• My Future Success Offered By the Collective Ezekiel Through Sarrah Smith
    Sep 5 2024

    Today I welcome Sarrah Smith, from Holy Light Healing into the Intuitive Wonderland. Sarrah channels a collective consciousness named Ezekiel. I know I always say how excited I am for each guest I have the honor of working with (and I mean it every single time!) but this one was borderline fan-girl excitement. I mean, Sarrah's ability is so similar to that of Esther Hicks channeling Abraham that "excited" doesn't fully represent how I was feeling.

    During the conversation with Ezekiel, I asked about any area where I may need some healing and then Ezekiel explained the stuck-point and provided healing for me. The second half of this episode was extremely powerful for me as Ezekiel offered insights into my future. Then, you'll want to listen until the end because I asked Ezekiel to offer a message for all of you who tune into this episode.

    You too can have a conversation with the collective consciousness known as Ezekiel. Reach out to Sarrah and set up a session with her: https://www.holylighthealing.com/

    We all have the ability to tap into higher consciousness though we may not know how to do it as readily as a professional. When you have questions you need answers to and you don't have the time to develop your own intuitive gifts, reach out to one of the professionals you find here, in the Intuitive Wonderland.

    Note: there are long stretches of silence in this episode which is part of the channeling and healing process.

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    29 mins
  • Layered Card Reading with Marion Tierney
    Aug 21 2024

    Today we welcome Marion Tierney into the Intuitive Wonderland! You may be familiar with tarot card readings but what about a LAYERED reading? This was my first experience with what Marion has coined the Layered Card Reading. She tunes into your energy ahead of time and her intuition guides her to use specific card decks from her collection. If you think it's great to get a card reading from one deck, just think of how robust a reading can be using multiple!

    After you listen to my reading, stick around until the end when Marion tunes into YOUR energy and offers a card pull for the entire audience. The message is worth receiving!

    When you're ready to have a Layered Card Reading of your own, reach out to Marion to set up a time: https://www.instagram.com/divine.light.within/

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    46 mins
  • Limiting Beliefs Contributing to Physical Problems With Medical Intuitive Fabienne Louis
    Aug 7 2024

    This week's episode of the Intuitive Wonderland is a reading and a clearing provided by medical intuitive, Fabienne Louis.

    I decided to focus on the physical discomforts associated with my previous abdominoplasty for this session. Even a year+ since the surgery, I was experiencing inflammation and numbness across my entire abdomen. Fabienne tuned into my energy and defined a limiting belief that was contributing to the problem. Then she offered a clearing to support me in moving past this belief system so that I could step into a higher degree of physical wellness.

    Most people seek out physical remedies for physical problems, without even realizing that everything has an energetic foundation. It's possible that the physical ailments you are experiencing can be addressed with the help of intuition.

    Reach out to Fabienne to set up your free consult: www.fabiennelouis.com

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    28 mins
  • Conversing with My Spirit Guide, Angels, and Deceased Cousin with Rebecca Dehate
    Jul 24 2024

    This week's episode is a special return of Rebecca Dehate. You may recall the episode with Rebecca where I met Artaysia and conversed about my career, parenting, and global awakening. Well, today's episode is a completely different experience.

    I invited Rebecca to record a second episode with me when she shared at the end of the original recording that there was someone in nonphysical who wanted to come through for me. This episode was set up to see who would come through and what messages they had for me.

    The result did not disappoint. I conversed with my spirit guide, Zach (my husband in a former life), a collective of angels, and a brief connection with my deceased cousin. I laughed and I cried as I received messages through the veil from entities who clearly are invested in my greatest and highest good.

    Rebecca is available and excited to work with you. You can find her on all major social media platforms by searching for "Rebecca Dehate".


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    47 mins
  • Soul Purpose Alignment with Ishil
    Jul 10 2024

    Welcome back to the Intuitive Wonderland. In today's episode I welcome my good friend Ishil into the online studio. It was Ishil who originally inspired the idea for this podcast when she provided me with my first Soul Purpose Alignment session. It had a profound impact on me and I thought it would be of great benefit for others to witness her work and her gentle and authentic energy.

    In today's Soul Purpose Alignment session, Ishil brought me into an awareness of grief that I had been harboring across lifetimes. My soul relayed the message that I was ready to release this grief and step into an embracing of joy. This episode is a great mix of education to the Soul Purpose Alignment process and intuitive messages and progress for me specifically.

    I have had the pleasure of working with Ishil in this capacity several times now and it is always so impactful and beneficial to me. I know it would offer you value as well. Ishil offers a special discount just for listeners of Dr. Williams Podcasts, so be sure to mention that when you reach out to set up your appointment: https://www.ishil.com/

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    55 mins
  • Astro-Intuitive Reading with Monica Maria Aparicio
    Jun 26 2024

    Welcome back to the Intuitive Wonderland! Today's guest is Monica Maria Aparicio with Psychology of Prosperity. She teaches wealth consciousness as a prosperity mentor to spiritually-aligned entrepreneurs.

    In this episode, Monica Maria pulls up my astrological natal chart and offers her insights, with particular focus on all of you, MY AUDIENCE! This was such an enlightening and invigorating reading for me. Even though I have had my chart read before, Monica Maria gave me fresh insights and guidance that I had never heard before. It just goes to show that different professionals, tune into the same information with different strengths. Each intuitive brings their own talents and gifts forward during a reading and Monica Maria offers us a terrific example of this.

    You will get a beautiful explanation of the components of astrological charts and how they are read as Monica Maria takes us through her specific intuitive insights of mine. She speaks to the kinds of people that I appeal to and what they are looking for. Does it ring true to you? Are you one of my people? I hope you enjoy this episode to the fullest.

    At the end you will hear Monica Maria mention a free "Soul Remembrance" training. You can find that here: https://monicamaria.vipmembervault.com/products/courses/view/1158745

    She also is offering my audience a special discount for those of you who would like to have your own Astro-Intuitive reading with her. The session is usually $333 but just for you, it is $222. You can schedule that here: https://calendly.com/monicamaria/astro-intuitive

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    49 mins