In today's episode, I will go into how sometimes God puts people in your life to confirm what He has been saying to you or what He is calling you to do. I'll also explain why I am going to Peru in the summer of 2025.
So God may be calling you to do something right now. You may feel it heavy in your heart, you may have been hearing from Him and it's something that you really don't want to do, or He may have something in your heart that you don't even realize because you're so consumed with other things. That is why it is so important for us to take the very first step of obedience. We have to make sure that we're staying in tune with our relationship with God and with the Holy Spirit, meaning that we're praying, we're spending quiet time with God, we are allowing that conversation to flow where we're asking God to speak to us, and spending uninterrupted time to listen to what He's saying. We also just need to be obedient and surrender everything to Him.
This episode's show notes:
If you do want to donate to help me go on the mission trip there are specific things that you will want to do whenever you click on that link to make sure that they know that you're supporting me as the missionary. So I'm going to tell you exactly what to do. If you want to click on that link and donate whatever you can. So you're going to go on the website: and then you want to make sure you click on where it says "support a missionary." Once you do that, you'll put in however much you want to donate. Then in the "memo" portion of it, make sure that you type in my name so they know that it is for me, my name is Lorena Espy.
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Never Forget to Choose Faith Over Fear,
-Lorena Camille