FluentFiction - Estonian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

    Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Autumn Reunion: Rekindling Old Friendships in Tallinna
    Nov 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Autumn Reunion: Rekindling Old Friendships in Tallinna Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2024-11-03-23-34-01-et Story Transcript:Et: Värvilised lehed sahisesid, kui Katrin astus läbi Tallinna Botaanikaaia vaiksete radade.En: Colorful leaves rustled as Katrin walked through the quiet paths of the Tallinna Botaanikaaed.Et: Oli sügis ja karge õhk täitis tema kopsud, kui ta jõudis piknikualale.En: It was autumn, and the crisp air filled her lungs as she reached the picnic area.Et: Seal, puude vahel, ootasid Mihkel ja Liisa väike laud katetuna vanade ülikooliaegsete fotodega.En: There, between the trees, Mihkel and Liisa were waiting with a small table covered with old university-time photos.Et: Katrin oli elevil, kuid närviline.En: Katrin was excited, yet nervous.Et: Ta ei olnud oma sõpru kaua näinud ning elu muutus alati.En: She hadn't seen her friends for a long time, and life always changed.Et: Istudes maha, vaatas ta nende poole, meenutades vanu aegu.En: Sitting down, she looked towards them, remembering the old times.Et: Liisa naeratas ja tõstis termosest kuuma teed.En: Liisa smiled and poured some hot tea from a thermos.Et: "Kuidas sa oled, Katrin?"En: "How have you been, Katrin?"Et: küsis ta soojalt.En: she asked warmly.Et: "Mul on hästi," vastas Katrin, kuigi tema peas keerles küsimusi.En: "I'm doing well," replied Katrin, although questions swirled in her head.Et: "Mäletate, kuidas me siin sageli õppisime ja maailma parandasime?"En: "Do you remember how we often studied here and fixed the world?"Et: Naeratused levisid, ja nagu imekombel, tuli taas vanu mälestusi meelde.En: Smiles spread, and as if by magic, old memories resurfaced.Et: Nad meenutasid nalju ja äpardusi.En: They recalled jokes and mishaps.Et: See oli nende esimene samm jää murdmiseks.En: It was their first step towards breaking the ice.Et: Mihkel aga oli vaikne.En: Mihkel, however, was quiet.Et: Ta vaatas oma telefoni korduvalt.En: He kept checking his phone repeatedly.Et: "Kas kõik on korras, Mihkel?"En: "Is everything okay, Mihkel?"Et: päris Katrin ettevaatlikult.En: Katrin asked cautiously.Et: Mihkel ohkas.En: Mihkel sighed.Et: "Mul on töö pärast vaja korraks ära minna."En: "I need to step away briefly for work."Et: Ta vabandas ja kõndis tee äärde.En: He apologized and walked to the edge of the path.Et: Kui Mihkel oli eemal, tegi Katrin otsuse.En: When Mihkel was away, Katrin made a decision.Et: "Ma tõesti igatsen teid.En: "I really miss you all.Et: Me olime kunagi nii lähedased."En: We used to be so close."Et: Ta vaatas Liisat.En: She looked at Liisa.Et: "Elu võib vahel vahele tulla, aga ma soovin, et me oleks ikka ühenduses."En: "Life can sometimes get in the way, but I wish we could stay connected."Et: Liisa noogutas mõistmise märgiks.En: Liisa nodded in understanding.Et: "Saad õigus.En: "You're right.Et: Me peaksime püüdma rohkem, auk seos hoida."En: We should try more to keep the connection."Et: Kui Mihkel tagasi tuli, oli ta veidi segaduses tooni muutusest.En: When Mihkel returned, he was slightly confused by the change in tone.Et: Kuid Katrin oli valmis.En: But Katrin was ready.Et: "Mihkel, me kõik oleme muutunud.En: "Mihkel, we have all changed.Et: Aga see ei tähenda, et peame teineteisest kaugenema."En: But that doesn't mean we have to grow apart."Et: Oli hetkeline vaikus, siis Mihkel ütles: "Ma hindan seda, Katrin.En: There was a momentary silence, then Mihkel said, "I appreciate that, Katrin.Et: Me peame tõepoolest rohkem pingutama."En: We really need to make more of an effort."Et: Nad istusid seal, sügislehtede keskel, ja rääkisid veel kaua.En: They sat there, amidst the autumn leaves, talking for a long time.Et: Jututeemad liikusid vanalt praegusele ja unistustele tulevikus.En: Conversations moved from the past to the present and dreams for the future.Et: Kõik nõustusid, et kuigi elu muutub, peavad nad pingutama, et sõprus oleks elav.En: Everyone agreed that although life changes, they must strive to keep their friendship alive.Et: Katrin tundis kergendust.En: Katrin felt relieved.Et: Ta oli nüüd kindel, et suudab väljendada oma tundeid.En: She was now sure she could express her feelings.Et: Sõbrad kallistasid mõnusalt, kui nad lahkuma hakkasid.En: The friends embraced warmly as they began to part ways.Et: Päeva lõpp tõi mõtteka, et kuigi lumi veel ei lange, on nende sõprus taaskäivitunud.En: The day's end brought the thought that even though the snow was yet to fall, their friendship had been reignited.Et: Tagasiteel peatus Katrin hetkeks, et vaadata ilu ümberringi.En: On the way back, Katrin paused for a moment to take in the beauty around her.Et: Botaanikaaed tuletas talle meelde, et on kevadet ja värsket kasvu isegi siis, kui lehed langevad.En: The Botaanikaaed reminded her that there is spring and fresh growth even when the leaves fall.Et: Just nagu nende sõprus.En: ...
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    15 mins
  • Zoo Diaries: Lessons of Friendship and Balance
    Nov 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Zoo Diaries: Lessons of Friendship and Balance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2024-11-02-22-34-02-et Story Transcript:Et: Sügisene hommik Tallinna loomaaias algas karge ja värske õhuga.En: An autumn morning in the Tallinna Zoo began with crisp and fresh air.Et: Värvilised lehed langesid vaikselt maapinnale, luues loomaaial ilusat tausta.En: Colorful leaves fell quietly to the ground, creating a beautiful backdrop for the zoo.Et: Rühm elevil kooliõpilasi liikus loomaaia radadel, rääkides ja naerdes.En: A group of excited schoolchildren moved along the zoo paths, talking and laughing.Et: Neist eristus teiste seas Maarika, kelle pilk säras ootusärevuses.En: Among them stood out Maarika, whose eyes shone with eager anticipation.Et: Ta oli loomadest vaimustunud ning tahtis väga hundialas märkmeid teha oma bioloogiaprojekti tarbeks.En: She was fascinated by the animals and very much wanted to take notes at the wolf area for her biology project.Et: Maarika sõber Tanel oli alati valmis seikluseks.En: Maarika's friend Tanel was always ready for an adventure.Et: "Maarika, vaata, sebraid!"En: "Maarika, look, zebras!"Et: hüüdis Tanel, naeratus lai näol.En: shouted Tanel, a wide smile on his face.Et: Maarika püüdis keskenduda, kuid tema sõbra jutukus ja Lõviarust kostuv lärm tegid keskendumise raskeks.En: Maarika tried to concentrate, but her friend's chatter and the noise coming from the Lion Valley made focusing difficult.Et: Eerik, nende vaikne klassikaaslane, seisis eemal ja jälgis rahulikult, märgates pisiasju, mida teised ei teadvustanud.En: Eerik, their quiet classmate, stood aside and observed calmly, noticing little details that others were unaware of.Et: Lõpuks jõudsid nad kauaoodatud hundialani.En: Finally, they arrived at the long-awaited wolf area.Et: Maarika, süvenedes oma märkmikusse, proovis kuulda iga üksikut hundi ulgumist ja jälgida nende käitumist.En: Maarika, immersed in her notebook, tried to hear each individual wolf howl and observe their behavior.Et: See aga oli keeruline, sest tema ümber oli endiselt lärm.En: This was difficult, however, because there was still noise around her.Et: Tanel, nähes Maarika kontsentreeritust, otsustas veidi nalja teha.En: Noticing Maarika's concentration, Tanel decided to make some fun.Et: Ta kiikus kergelt aia külge, jäljendades hundi ulgudes.En: He swung lightly on the fence, imitating a wolf's howl.Et: See tõmbas lastelt ootamatult palju tähelepanu ja tekitas elevust.En: This unexpectedly drew a lot of attention from the children and created excitement.Et: Äkitselt algas veel suurem sagin.En: Suddenly, an even bigger commotion began.Et: Lapsed jooksid, et näha asja, mis täpselt juhtus, ja Maarika tundis, kuidas tema pingutused märkmeteks kippusid hajuma.En: The children ran to see what exactly happened, and Maarika felt how her efforts for taking notes were tending to fade.Et: Eerik astus lähemale ning hakkas teisi rahustama.En: Eerik stepped closer and started to calm the others.Et: Tema vaikselt ja kindlalt suunatud sõnad mõjusidki.En: His quietly and firmly directed words had an effect.Et: Maarika vaatas imestunult, kuidas Eerik võttis ohjad enda kätte.En: Maarika watched in amazement as Eerik took charge.Et: Kui lärm lõpuks rauges, leidis Maarika endiselt oma rahu ning suutis lõpuks oma projekti jaoks vajalikud märkmed teha.En: When the noise finally subsided, Maarika found her peace once again and was finally able to make the notes she needed for her project.Et: Ta tundis enda sees rahulolu.En: She felt a sense of satisfaction inside.Et: Mida enam ta Eerikut jälgis, seda enam mõistis ta, kuidas noormehe vaikne loomuomadus harmoneerus iseenda mõtiskleva loomusega.En: The more she observed Eerik, the more she realized how the young man's quiet nature harmonized with her own contemplative character.Et: Ka Tanel oli üllatunud Eeriku osavusest.En: Tanel was also surprised by Eerik's skillfulness.Et: Koolipäeva lõpuks oli Maarika õppinud midagi väärtuslikku.En: By the end of the school day, Maarika had learned something valuable.Et: Ta mõistis, kui oluline on leida tasakaal lõbu ja vastutuse vahel.En: She understood how important it is to find a balance between fun and responsibility.Et: Ta õppis, kui tähtis on suhtlemine ja arusaam sõpruse hoidmisel.En: She learned how crucial communication and understanding are in maintaining friendship.Et: Loomaaia päev lõppes rahulolevalt, kui Maarika tänas Eerikut abi eest ja lubas Tanelile, et järgmisel korral liitub ta sõbra seiklustega.En: The zoo day ended contentedly, as Maarika thanked Eerik for his help and promised Tanel that next time she would join her friend on adventures.Et: Loomaaed mattus jälle vaiksesse sügisesse rahusse, viies kaasa ühe põneva päeva mälestus.En: The zoo was again engulfed in the quiet autumnal peace, carrying away the memory of an...
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    15 mins
  • Kadrioru's Magic: How Autumn Colors Bring Inspiration
    Nov 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Kadrioru's Magic: How Autumn Colors Bring Inspiration Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2024-11-01-22-34-03-et Story Transcript:Et: Kadrioru parki kattis rahu ning kuldne sügis.En: Kadrioru park was covered in peace and golden autumn.Et: Maarja ja Raul jalutasid alleel, krabisevad lehed jalgade all.En: Maarja and Raul walked along the alley, the leaves rustling underfoot.Et: Maarja vaatas ringi, sügisvärvid mänglesid puude lehtedel.En: Maarja looked around, autumn colors playing on the trees' leaves.Et: "Mulle meeldib see vaade," ütles Raul.En: "I like this view," said Raul.Et: Ta hoidis kaamerat käes, valmis jäädvustama hetke.En: He held a camera in his hand, ready to capture the moment.Et: Maarja naeratas, kuid südames tundis siiski tühjust.En: Maarja smiled, but in her heart, she still felt emptiness.Et: Ta oli viimased nädalad kirjanikublokiga vaevelnud.En: She had been struggling with writer's block for the past few weeks.Et: Tema mõtted olid kadunud kuhugi minevikku.En: Her thoughts had disappeared somewhere into the past.Et: "Ma tegin vale otsuse," pomises Maarja vaikselt.En: "I made the wrong decision," Maarja murmured quietly.Et: "Mul pole inspiratsiooni.En: "I have no inspiration.Et: Ma ei oska midagi ajaloost kirjutada."En: I don't know how to write about history."Et: "Ära muretse," vastas Raul rahustavalt.En: "Don't worry," Raul replied reassuringly.Et: Ta polnud kunagi rääkinud Maarjale oma armastusest fotograafia vastu.En: He had never spoken to Maarja about his love for photography.Et: Ta pelgas, et Maarja ei saa aru.En: He feared that Maarja wouldn't understand.Et: Ta oli alati olnud toeks, kuid nüüd lootis rohkemat.En: He had always been supportive, but now he hoped for more.Et: Keda aiaringi jõudsid, peatusid nad.En: When they reached the garden circle, they stopped.Et: Maarja hingas sügavalt sisse.En: Maarja took a deep breath.Et: Ta meenutas, kuidas vanaisa talle kunagi ajaloost rääkis.En: She remembered how her grandfather once talked to her about history.Et: Rauli kaamera klõpsas peaaegu märkamatult.En: Raul's camera clicked almost imperceptibly.Et: "Mida sa pildistad?"En: "What are you photographing?"Et: küsis Maarja, mida ta silmis tuluke särama lõi.En: asked Maarja, a spark lighting up in her eyes.Et: "Aia ilu.En: "The beauty of the garden.Et: Valgus on täna eriline," vastas Raul.En: The light is special today," answered Raul.Et: "Ma arvan, et see võib sind inspireerida."En: "I think it might inspire you."Et: Maarja vaatas Rauli tehtud fotosid.En: Maarja looked at the photos Raul had taken.Et: Pildid olid elavad ja erksad.En: The pictures were lively and vibrant.Et: Kuldne valgus peegeldas puulehtedelt, veepinnal tantsisid varjud.En: The golden light reflected off the tree leaves, and shadows danced on the water's surface.Et: "See on tõepoolest ilus," tunnistas Maarja.En: "It really is beautiful," admitted Maarja.Et: Midagi fotodes puudutas teda.En: Something in the photos touched her.Et: Need kandsid endas rahu, ilu ja saladusi, mida ta vajanuks kirjapanemiseks.En: They carried peace, beauty, and secrets she needed to write down.Et: "Raul, need on imelised pildid.En: "Raul, these are wonderful pictures.Et: Sa peaksid rohkem neid jagama," soovitas Maarja.En: You should share them more," suggested Maarja.Et: Raul lasi vaiksel muigel ilmuda oma näole.En: Raul allowed a quiet smile to appear on his face.Et: Ta oli kaua oodanud, et keegi mõistaks.En: He had waited a long time for someone to understand.Et: Maarja sõnad andsid talle kindlustunnet.En: Maarja's words gave him confidence.Et: Pargist lahkudes tundus sügisvärvide mäng uuenenud ja helgem.En: As they left the park, the play of autumn colors seemed renewed and brighter.Et: Maarja leidis taas kontakti oma ideedega, ja Raul teadis, et tema kirg oli väärt jagamist.En: Maarja reconnected with her ideas, and Raul knew his passion was worth sharing.Et: Maisema lehtede sahin ja Kadrioru pargi võlud olid uue loo algus Maarja jaoks.En: The rustle of fallen leaves and the charms of Kadrioru park were the beginning of a new story for Maarja.Et: Raul tabas seda läbi kaamerasilma.En: Raul captured it through the camera's eye.Et: Mõlemad leidsid oma teel uue kindluse ja rahu koos.En: Both found new confidence and peace on their paths together.Et: Nii lõppes päev koos rahus ja inspiratsioonis, kui kaks sõpra lahkusid ajaloohõngust kantud aedade juurest.En: Thus the day ended in peace and inspiration as the two friends departed from the gardens steeped in history. Vocabulary Words:rustling: krabisevadimperceptibly: märkamaltlively: elavadvibrant: erksadreflected: peegeldasinspiration: inspiratsiooniemptiness: tühjuststruggling: vaevelnuddecision: otsusequietly: vaikseltreassuringly: rahustavaltfeared: pelgassupportive: toeksbreathed: hingasspecial: erilinebeauty: iluvivid: erksadshadows: varjudsurface: ...
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    14 mins

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