the example set by these men….an example we can follow the next time WE face an “Obstacle Course” in our lives! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reverend-adrian-l-robinso/support
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    50 mins
  • "Mission: Possible" with special guest Mr. Ryan Brown of Open Doors US [Sea 6 / Ep 1]
    Jul 22 2024
    SEASON #6! Can you believe it? We’re over 125 episodes old, and we couldn’t thank you – our beloved listening audience – enough for tuning in these past four years to this lil ol’ podcast! So it’s only right that we kick off this season with another STELLAR special guest, speaking on another highly-relevant and important topic….and that’s the topic of international Christian mission work! However, we’re going to look at this work from an ENTIRELY different angle. Did you know that there are many countries in the world where you can go to JAIL for worshipping Christ? Or worse yet, where you can be KILLED for it? That’s the reality for literally millions of Christians worldwide, who live in nations where worshipping Christ is illegal. However, that doesn’t stop the Christians who live IN those countries from courageously sharing the Gospel and glorifying God in Christ ANYWAY. Thankfully, there are many Christian organizations committed to providing resources, education and prayer to those Believers secretly worshipping Christ in dangerous areas, and our special guest this episode is the CEO of one of the nation’s leading Christian organizations dedicated to providing these things and more internationally to those in need. Come fellowship with us and learn why the work that Open Doors US is so critical for ALL of us to emulate; which countries in the world are THE most dangerous for Christians; and, shockingly, what Open Doors is doing to bring the Gospel to….NORTH KOREA (yep, you read that right)! Don’t miss our spectacular Season Six kickoff episode! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reverend-adrian-l-robinso/support
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • "In the Know" [Sea 5 / Ep 25]
    Jul 15 2024
    Welp, we’ve done it again….another season of this flagship podcast in the book! Yes friends, we’ve reached the END of Season 5 of “Deeper in the Word”…..125 episodes in the books! What a journey it’s been! And we’re closing out Season 5 by discussing an important issue, which asks the question: ”why do so many people say they know and love God but don’t ACT like it?” See, our actions dictate what we know or don’t know…and if you “know” God, then you would ACT like you did by obeying what He tells us to do in His Word, the Bible instead of living in complete disobedience to it (there’s nothing worse than someone who says “I’ve read the Bible from cover to cover”, but yet they still act like devils!). So Believers should act like they’re “in the know” when it comes to what God has said and commanded…..and the Apostle Paul lets us know exactly how we go about doing that in the text we examine related to this subject. Come fellowship with us for our last episode of Season 5 and learn why followers of Christ must stand apart from the world and comport ourselves like we’re “In the Know” when it comes to being the way God WANTS us to be and not the way WE or the world want us to be! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reverend-adrian-l-robinso/support
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    46 mins
  • "The Skin We're In" [Ses 5 / Ep 24]
    Jul 8 2024
    When the Bible talks about our “flesh”, what does it mean, exactly? Is it talking about the skin that covers our skeletons? Is it talking about the people we’re related to? Is it talking about the meat we eat or certain parts of our bodies? Well, it’s actually talking about ALL of those things…and in fact, it’s talking about much MORE than just those things, as well, because many times when the Bible mentions our “flesh” it’s referring to our sinful natures. It’s referring to that part of us which doesn’t operate under the influence of the Spirit of God, but under the ways of the world and the devil. So when the Bible prohibits us from “operating in the flesh”, it’s telling us NOT to do all those worldly, sinful things which God frowns upon and which can PREVENT us from getting into heaven. It’s telling us to stay away from the WORKS of the flesh. But in order to stay away from the works of the flesh, we need to know WHAT those “works” are, exactly…so what are they? Come fellowship with us and learn how to avoid engaging in all those triflin’ old behaviors which God dislikes – that is, how to stay away from operating in the flesh – and instead grow your relationship with the Lord by following ONLY what His Spirit leads you to do and say! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reverend-adrian-l-robinso/support
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • "Daddy Issues", with special guest Mr John Smithbaker of Fathers in the Field [Sea 5 / Ep 22]
    Jun 17 2024
    Each year, we celebrate Father’s Day and honoring the men who reared and/or raised us…but sadly, many people never have the opportunity to celebrate that holiday due to the absence of fathers or father figures in their lives. Truly, fatherlessness is one of the top societal ills plaguing our nation, and it’s producing a generation of young people who suffer serious mental and spiritual issues as a result. Well…..this episode’s special guest is actually a friend of the show who has visited us before to discuss this troubling dilemma, and last time he visited us (Season 5, Episode 3) we ran out of time pontificating upon this critical issue. Well he’s back to continue our discussion about the work that his organization is doing to help eradicate the scourge of fatherlessness through his organization, Fathers in the Field, a Christian ministry dedicated to helping men recapture what it believes are their divinely-assigned roles as Pastor, Provider and Protector in the home. Come fellowship with us and learn what this ministry is doing to help men become all that God designed them to be as they combat their own brokenness, pain and anger due to lack of father figures….and precisely the type of work the ministry does to aid men in dealing with their “Daddy Issues”. [*NOTE: this episode was recorded a few weeks prior to Father’s Day*] --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reverend-adrian-l-robinso/support
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    1 hr
  • "Road to the Riches" [Sea 5 / Ep 21]
    Jun 3 2024
    So, be honest…..you wouldn’t mind being RICH, would you? Well, how BADLY do you want to be rich? Because that’s the REAL question. Popular culture has coined the phrase “get rich or die trying”….but is that something people should TRULY be seeking after? Is getting rich above all else REALLY the best way to approach life? Not according to the Bible, it isn’t! In fact, the quest for being rich is actually one of the most damaging, most fundamentally WRONG things that a person could ever do in their life. Because it’s not the actual possession of money that the Bible frowns upon….it’s the PURSUIT of that possession, the “at all costs” sensibility associated with wanting to be rich. In fact, too many people MISINTERPRET what the Bible says about this very subject! Come fellowship with us and learn why we want to stay on the road to righteousness, and fellowship with Christ….and NOT swerve or veer OFF that road and end up instead end up headed down the “Road to the Riches”! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reverend-adrian-l-robinso/support
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    46 mins