• Ep. 8: Stephanie & Natasha -"Desire the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy." | From Age to Age - Oral History
    Aug 14 2022
    Natasha interviews Stephanie, who was led to Xavier by her brother in 2001. Natasha and Stephanie, both LGBTQ+ women of Filipina heritage, talk about negotiating their relationships with their sexual orientation, the tug of faith in their hearts and the call to prophetically proclaim the Good News.

    To access a transcript of this episode, or to learn more about the Church of St. Francis Xavier visit:


    This episode was recorded and edited by Cynthia Bastidas of Semillita Productions. Photography by Donald Kennedy of Donald Kennedy Photography. Podcast introduction song is “Here I Am, Lord (I Come To Do Your Will),” music composed by Michael Ward and performed by the Music Ministry of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of OneLicense copyright A-700530, rights reserved; music reprint license number 944. A special thanks to the staff of St. Francis Xavier and Father Ken Boller, SJ.
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    22 mins
  • Ep. 7: John & Caitlin: "I like that you found Xavier out of a necessity of getting out of the rain." | From Age to Age - Oral History
    Aug 14 2022
    John, a cradle Catholic who grew up in a very spiritual and religious home in the Franciscan tradition, had fallen away from the faith during his 20s and 30s. One day nearly 40 years ago, John found his way into the Xavier church while trying to escape a rain storm, which led him to spiritually "escape the rain" and find shelter within and amongst the community through the storms the AIDS crisis, and other crises of faith related to being a Catholic gay man of faith. Caitlin talks with John about journeying through the trauma of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and how Xavier played a role in ministering to those on the margins then and now.

    To access a transcript of this episode, or to learn more about the Church of St. Francis Xavier visit:


    This episode was recorded and edited by Cynthia Bastidas of Semillita Productions. Photography by Donald Kennedy of Donald Kennedy Photography. Podcast introduction song is “Here I Am, Lord (I Come To Do Your Will),” music composed by Michael Ward and performed by the Music Ministry of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of OneLicense copyright A-700530, rights reserved; music reprint license number 944. A special thanks to the staff of St. Francis Xavier and Father Ken Boller, SJ.
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    25 mins
  • Ep. 6: Paula, Roe & Brandon - "This is what we were baptized into" | From Age to Age - Oral History
    Aug 14 2022
    Through the persistent invitation of a friend who was a Xavier parishioner, Paula and Roe eventually attended mass in May 2000 at Xavier and were taken aback by their first experience of the radical welcome of the Xavier parish community. Brandon, a parishioner for about five years, talks with Paula and Roe about the faithful people they've known at Xavier throughout the years and thoughts about what's changed in their over twenty years at Xavier.

    To access a transcript of this episode, or to learn more about the Church of St. Francis Xavier visit:


    This episode was recorded and edited by Cynthia Bastidas of Semillita Productions. Photography by Donald Kennedy of Donald Kennedy Photography. Podcast introduction song is “Here I Am, Lord (I Come To Do Your Will),” music composed by Michael Ward and performed by the Music Ministry of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of OneLicense copyright A-700530, rights reserved; music reprint license number 944. A special thanks to the staff of St. Francis Xavier and Father Ken Boller, SJ.
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    24 mins
  • Ep. 5: Maria, Joan & Tess - "They want to worship. Where do you want them to go?" | From Age to Age - Oral History
    Aug 14 2022
    Joan and Maria, who count over 50 years together in a committed relationship, recount their journey of faith as members of the Xavier community since the early 1990s with Tess, a younger, more recent Xavier parishioner. Together they talk about the value of being integrated into the wider fabric and community of the faithful as a lesbian couple, and worshiping and expressing their faith side by side with other seekers of Christ's peace. "This is what makes Xavier very great."

    To access a transcript of this episode, or to learn more about the Church of St. Francis Xavier visit:


    This episode was recorded and edited by Cynthia Bastidas of Semillita Productions. Photography by Donald Kennedy of Donald Kennedy Photography. Podcast introduction song is “Here I Am, Lord (I Come To Do Your Will),” music composed by Michael Ward and performed by the Music Ministry of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of OneLicense copyright A-700530, rights reserved; music reprint license number 944. A special thanks to the staff of St. Francis Xavier and Father Ken Boller, SJ.
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    26 mins
  • Ep. 4: Nadine & Alan - "Xavier is a place that feeds me, supports my vocation and challenges it." | From Age to Age - Oral History
    Aug 14 2022
    Nadine, a member of the religious order of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate has a Franciscan heart. Although her order is based in the Midwest, family obligations led her to request to be posted back in the New York City region in the 1980s. Upon her return, conversations during a retreat led her to the Church of St. Francis Xavier, where she eventually become a member and has been worshiping since 1989. Alan, a member of the parish for nearly twenty years, interviews Sister Nadine about her life as a religious, a member of the Xavier parish community and the people who have made the community what it is.

    To access a transcript of this episode, or to learn more about the Church of St. Francis Xavier visit:


    This episode was recorded and edited by Cynthia Bastidas of Semillita Productions. Photography by Donald Kennedy of Donald Kennedy Photography. Podcast introduction song is “Here I Am, Lord (I Come To Do Your Will),” music composed by Michael Ward and performed by the Music Ministry of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of OneLicense copyright A-700530, rights reserved; music reprint license number 944. A special thanks to the staff of St. Francis Xavier and Father Ken Boller, SJ.
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    22 mins
  • Ep. 3: Kathleen & Bill - "We're here to contribute" | From Age to Age - Oral History
    Aug 14 2022
    In the over 18 years that Kathleen has been a parishioner at Xavier, she has been particularly interested in ensuring that Xavier extends its promise of Christ's love and warm welcome to all, especially those on the margins who are differently abled from most others. Bill, a relatively recent parish member, interviews Kathleen to understand how she came to Xavier, and Kathleen discusses with Bill about the joys of our faith and why he was called to lead Xavier Outings to promote that joy.

    To access a transcript of this episode, or to learn more about the Church of St. Francis Xavier visit:


    This episode was recorded and edited by Cynthia Bastidas of Semillita Productions. Photography by Donald Kennedy of Donald Kennedy Photography. Podcast introduction song is “Here I Am, Lord (I Come To Do Your Will),” music composed by Michael Ward and performed by the Music Ministry of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of OneLicense copyright A-700530, rights reserved; music reprint license number 944. A special thanks to the staff of St. Francis Xavier and Father Ken Boller, SJ.
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    25 mins
  • Ep. 2: Ann & Kristen - "It was the music that drew me in" | From Age to Age - Oral History
    Aug 14 2022
    Kristen, one of Xavier's young parish leaders, interviews Ann, one of Xavier's wise parish elders and a pillar of the community. Ann, a cradle Catholic who had fallen away from the church for about 20 years in her middle age, was introduced to Xavier at the Pentecost mass in 1987 by a good friend. Ann fell in love with the parish and its community, in large account because of the music ministry. Since then, Ann has been involved in numerous ministries throughout her more than 30 years in the community.

    To access a transcript of this episode, or to learn more about the Church of St. Francis Xavier visit:


    This episode was recorded and edited by Cynthia Bastidas of Semillita Productions. Photography by Donald Kennedy of Donald Kennedy Photography. Podcast introduction song is “Here I Am, Lord (I Come To Do Your Will),” music composed by Michael Ward and performed by the Music Ministry of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of OneLicense copyright A-700530, rights reserved; music reprint license number 944. A special thanks to the staff of St. Francis Xavier and Father Ken Boller, SJ.
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    23 mins
  • Ep. 1 - Roseann & Pablo "I really felt God led me here" | From Age to Age - Oral History
    Aug 14 2022
    Pablo, a parishioner at Xavier since 2017, interviews Roseann, a parishioner at St. Francis Xavier for nearly 40 years, about God leading her to Xavier and a life of dear relationships and involvement in various ministries and groups at the parish since 1985. As a young person, Roseann had heard great things about the Xavier community, but felt she herself wasn't holy enough to join them as a fellow parishioner. Her life changed after actually attending a mass at Xavier and experiencing a strong sentiment of feeling at home.

    To access a transcript of this episode, or to learn more about the Church of St. Francis Xavier visit:


    This episode was recorded and edited by Cynthia Bastidas of Semillita Productions. Photography by Donald Kennedy of Donald Kennedy Photography. Podcast introduction song is “Here I Am, Lord (I Come To Do Your Will),” music composed by Michael Ward and performed by the Music Ministry of the Church of St. Francis Xavier. All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of OneLicense copyright A-700530, rights reserved; music reprint license number 944. A special thanks to the staff of St. Francis Xavier and Father Ken Boller, SJ.
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    24 mins