• Engineering Customer Experiences with Michelle Spaul
    Dec 30 2024

    The New Year is a great time to reflect on our past, and to think about what we want to accomplish in the upcoming year. After all, it is the season of the Annual Performance Review!

    Whether in our personal or professional lives, it can be hard to identify what is important in terms of our evaluations. How do we know if we are making progress toward our goals?

    The same can be true for companies. What are the metrics that indicate our success? What are the expectations we are trying to meet? How do we stack up against others? What are the benchmarks that we think matter, versus the ones that actually matter?

    To explore this question and more around customer experience, we welcome Michelle Spaul. Michelle is a customer experience management consultant with her company Delta Swan. Michelle has a wealth of experience in CX, with the simple goal of trying to make things better for customers. As many of you listening will know, behind that simple goal lies a complexity that can challenge most organizations. Therefore, it is a good thing that Michelle has a background in manufacturing systems engineering. We talk about how that education prepared her for working as an experience engineer.

    She describes how her work on the price of oil informs her systems approach to CX. We discuss the importance of a shareholder mindset that creates value for not just customers, but all who are impacted by the business.

    We explore how her first job with Phillips around preventing customer returns turned into listening to what customers said, and how that is the foundation of any CX work.

    Finally, we talk about how there are a lot of different areas of feedback that we can find if we only look. And that if you get defensive about the feedback, you are missing an opportunity to grow.

    Michelle Spaul LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-spaul-customerexperience/

    Customer Experience Management Consultant - https://customerexperienceconsultant.co.uk/

    "The Price of Oil" - https://www.amazon.com/VFUU-Price-Oil-Michelle-Spaul-ebook/dp/B01D7CTTEK

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Customer Experience Reckoning with Valerie Peck
    Dec 13 2024

    One of the ways that I describe experience design, and more specifically for the purposes of this episode customer experience, is by asking people to imagine the worst customer experience that they have had. And unfortunately for all of us, there are a lot of them.

    It is probably easy to remember the bad experiences. But what about our best experiences. The times that we felt cared for, appreciated, thought of, where someone did something that made us feel valued.

    The job of the experience design and CX profession is, in part, to make the positive experiences common and make the negative experiences exceedingly rare.

    There is a lesson in Buddhism "that life is inherently full of suffering and that it's impossible to live without it.” But even though life is full of suffering, that doesn’t mean that our customer experiences have to be.

    To talk us through these points, we welcome Valerie Peck to the Experience by Design studios. For those in customer experience, Valerie Peck is a well known thought leader. And for sure Valerie has some thoughts about the state of CX and whether companies really care about customers despite their vocal assurances.

    We talk about creating experiences versus pushing products, and how being solely about profit can lead to cutting experiential corners. We discuss whether companies really want to have a relationship with their customers, or just perhaps a passing acquaintance. When companies give customers surveys, do they really want to know what customers think? Or is a survey the best way of doing nothing?

    Valerie has thoughts on CX consulting and the challenge of working with clients that don’t get it, and frankly don’t want to. We explore companies like Southwest and Boeing who “got it”, only to lose it in the pursuit of profit at the expense of experience rather than because of it.

    Finally, Valerie describes applied customer intelligence, the upcoming CX reckoning, why companies should be more like minor league baseball, and how she helps companies stop abusing their customers so that they come back

    Valerie Peck LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerie-peck-4b143/

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Designing Connection through Immersive Experiences with Leigh Sachwitz
    Dec 5 2024

    Many months ago now, I had the chance to go to the WNDR Museum in Boston. If you google that, it will come categorized as a “tourist attraction.” but it is a lot more than that, especially considering that I wouldn’t classify myself as a “tourist” since I live outside of Boston. More specifically, and even importantly, WNDR is an interactive art museum with immersive art installations. And it was very interactive and immersive. There were a lot of great exhibits that invited you to engage and become surrounded by the creations that were provided there. Whether you are a tourist or not, it is definitely worth a visit.

    So it was a very pleasant surprise to find that my guest today actually had an installation at the WNDR Museum. It was this very cool outdoor-type of building where you could be with others and experience an audio and visual immersion of rain and lightning. One of the fun things about it was that you were there with strangers, basically arranged in a way that you were experiencing it together.

    I didn’t know that when I first met Leigh Sachwitz to discuss being on the show. But it was one of the, dare I say, “wonderful” things I found out about Leigh and her work with her Berlin-based company flora&faunavisions (FFV). I got to learn about their award-winning work on projects like the Ring Cycle, a digital opera that creates an immersive experience of the work by Richard Wagner. I also learned about her work on the Utopian Garden, described as a story-based immersive, interactive show where participants can tour the world. She described their Flying Up Sparrows event in China, where Buddhist paintings were brought to life.

    Finally, she explains their work behind the Genius DaVinci Show that just opened up in Florida this past November. “This exhibition invites you to step into Renaissance Italy to explore Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpieces and inventions up close.” And the great thing about this is the way that educational and entertainment come together to form what Hip Hop artist KRS-One described as “Educatinment.” Or, in Leigh’s words, how do you create experiences that draw people into the moment and produce, empathy, emotional connection, and curiosity.

    We covered a lot of other ground, including the science of immersive experiences, how we can co-create our futures together using these kinds of experiences as a prompt, how we can inspire our imaginations to unlock the possibilities of ourselves, and the intersection of Detroit and Berlin as hubs of techno music.

    Leigh Sachwitz - http://leighsachwitz.com/

    flora&faunavisions - https://www.florafaunavisions.de/

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Designing User Experience Ethos with Karen T. Lin
    Nov 25 2024

    The original goal of those in the field of usability was pretty simple: to make products and environments that were more usable for those who were interacting with them. By looking at how to make better products, there was the potential to make life better as well. If greater profitability could be gained through these efforts, then great. At the same time, this was not necessarily the primary goal. Profit was not to be done over people. Rather, profit would happen when people were happier with their products.

    There has been a shift in usability, however. Part of that shift lies in the name itself, which is now known as user experience (or UX). Coined by Don Norman during his time at Apple, UX went beyond just how ‘usable’ a product was. Rather, it referred to the totality of the experience that a user had with the product (which could include usability but was not limited to it). Still, though, the goal was to make things better, if just in a larger scope.

    Some things have changed when it comes to UX. Don Norman has criticized contemporary UX as not being ‘real’ ux in the traditional sense. There have been other critiques as well, especially around what is known as ‘dark patterns.’ This kind of UX work uses social science and design to create environments that are manipulative and aimed primarily (or solely) on profit. Or, what might be considered to be the antithesis of UX.

    Karen T. Lin also has some thoughts on the direction of UX today, and what might need to be done to fix it. Karen has worked as a Chief Experience Officer and Head of UX for startups and financial institutions. More importantly, in my opinion, she initiated the #StopUXErasure effort which is aimed at restoring UX, as well as reducing the tech supremacy which impacts our lives in negative ways.

    We talk about a range of issues related to experience design and user experience, including:

    • Product dictatorships – uphill battle in UX in terms of advocating for human-centered design in a company. A lot of the battle is with the power in the company (IT or development). Trying to convince them, if you give up some of your control or power, does that allow us to find out what people actually want
    • Profiting because of positive experience rather than at the expense of experience
    • What does it mean to have a human and user centered ethos
    • The power and politics inherent in design processes, and why it is important to act on behalf of those who are at risk from negative intent
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Designing the Future with Donna Dupont
    Nov 14 2024

    As American troubadour Bob Dylan said, “The times they are a changin’.” I’m recording this one week after the 2024 presidential election. Without delving into the specifics of any particular outcome, one thing that is clear is there are going to be some major changes.

    Change can produce a lot of anxiety and uncertainty, even when there are positive changes taking place. It can feel overwhelming, especially when we lose a sense of control over the future.

    In reality, there is very little that is in our control. There is a saying that we can’t control people, places, and things. I can only control my reaction to these things, and take the action that I can.

    But what action to take? What can and should a person do when the options of action feel limited?

    To discuss these topics, we have Donna Dupont. Donna is the Founder and Chief Strategist in Foresight & Design for Purple Compass. Donna has a Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, which she has applied in healthcare, environment and sustainability, and generally helping organizations think about and plan for the future.

    Donna and I talk about:

    • the process of future and foresight planning,
    • why it is important to maintain a sense of agency during times of massive change
    • the place and importance of emotion as part of our planning,
    • why doing future planning can sometimes feel like therapy, and
    • we talk about how the foresight planning process is a vital part of designing positive futures.

    Purple Compass https://www.purplecompass.ca/

    Donna Dupont https://www.linkedin.com/in/donna-dupont/

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Solar-Powered Experiences with Alex Nathanson
    Oct 25 2024

    Today we have a fascinating discussion lined up with Alex Nathanson, a technologist, artist, and founder of Energy Transition Design LLC.

    In this episode, we'll explore the intricate challenges and opportunities that come with solar-powered technology, particularly solar roof tiles and the broader adoption of renewable energy solutions. Alex will shed light on the high costs and extended installation times that make solar roof tiles less competitive compared to traditional solar panels. We'll also delve into the socio-political dynamics that shape renewable energy adoption and the importance of visibility and awareness in promoting solar technology.

    Alex emphasizes the neutrality of solar power, advocating for an unbiased approach to its adoption and the crucial role of actively designing equitable, renewable energy infrastructures. His work, which blends art with themes of energy and sustainability, offers unique insights into how solar-powered art can engage communities and inspire collective action.

    Additionally, Alex will share details about his new book project aimed at providing practical design methods for creating solar-powered art. We'll also discuss the significance of interdisciplinary teamwork and the idea of integrating technology within cultural contexts to ensure sustainability.

    Stay tuned as we journey into the intersection of art, technology, and climate action, and learn how intentional design can drive meaningful changes in our approach to renewable energy.

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-nathanson-2a1727160/

    Website - https://alexnathanson.com/index.html

    Solar Power for Artists - https://www.solarpowerforartists.com/

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Communicating Insights and Experiences with Nick Kindler
    Sep 27 2024

    When you work in academia, you come across some very smart people. This should be surprising given that academics spend an enormous amount of time exploring whatever topic they study. And people become academic experts by digging into the particulars of areas that can be pretty narrow and focused. This is the nature of academia: develop niche knowledge in a certain area where you develop that insight throughout a career.

    And if you ever tried listening to some of those people talk about their work, or read their work in academic publications, you’ll know that it can be very difficult to decipher precisely what they are talking about. Given the amount of time and dedication it takes to achieve academic brilliance, this shouldn’t be surprising. Speaking as an academic (and not a brilliant person), this is how we are trained to communicate, and primarily to each other.

    One of the great things about the Ted Talk and TedX movement is that it has created a format through which people who have something to say can find the means to say it. This also has created a platform through which public scholarship can take place, and insights can be translated to a wider audience.

    In this era of wicked problems, disinformation, and social media, it is vital that we translate as much knowledge as possible.

    Nick Kindler’s business is about how to help smart people improve their ability to communicate. Using an approach they call Communication Canvas, Nick with Kindler and Company give speakers the signposts they need to know the route they have to go in order to avoid verbal cul de sacs and and deliver a performance that audiences can remember.

    Nick draws on his experience in improv and acting, Nick talks about how it is vital that speakers bring themselves into their presentation. He discusses the importance of taking personal stories that they haven't shared, tell the story in a way that is Ted worthy, and unpack the learnings and takeaways. When we tell our stories in the right environment, it is cathartic and helps someone else.

    Nick asks us to focus on three key questions:

    1. How can I simplify the messaging today
    2. How can I transform using story telling and language to deep the understanding
    3. How can I deliver it and perform it in a way that engages and connects

    Nick Kindler LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickkindler

    Nick Kindler Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nick_kindler/

    Kindler and Company - https://www.kindlerandcompany.com/

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Disaster Experiences with Patrick Hardy
    Sep 13 2024

    Maybe it just is the way that I am viewing the world, but it seems like everyday reveals another fresh disaster. It could be that disasters have always been with us, and now we are just more aware of them. Global news at our fingertips doesn’t necessarily help as we can tap into events that occur anywhere at any time.

    Even with this, it seems like disasters are moving closer and closer to home. It is a privilege to live in a society where emergency management is a thing that can be relied upon. When disaster does strike, we may have some confidence that there will be professionals that help deal with the situation in a timely manner.

    But that will only get you so far. Just watch any zombie movie. It is scary how quickly civil society can break down when the dead rise and start to consume the living. Then what? Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse?

    Or even a more ‘routine’ disaster? While we all might roll our eyes at fire drills, do they help us prepare for a fire? Or is it just preparedness theater?

    Rick Rescorla didn’t believe in preparedness theater. He believed in actually being prepared. After the WTC attacks in 1993, he was worried about another attack taking place. In his role of VP for corporate security at Dean Witter Morgan Stanley, he had a disaster contingency plan that was rehearsed over and over with staff.

    When 9/11 happened, he was able to save thousands of lives by going forward with his evacuation plan. Unfortunately, he died as he went back to make a final sweep for employees. But because of his preparedness and taking it seriously, many people were able to survive that day.

    To help us think about the zombie apocalypse and other types of disasters, we welcome Patrick Hardy, also known as Disaster Patrick. Patrick has spent a career in disaster management, even though originally he wanted to be a cultural anthropologist. He was there in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, as well as other events where people were in their greatest need due to circumstances beyond their control.

    Now he works with organizations to help ensure that they are in position to deal with disasters, whether natural or manmade. We talk about how he tries to create training experiences so that people can be prepared. We explore the difference between being the person who cried wolf, and actually taking preparation seriously. In fact, we discuss the prepper movement and what we can learn from their perspectives regarding self-sufficiency and resilience.

    Finally, we talk about how disaster preparation is an important part of employee and community experience so that your workers feel safe and cared for in the workplace.

    Patrick Hardy Website - https://disasterpatrick.com/

    Patrick Hardy LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/disasterpatrick/

    Patrick Hardy YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@DisasterPatrick

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    1 hr and 9 mins