What up wey!! We got another jam-packed one for y’all starting with a conversation about a proposal to use drones to refreeze icebergs, which was dismissed as a waste of money. Investing in green energy was argued to be better. Concerns were raised about Elon Musk’s involvement in the new administration and potential cuts to veteran benefits and the defense budget, which could disproportionately benefit Musk’s companies. Trump’s politics, job outsourcing, and incentivizing companies to keep jobs in the US were also touched on. A whistleblower exposed UHC’s use of an AI system to automatically deny claims, which was seen as concerning. The movie “ Subservience” was discussed, focusing on characters and actions. Annoyance was expressed with the daughter’s behavior and the husband’s decision to have a relationship with a robot. The friend who tampered with the robots was criticized. Experiences with skateboards and Heelys were shared, with one recalling time on a skateboard and the other mentioning falls and injuries. Modern marijuana’s potency and effects, including its potential impact on DNA, were discussed. The high THC content could have negative effects but might also unlock different brain paths, similar to psychedelic substances. Smoking marijuana and its potential to cause crashes or long sleep periods were also noted. Views on mental health, social media’s impact, and the importance of humor were discussed. Belief in humor’s power to cope with challenges and the need for emotional balance were shared. Experiences with social media, including being shadow banned, were mentioned. The importance of family and humor in building character was agreed upon. A story about a stepbrother who went missing in Mexico after getting involved with cartels was discussed. Respect was expressed for cartel figures like Pablo Escobar, who provided opportunities in impoverished areas, though the violence involved was acknowledged. The ethics and realities of the drug trade were debated. A past incident involving a delivery job was recounted, where pressure was felt to complete a delivery despite reservations. Proper procedures weren’t followed, leading to a 14-hour drive that could have resulted in legal issues. Suggestions were made to communicate concerns and allow others to opt out. The potential consequences of actions and the importance of honesty and transparency were discussed. Perspectives on drug cartels and their leaders were shared. Some cartel leaders are seen as supporting local communities, similar to Robin Hood. Interest was expressed in understanding their motivations and perspectives. The concept of organ transplantation and anti-rejection medication was discussed. Artificial organs and the possibility of living longer through technology were touched on. Skepticism was expressed about colonizing Mars in the near future due to travel time and terraforming needs. The potential for artificial gravity and acclimating to different gravitational forces was also discussed. Concerns were raised about AI’s rapid development and its potential to replace human jobs, while acknowledging automation’s benefits. Potential risks of Covid vaccines were mentioned, with a rumor about damage to white blood cells. The conversation ended with an emphasis on trusting gut instincts and doing what feels right. If you haven’t already, follow us on Instagram: @thefour20show