FluentFiction - Slovak

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Snowfall, Poker Faces, and Unlikely Christmas Connections
    Dec 27 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Snowfall, Poker Faces, and Unlikely Christmas Connections Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-27-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V zime, keď sa Bratislava zahalila do bielych vločiek, ulice mesto osvetlili svietiace ozdoby a vo vzduchu bolo cítiť vôňu vareneho vína.En: In the winter, when Bratislava was covered in white snowflakes, the city's streets were illuminated with glowing decorations, and the smell of mulled wine lingered in the air.Sk: V útulnej krčme, kde sa stoly naplnili hráčmi pokru, sa Marek pripravoval na ďalšiu výhru.En: In a cozy pub, where the tables were filled with poker players, Marek was preparing for another victory.Sk: Bol známy ako šikovný hráč, vždy skrytý za svojou neprečitateľnou pokerovou tvárou.En: He was known as a skillful player, always hidden behind his unreadable poker face.Sk: Dnes však chcel viac ako len výhru.En: However, today he wanted more than just a win.Sk: Chcel nájsť spojenie, niekoho, kto by ho pochopil.En: He wanted to find a connection, someone who would understand him.Sk: Na druhom konci miestnosti sedela Alena.En: At the other end of the room sat Alena.Sk: Bola nová v meste, snažila sa nájsť niečo vzrušujúce.En: She was new in town, trying to find something exciting.Sk: Tento večer bol pre ňu skutočným dobrodružstvom.En: This evening was a true adventure for her.Sk: Nechcela len sedieť a pozerať.En: She didn't just want to sit and watch.Sk: Chcela zažiť atmosféru a možno stretnúť niekoho, kto by ju mohol pochopiť.En: She wanted to experience the atmosphere and perhaps meet someone who could understand her.Sk: Hra prebiehala a Marek si uvedomil, že tentokrát je jeho súperom Alena.En: The game was underway, and Marek realized that this time his opponent was Alena.Sk: Bolo to nezvyčajné, ale lákavé.En: It was unusual but intriguing.Sk: Videla jeho odrážajúci pohľad a v tej chvíli sa rozhodla.En: She saw his reflective gaze and made a decision at that moment.Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchla a odvážila sa na konverzáciu.En: She took a deep breath and dared to start a conversation.Sk: "Toto je pre mňa prvýkrát v takejto hre," priznala so smiechom.En: "This is my first time in a game like this," she admitted with a laugh.Sk: Marek zdvihol obočie, prekvapený jej úprimnosťou.En: Marek raised an eyebrow, surprised by her honesty.Sk: "Vtedy sa najlepšie učí," odpovedal s jemným úsmevom, ukazujúc tak časť svojho skutočného ja.En: "That's when you learn the best," he replied with a gentle smile, revealing a part of his true self.Sk: Vzájomná výmena slov prelomila ľady a Marek sa cítil menej osamotený.En: Their exchange of words broke the ice, and Marek felt less alone.Sk: Rozprávali sa o všetkom možnom – o Bratislave, o snehu, o zážitkoch z hry.En: They talked about everything possible – Bratislava, the snow, the experiences from the game.Sk: Napätie rástlo spolu s hrou.En: The tension grew along with the game.Sk: Všade naokolo sa zhlukovali ľudia, sledujúci duel medzi Marekom a Alenou.En: People gathered around, watching the duel between Marek and Alena.Sk: Prišiel rozhodujúci moment, keď Marek odložil svoje pretvárky.En: The decisive moment came when Marek put aside his pretense.Sk: Riskol to, ukázal svoju ruku pred celou miestnosťou.En: He took a risk and revealed his hand to the whole room.Sk: Alena sa odvážila nasledovať jeho príklad, zložila svoje karty a usmiala sa na Mareka.En: Alena dared to follow his example, laid down her cards, and smiled at Marek.Sk: Výsledok hry nebol hlavný.En: The outcome of the game wasn't the main focus.Sk: Namiesto toho ich rozhovor pokračoval ešte dlho po tom, čo ostatní hráči opustili stoly.En: Instead, their conversation continued long after the other players had left the tables.Sk: Obaja pocítili niečo nové.En: Both felt something new.Sk: Marek si uvedomil, že riskovať v hre aj v osobnom živote má svoj význam.En: Marek realized that taking risks in the game and in personal life had its significance.Sk: Alena zistila, že môže nadviazať kontakty, aj keď bola plná obáv.En: Alena discovered that she could make connections, even though she was full of apprehension.Sk: Keď spolu opúšťali krčmu, zaželali si pekné Vianoce a dohodli sa, že sa opäť stretnú.En: As they left the pub together, they wished each other a Merry Christmas and agreed to meet again.Sk: Ich spojenie nekončilo týmito dverami.En: Their connection did not end at those doors.Sk: Bolo to začiatok niečoho, čo by mohlo prerásť do silného priateľstva, alebo možno aj viac.En: It was the beginning of something that could grow into a strong friendship, or perhaps even more.Sk: Vianočné svetlá osvetľovali ich cestu a zanechávali stopu, že každý risk znamená možnosť niečo získať.En: The Christmas lights illuminated their path, ...
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    15 mins
  • From Reports to Revelry: A Christmas Connection
    Dec 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Reports to Revelry: A Christmas Connection Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-26-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Na zamračené zimné ráno sa Marek, účetník vo veľkej korporátnej firme, ponáhľal po klzkom chodníku do práce.En: On a cloudy winter morning, Marek, an accountant in a large corporate company, hurried along the slippery sidewalk to work.Sk: V hlave mal jedinú myšlienku – dokončiť koncoročné správy, získať dobrý bonus a vychutnať si pokojné Vianoce.En: He had only one thought in his mind – to finish the year-end reports, get a good bonus, and enjoy a peaceful Christmas.Sk: Na ceste však nešťastne podkĺzol a pocítil ostrú bolesť v členku.En: Unfortunately, he slipped on the way and felt a sharp pain in his ankle.Sk: "Nie, toto nie je dobré," zamumlal si pre seba, keď sa pokúsil postaviť.En: "No, this isn't good," he mumbled to himself as he tried to stand.Sk: Kancelária bola plná šumu, zmes vianočných melódií z rádia a klikania klávesníc.En: The office was filled with a mix of Christmas melodies from the radio and the clicking of keyboards.Sk: Na stole vedľa Mareka bola zasnežená šálka kávového času, pripravená Lenka, milá a ústretová kolegyňa, ktorá vždy vedela spríjemniť ráno.En: On the table next to Marek was a snow-covered mug of coffee time, prepared by Lenka, a kind and helpful colleague who always knew how to brighten the morning.Sk: Lenka sama však vyzerala, že je pod tlakom.En: However, Lenka herself looked stressed.Sk: Jej úsmev nebol taký žiarivý ako zvyčajne.En: Her smile wasn't as bright as usual.Sk: Marek kríval ku svojmu stolu, snažiac sa ignorovať bolesť.En: Marek limped to his desk, trying to ignore the pain.Sk: Zuzana, ich prísna šéfka, prešla okolo.En: Zuzana, their strict boss, walked by.Sk: "Marek, správy musia byť dokončené do piatku," pripomenula dôrazne.En: "Marek, the reports must be completed by Friday," she reminded him sternly.Sk: Marek prikývol, no bolesť v jeho členku bola neúprosná.En: Marek nodded, but the pain in his ankle was relentless.Sk: Ako sa deň posúval, Marek si všimol, že Lenka pracovala nadčasy.En: As the day went on, Marek noticed that Lenka was working overtime.Sk: Zistil, že jej rodina žije ďaleko, a počas Vianoc sa cítila osamelá.En: He discovered that her family lived far away, and she felt lonely during Christmas.Sk: Zamýšľal sa nad tým, ako môže pomôcť.En: He pondered how he could help.Sk: Rozhodol sa, že urobí niečo, čo by jej zlepšilo náladu.En: He decided to do something to lift her spirits.Sk: Pomôže jej s prácou, aj keď to znamená, že bude musieť odložiť niektoré svoje úlohy.En: He would assist her with work, even if it meant postponing some of his tasks.Sk: Podvečer Marek oslovil Lenku.En: In the evening, Marek approached Lenka.Sk: "Lenka, čo keby sme si urobili malú oslavu tu v kancelárii?En: "Lenka, how about we have a little celebration here in the office?Sk: Máme nejaké koláčiky a kávu, môžeme sa chvíľu porozprávať," navrhol nesmelo.En: We have some cookies and coffee; we can chat for a while," he suggested shyly.Sk: Lenka sa naňho pozrela s údivom, potom sa usmiala.En: Lenka looked at him in surprise, then smiled.Sk: "To by bolo krásne," odvetila.En: "That would be lovely," she replied.Sk: V rohu kancelárie si pripravili malý stôl s koláčmi, sviečkami a papierovými hviezdami.En: In the corner of the office, they set up a small table with cookies, candles, and paper stars.Sk: Marek a Lenka sa smiali, rozprávali sa o rodinách, o Vianociach a snežných prázdninách.En: Marek and Lenka laughed and talked about families, Christmas, and snow holidays.Sk: Zuzana ich pozorovala z diaľky.En: Zuzana watched them from a distance.Sk: Videla v ich očiach niečo, čo bolo viac ako pracovné nadšenie – bolo to skutočné priateľstvo.En: She saw something in their eyes that was more than just work enthusiasm – it was genuine friendship.Sk: Nakoniec Zuzana prišla za nimi.En: Finally, Zuzana came over to them.Sk: "Vidím, že sa zabávate," poznamenala s úsmevom.En: "I see you’re having fun," she remarked with a smile.Sk: "Vianoce sú o tom, byť s ľuďmi, ktorí vám záleží.En: "Christmas is about being with people who matter to you."Sk: " Povzbudila ich, aby si užili večer a povedala, že ich podpora a dobrá nálada sú pre tím dôležitejšie než akékoľvek čísla v správach.En: She encouraged them to enjoy the evening and said that their support and good spirits were more critical to the team than any numbers in the reports.Sk: Marek si uvedomil, že život nie je len o práci a peniazoch.En: Marek realized that life isn't just about work and money.Sk: Je o ľuďoch okolo neho a chvíľach, ktoré ich spájajú.En: It's about the people around him and the moments that connect ...
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    16 mins
  • Chaos in Sugar: Marek's Sweetly Unexpected Holiday Win
    Dec 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Chaos in Sugar: Marek's Sweetly Unexpected Holiday Win Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-26-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vianoce prinášajú do kancelárie zvláštnu atmosféru.En: Christmas brings a special atmosphere to the office.Sk: Marek s očakávaním kráča do svojej práce.En: Marek walks to his work with anticipation.Sk: Chce vyhrať vianočnú sladkú súťaž, ktorú organizuje ich firma každoročne.En: He wants to win the Christmas sweet competition, which their company organizes annually.Sk: Všetko je krásne ozdobené.En: Everything is beautifully decorated.Sk: Na stoloch sa lesknú svetielka a červeno-zelené dekorácie.En: Lights and red-green decorations shimmer on the tables.Sk: Marek túži po uznaní a viere, že víťazstvo v súťaži mu pomôže získať rešpekt a možno aj ďalšie povýšenie.En: Marek longs for recognition and believes that winning the competition will help him gain respect and perhaps even another promotion.Sk: Celé noci pracoval na svojom koláči.En: He worked on his cake the whole night.Sk: Posledný večer ho však niečo znepokojilo, keď našiel nový nápad na internete.En: However, the last evening something troubled him when he found a new idea on the internet.Sk: Bolo to zložité, no Marek sa rozhodol, že to skúsí.En: It was complex, but Marek decided to try it.Sk: Ráno, keď nesie svoj koláč do práce, Marek si uvedomuje, že jeho plán sa nevydaril podľa predstáv.En: In the morning, as he carries his cake to work, Marek realizes that his plan didn’t go as expected.Sk: Koláč vyzerá... katastrofálne.En: The cake looks... disastrous.Sk: Na vrchu sa mixujú fialové a modré farby so zlatými hviezdami, ktoré sa zmenili na akési škvrny.En: On top, purple and blue colors mix with golden stars that have turned into some kind of smudges.Sk: Marek cíti paniku, ale rozhodne sa, že ho predloží.En: Marek feels panic, but decides to present it anyway.Sk: Možno, pomyslí si, humorný nápad môže vyhrať.En: Maybe, he thinks, a humorous idea can win.Sk: Keď príde čas na súťaž, všetci sa zhromaždia okolo veľkého stola plného chutných dobrôt.En: When it's time for the competition, everyone gathers around the large table full of delicious treats.Sk: Je tu aj Zuzana, jeho kolegyňa.En: Zuzana, his colleague, is also there.Sk: Zuzana má rada sviatočného ducha a súťaž vníma ako zábavu.En: Zuzana loves the holiday spirit and sees the competition as fun.Sk: Jej koláč je krásny, s jemnými bielymi a červenými ozdobami pripomínajúcimi tradičné vianočné dekorácie.En: Her cake is beautiful, with delicate white and red decorations reminiscent of traditional Christmas decorations.Sk: Konečne prichádza rad na Mareka.En: Finally, it's Marek's turn.Sk: Keď odkryje svoj koláč, ozýva sa smiech.En: When he unveils his cake, laughter erupts.Sk: Jeho koláč sa stáva stredobodom pozornosti.En: His cake becomes the center of attention.Sk: Nie pre svoju krásu alebo rafinovanosť, ale pre svoj chaos.En: Not for its beauty or sophistication, but for its chaos.Sk: Marek chvíľu nerozumie, ale potom sa pridá k smiechu.En: Marek doesn't understand for a moment, but then joins in the laughter.Sk: S úsmevom hovorí: „No, aspoň ma nikto neprehliadne!“En: With a smile, he says, "Well, at least I won't go unnoticed!"Sk: Zuzana príde k Marekovi, podáva mu ruku a hovorí: „Vianoce sú o radosti a smiechu, a ty si ich priniesol.“En: Zuzana comes to Marek, shakes his hand, and says, "Christmas is about joy and laughter, and you brought them."Sk: Marek si uvedomuje, že víťazstvo nie je vždy v najlepšom výtvore, ale v tom, ako sa ľudia cítia.En: Marek realizes that winning isn't always about having the best creation, but about how people feel.Sk: Na konci dňa, keď už všetci v kancelárii odchádzajú domov, Marek cíti niečo viac než len ambície.En: At the end of the day, when everyone in the office is heading home, Marek feels something more than just ambition.Sk: Čosi hrejivého a príjemného.En: Something warm and pleasant.Sk: Smiech, kamarátske slová a vianočná atmosféra mu pripomenuli, že nie dokonalosť, ale zdieľaná radosť má pravú hodnotu.En: Laughter, friendly words, and the Christmas atmosphere reminded him that not perfection, but shared joy has true value. Vocabulary Words:anticipation: očakávaniecompetition: súťažannually: každoročnedecorated: ozdobenérecognition: uznanietroubled: znepokojilocomplex: zložitédisastrous: katastrofálnesmudges: škvrnyhumorous: humornýgathers: zhromaždiadelicate: jemnéreminiscent: pripomínajúciunveils: odkryjeerupts: ozýva sasophistication: rafinovanosťchaos: chaosunnoticed: neprehliadnejoy: radosťwinning: víťazstvocreation: výtvoreambition: ambíciepleasant: príjemnéholaughter: smiechfriendly: kamarátskeshared: zdieľanávalue...
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    14 mins

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