• The Divine Christ John 1:1-5
    Jun 5 2024

    Who is Jesus? The cornerstone of Christianity is based on who He is. Without Christ, there is no Christianity. But is is enough to simply know of Him, or does Christianity look like something much more?

    This is the first message in a new series through the fourth Gospel in the Bible titled: John: An Active Trust in JESUS. Throughout this series, we will see how the Apostle John emphasized that our faith is not just something we have, it is something we do. Through believing in Christ, we proclaim that we trust Him in all ways.

    In this week's message, Pastor Aaron introduces us to the the Gospel of John. We'll see how it is different than the other three gospels yet tells the same story of our Savior. John begins by proclaiming the divine nature of Jesus that has existed long before the Incarnation. Join us as we begin to trust in the divine Christ.

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    39 mins
  • Spiritual Fitness- Fruit of the Vine
    Feb 14 2024

    Do you ever feel like you have become stagnant in what you are doing? No matter what you do, you feel like something is missing. You aren't seeing gains (or losses) at the gym. Your job seems to be going nowhere, and your home life is mundane. We naturally want to see results in what we do. What are the results we want to see as we become more spiritually fit?

    In this week's message, Pastor Aaron concludes our series on spiritual fitness. Using all the tools we have discussed, we now are better prepared to see the results of our progress. What does a life redeemed look like? How do we live out the commands God has given us? What does it mean if we aren't seeing results? Join us this week as we look at all of these questions and how we can produce fruit of the vine.

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    50 mins
  • Spiritual Fitness- Part of a Community
    Feb 14 2024

    Do you ever feel like you are all alone? When covid hit in 2020, isolation became the norm. People began to spend less time together and more time separated from friends and family. Man was designed to be isolated; he was created to live in community with others. What would it look like for you to be surrounded by other with a focus on community?

    In this week's message, Pastor Aaron shows us how being a part of the local church is part of our spiritual fitness. When we are part of a local church, God is using others to help us to grow. The local church needs you as much as you need the local church, and God's desire is for you to be committed with others for the mission of making disciples. Join us as we look at what it means to be part of a community.

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    46 mins
  • Spiritual Fitness- The Bible: How We Know God
    Feb 14 2024

    Have you ever tried to put something together before with using the instructions? Maybe you were able to finish it, but it probably took a lot longer than what it was supposed to, and you had extra parts left over. It would have been so much simpler if you had used the instructions that came with it, but instead, we make things harder on ourselves. What if there was a way of knowing what we were supposed to do in our lives?

    In this week's episode, Pastor Aaron returns to our series on spiritual fitness. God has provided us with His holy word—the Bible. The scriptures are so much more than stories, they are the very instructions for our lives. Through them, we come to know God's character, His expectations, and His will. He has provided the very instruction book we need to flourish on this earth, but we have to be willing to read the instructions. Join us as we look at the Bible, how we know God.

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    48 mins
  • Spiritual Fitness- Grasping the Power of Prayer
    Feb 14 2024

    Our lives are filled with connections, yet we are becoming the most disconnected society ever. We have social media, text messaging, video calling, email, and so much more right at our fingertips. Even so, people feel more disconnected than ever, especially when it comes to God. They feel that God is too far off and they are too busy to connect with their Creator. If only there was a way to instant message our Lord.

    In this week's message, Pastor Aaron continues to help us become more spiritually fit. In a world that is becoming more and more disconnected, God has provided a simple, yet powerful way to connect to Him. Prayer is a direct line from our soul to its Creator. God has given us the way to come before Him with our needs, our desires, our sorrows, and our praises. If we want to become more spiritually fit, we have to begin by building our relationship with God. Join us as we seek to grasp the power of prayer.

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    49 mins
  • Spiritual Fitness- Focused on the Goal
    Feb 14 2024

    As we end one year and begin another, we often find ourselves setting new goals. We want to get into better shape, eat healthier, gain some financial freedoms, find love, and so on. The only problem is that quite often we fail to achieve the goals we set. What if we shifted our focus from a goal that is based on us to a goal that is so much greater?

    In this week's message, Pastor Aaron begins to guide us on the path to spiritual fitness. The real goal in our life isn't something of this earth, it is our relationship with Christ. We struggle to maintain New Year's resolutions because they are rooted in the temporary, but when we keep our eyes on Jesus, we are rooted on His solid and eternal foundation. Join us as we remain focused on the goal.

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    45 mins
  • Why Are You Here? Romans 15:14-33
    Nov 15 2023

    Have you ever thought about why you live where you live, work where you work, do what you do? Your zip code is not an accident. God has seen our lives before we even live them, and He will use our lives for His glory. For the believer, this means a call to ministry, but what does this call mean?

    In this week's message, Pastor Aaron helps us to understand how all believers of Christ have been called to the ministry of the Gospel. God has a plan for each and every Christian, but what does this ministry look like. Join us this week as we answer the question why are you here?

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    41 mins
  • I Don't Want To Romans 15:1-13
    Nov 15 2023

    Have you noticed how much people want to be noticed? The world of social media inundates us with people desperate for attention. Like peacocks with their plumes unfurled, people are doing any and everything to be noticed. What if the best way to be noticed is not to be though?

    In this week's message, Pastor Aaron takes on one of the hardest things for us to do—tell ourselves no. God's will is for us to walk in all He commands, and it begins with denying self. What does it look like to deny self, and what is the benefit of putting others before ourselves. Join us as we look at how to say no to ourself even if I don't want to.

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    43 mins