What happens when a writers room full of White liberals try to make a pithy and self congratulatory Thanksgiving episode (Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Pangs)? Well, spoilers, they kill a bunch of Natives and eat a turkey together. Excellent. Also, guest Tai Leclaire reveals his first crush, who may or mayn’t have syphilis. Thanksgiving for your time.
Follow Tai!
Every Native Episode is a podcast hosted by "comedian" Howie Echo-Hawk, wherein two or more of your favorite NDNs talk about the best and worst Native episodes of the best and worst TV Shows! Before there was Rez Dogs, there was the Cigar Store Indian episode of Seinfeld, and yes, we watch that one.
Buckle up, its gonna be a wild ride.
IG: @everynativeepisode @howieechohawk