I hope you have learned a few things about the Abrahamic Religions that you didn’t know before. Today we will present our conclusions to this study.
Christianity places, defines and holds a significant, life changing Tenet that Jews and Muslims do not acknowledge nor revere.
That difference is the Life, Work, Teachings and Examples of Christ Jesus, for all Faiths to ponder and accept AS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS! A REDEEMER! WITHOUT A REDEEMER, none of us are worthy to enter the Kingdom of God.
Jews nor Muslims recognize that their God sent His Son to stand in the gap for our failure to understand the core tenet of the Creator, (“Love your neighbor as yourself”).
The price he paid, as a man, as a rabbi, a prophet …IN DEATH…was not HIS PUNISHMENT for living…BUT OURS! His willingness to submit (to the will of God our Father) and suffer crucifixion, WAS TO PAY FOR ALL OF OUR PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE SINS, NOT HIS!
He healed and restored many during his ministry, but the Jewish leaders couldn’t accept it. They saw prophecy fulfilled but did not want to acknowledge it, and they witnessed many miracles…yet they see no need for salvation, have no concept of Original Sin (as defined in the first book of their Torah!?) They have no need for “miracles”, yet they WAIT FOR A MESSIAH to make all things right?!
Do they not see that Jehovah has been protecting them prior to 1947? How have they survived this long? How do they describe their iron dome? Is that not a miracle in itself?
Muslims do not believe in “Original Sin” either. They believe that no one can bear the sin of anyone else, or redeem him with his own self. The Prophet Muhammad proclaimed that redemption and damnation are individual and everyone is his own redeemer for he bears within his heart all possibilities of spiritual success or failure.
How can “everyone be their own redeemer” IF NO ONE CAN BEAR THE SIN OF ANYONE ELSE including himself? Both statements cannot be true at the same time!
What if I told you that Allah has already GIFTED YOU MERCY!! You can have it NOW…ahead of Paradise! It’s yours to ACCEPT or REJECT. If you accept His GIFT and follow Him, you will see Heaven. If you reject His gift, you’ve rejected Heaven.
As a Christian, IF everything I HOLD as Scriptural…and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and pursue it with abandon, with passion, sincerity, love and compassion for ALL PEOPLE...and in the end…we learn that my choosing to follow Christ was RIGHT…my DESTINY and ENTRY INTO PARADISE is GUARANTEED!
Also, if I failed to understand something, something we’ve defined as “less significant things” (like a ritual or a man made law), but LOVE others as instructed… I LOSE NOTHING!
If you as a Muslim or Jew, in the end, are found to have misinterpreted the SIGNIFICANCE OF CHRIST AS YOUR REPRESENTATIVE REDEEMER…your ETERNITY will be NOTHING CLOSE TO PARADISE.
But if a misguided Jew or Muslim is wrong…you lose EVERYTHING! No PARADISE. No PEACE. No REST. No HEAVENLY KINGDOM to come!
That connection is through HIS SON, Jesus, who paid your DEBT and ENTRY FEE into Heaven…IN FULL at the CROSS! IT CANNOT BE EARNED or WORKED OFF! IT WAS AND REMAINS - A GIFT. A GIFT OF GOD’s initial and forever, LOVE TO YOU AND FOR YOU!
The Creator IS LIFE not death. He offers a blessed and prosperous life NOW to those that choose Him.
In the end, it’s not the things we differ on that matters. It’s hearing the Truth for the first time maybe and practicing the attributes and examples of CHRIST…that are WORTHY OF PURSUING! These are the things that MATTER!
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