
  • RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 13th October 2024
    Oct 11 2024
    GB2RS News Sunday the 13th of October The news headlines: The RSGB 2024 Convention is taking place this weekendTwo new volunteer Youth Champions have been appointed by the RSGBCelebrations are underway to mark the first trans-global two-way radio communication The RSGB Convention has been in full swing this weekend. If you haven’t been able to attend, the RSGB has provided a packed live stream on each day and those live streams are available for anyone to view. Full of presentations, interviews and videos to inspire you, this is another way to enjoy your Convention, in your way. Either go directly to the RSGB YouTube channel or head over to rsgb.org/livestream to see the programme of presentations and the links to the livestreams. The RSGB is delighted to announce the appointment of two new volunteer Youth Champion roles. Chris Aitken, MM0WIC will be the RSGB’s School Youth Champion and Rhys Williams, M0WGY/AJ6XD will be the University Youth Champion. Chris is a Computing Science teacher at Wick High School, Caithness. Since 2023, Chris has been running the Wick High School Radio Club, GM0WHS, providing students with a wide range of experiences in amateur radio. He has four students who have passed their Foundation licence exam and are now taking on leadership roles within the club and assisting the latest cohort in their studies. He is also a member of the RSGB Outreach Team. You can contact Chris via youthchampion.school@rsgb.org.uk Rhys represented the RSGB at the Youngsters on the Air Camp in Prague this year. He sent back daily reports on his activities which you can still see on the website under the summer camps tab at rsgb.org/yota He is starting a PhD in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Oxford and is keen to help the RSGB support the growth of amateur radio in universities across the UK. You can contact Rhys via youthchampion.uni@rsgb.org.uk Ben Lloyd, GW4BML is the Board Liaison for youth activities. He said that he welcomes Chris and Rhys to their new youth volunteer roles and looks forward to working closely with them in the future to attract and grow RSGB youth membership. He explained that the three of them have already had some positive conversations and shared some good ideas, which they will be putting into place over the coming months. This week marks the centenary of the world’s very first trans-global two-way radio communication. On the 18th of October 1924 Frank Bell, 4AA, from New Zealand, and Cecil Goyder, 2SZ, from North London, changed how we communicate forever by making contact on amateur bands. To commemorate this historic contact, special callsigns will be active, and awards and QSL cards will be available for those who make contact with these special stations. GB2NZ and ZM100DX have already been active since the start of the month. Starting tomorrow, until the 20th of October, calls reflecting Goyder’s callsign, G2SZ, and Bell’s, ZL4AA, will be active. This will include activity here in the UK from Mill Hill School in North London which is the original location from which Goyder made his contact. On Friday the 18th of October, radio amateurs will also be recreating and re-enacting the first contact between Goyder and Bell. It is hoped that the QSO will be made on a wavelength close to that used in 1924. To find out more about this unique celebration go to gb2nz.com YOTA Month is just around the corner, and the RSGB is looking for volunteers to host the GB24YOTA callsign throughout the month of December. As in previous years, schools, clubs, guide and scout groups and also individuals are invited to host young radio amateurs whilst they operate with the callsign. Each day during the month has been split into a number of operating slots that you can book. In recent years, this system has allowed many more youngsters to get on the radio throughout the month. You can see the operating calendar by visiting QRZ.com and searching for GB24YOTA. Operators should be below the age of 26. Those who do not hold a Full amateur radio licence should be supervised by an appropriate Full licensee whilst operating. The RSGB is pleased that previous activators have already reached out to book their operating slots but there are still many more up for grabs! To book an operating slot or for more information about YOTA Month, please email Jamie, M0SDV at yota.month@rsgb.org.uk During last month’s Hamfest in Newark, the ICQ Podcast team spoke with RSGB President John McCullagh GI4BWM, RSGB Board Chair Stewart Bryant G3YSX and RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas M1ACB. Listen to Episode 440 of the podcast series to hear them discuss some of the many events that the Society is currently involved with. This includes the recent Amateur Radio on the International Space Station contact, which Girlguiding and HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh took part in, as well as the RSGB Convention. The second part of the interview, which features the Chair of the RSGB’s Propagation ...
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    17 mins
  • RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 6th October 2024
    Oct 4 2024
    GB2RS News Sunday the 6th of October The news headlines: The deadline for advance tickets for the RSGB 2024 Convention is tomorrow, Monday the 7th of OctoberThe RSGB is interested in what you did for National Coding WeekThe RSGB’s next Tonight@8 webinar will take place tomorrow, the 7th of October The theme for this year’s RSGB Convention is “Your Convention, Your Way” and the Society is providing a range of activities and presentations as well as different ways to get involved. There is still just time to buy your tickets in advance, but hurry as advance sales for attending the Convention or the dinners closes tomorrow, Monday the 7th of October. You will be able to buy a Convention ticket on the door but not at the discounted rate that is available now. At the event, there will be a varied programme of presentations regardless of your amateur radio interests or experience, as well as practical workshops and Morse competency tests. You’ll also find a room full of special interest groups to chat to who could inspire you to try something new! If you’re unable to travel to the Convention, a small number of presentations will be live-streamed and will be available on the RSGB YouTube channel without the need to pre-register. The RSGB has released two ‘Convention Chat’ videos recently and will be releasing two more over the coming week, so find out what others think of the Convention and see who you might bump into in the bar! For full programme details and speaker information and to book in advance, go to the RSGB Convention web pages at rsgb.org/convention Did you take part in National Coding Week this year? The RSGB had nine activities to inspire you to take part, including two new worksheets developed by the Society’s Outreach Team. Whether you took part by yourself, at a club night, or with friends and family, the RSGB would love to hear from you. To be included in the RadCom December feature on National Coding Week please send a summary of your activity, along with any photos, to radcom@rsgb.org.uk by the 17th of October. The worksheets will remain on the RSGB website for people to try, so if you would still like to have a go head over to rsgb.org/coding and get involved. The next RSGB Tonight@8 live webinar is tomorrow, Monday the 7th of October. Ian White, GM3SEK will present ‘Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide’. Aircraft scatter is about bouncing VHF and UHF radio signals off high-flying aircraft – effectively ‘hitching a ride’ with someone else’s plane to extend your everyday working range up to 800km. It may sound rather technical, but with some explanations from Ian, aircraft scatter might soon feel very easy. During the talk, Ian will consider how aircraft scatter works, and if it’s so useful, why haven’t we heard more about it? Join the webinar live at 8 pm on the RSGB YouTube channel or special BATC channel. Find out more about this and other webinars on the RSGB website via rsgb.org/webinars grid.radio is a web application born out of the frustration that Rose, 2E0RXO and many others experienced during spontaneous, often unplanned, Parks on the Air activations. During busy moments, someone would inevitably ask for a Worked All Britain square or another reference that she wasn’t prepared for. There wasn’t a single, simple resource to quickly gather this information with a fast-loading, modern interface. Many websites would spend more time loading advertisements than displaying the necessary information, delaying communication and increasing the pending pile-up. After several months of facing the same issue and finding herself still unprepared, Rose, a Computer Science graduate, decided to solve the problem with code. She created a fast, free web app that can be installed on the home screen of any phone or tablet or accessed on a desktop computer for pre-activation planning. You can also share links so others can easily find out where you are operating from. Once installed, the app will even work without a data connection. Development is ongoing, with feedback from all amateur radio operators welcomed via the contact details on Rose’s QRZ.com page. To learn more about this useful web app visit grid.radio Please send details of all your news and events to radcom@rsgb.org.uk The deadline for submissions is 10 am on Thursdays before the Sunday broadcast each week. And now for details of rallies and events The 49th Welsh Radio Rally is taking place today, the 6th, at Llanwern High School, Hartridge Farm Road in Newport. Traders can gain access from 7 am and the doors are open for visitors from 9.30 am. The entrance fee is £3 per person and free parking is available. For more information email Mike Rackham, GW4JKV via welshradiorally@gmail.com or phone 07976 368 250. The Dartmoor Autumn Radio Rally will take place on Sunday the 13th of October. The event will be held at Yelverton War Memorial Hall, Meavy Lane, Yelverton in Devon. There will be the...
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    16 mins
  • RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 29th September 2024
    Sep 27 2024
    GB2RS News Sunday the 29th of September The news headlines: There is still time to book tickets for the RSGB 2024 ConventionThe RSGB is helping to promote JOTA activities in OctoberThe RSGB has responded to a recent Ofcom Consultation concerning the 2.3GHz band With just two weeks until the RSGB Convention, this year’s event is the place to go if you are interested in anything and everything to do with amateur radio. There will be a host of expert speakers presenting on topics ranging from Sporadic-E and how to use AI to write amateur radio applications, to panel debates on amateur radio modes and presentations on inspiring the next generation of radio amateurs. The presentation summaries and speaker biographies are now available on the RSGB speaker page. AMSAT-UK has started to release news of its presentations too and you can see those on the RSGB’s Convention programme. There really is something for everyone. If you haven’t already bought your ticket, be sure to secure it by Monday the 7th of October when the online booking process will close. Buying tickets before the event will save you up to £5 off the usual 'on the day' ticket prices. Due to demand, the RSGB has also arranged an extra introduction to microcontroller programming workshop that will take place on the Sunday morning. There are still some tickets available for Saturday’s Gala Dinner too. To book your tickets for any part of the weekend or to find out more about the programme go to rsgb.org/convention Jamboree on the Air, also known as JOTA, is taking place between the 18th and 20th of October. The event promotes friendship and global citizenship and is a brilliant celebration of amateur radio among the groups within the Scout Association. Some groups have already shared details of activities that will be taking place over the weekend and the RSGB plans to compile and share a list of these on its comms channels. If you are part of a Scouting group and are planning to get involved with JOTA then please get in touch via comms@rsgb.org.uk with a summary of your station name, callsign and any other relevant information. The RSGB has responded to a recent Ofcom Consultation which would see new users sharing spectrum within the 2.3GHz amateur band. Whilst the new devices may be limited to indoor use, the RSGB has taken the opportunity to highlight concerns regarding the weak signal 2320MHz segment. In addition, the RSGB has also indicated its wish to review the current restrictions that apply to this band that date back to 2013, when it was subject to Public Sector Spectrum Release. The response and background information can be found in the Spectrum Forum web pages at rsgb.org/spectrum-forum The October edition of RadCom includes an article about the very first two-way radio communication between the UK and New Zealand, something that Sir Edward Appleton, radio physicist and Nobel laureate, later described as “probably the most dramatic moment in the history of the development of the short waves.” The contact was between two radio amateurs, one in Mill Hill School, London and the other on a sheep farm in New Zealand. Centenary celebrations will be taking place in New Zealand and at Mill Hill School, and special event callsigns will be active from today until late October. GB2NZ and ZM100DX will be active each day during that period and, for the week of the centenary, the near-actual callsigns used in 1924, G2SZ and ZL4AA, will be active from the 14th to the 20th of October. A commemorative certificate will be available for those who make contacts with the event stations. For more information on the Goyder-Bell award, and to find out more about the centenary celebrations, go to gb2nz.com Lots of amateur radio stations are on the air this weekend for the Railways on the Air event. The occasion marks the anniversary of the first steam-powered passenger railway journey which took place on the 27th of September 1825. The first passenger train ran on a line in the North East of England from Darlington to Stockton. Activity will be centred around 3.65, 7.15 and 14.25MHz. For more information visit rota.barac.org.uk The September 2024 issue of RadCom Basics is now available on the RSGB website for members to read. RadCom Basics is aimed at new licensees or anyone who enjoys reading about the fundamental principles behind the many facets of amateur radio. This issue includes articles on antenna building, home construction and getting fit with amateur radio. If you haven’t already, you can subscribe to receive updates about RadCom Basics via the RSGB Membership Portal. RSGB members can read RadCom Basics by going to rsgb.org/radcom-basics The September 2024 issue of RadCom Plus, the online magazine for the more technically minded radio amateur, has been published. The first article was written by RSGB Chair Stewart Bryant, G3YSX, and is an introduction to using AI to write computer software. Next, is a contribution from Tony ...
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    19 mins
  • RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 22nd September 2024
    Sep 20 2024
    GB2RS News Sunday the 22nd of September The news headlines: The RSGB Convention is just three weeks awayThe RSGB has announced that routine bookings for paper exams will ceaseTake advantage of group activity opportunities at the RSGB National Radio Centre The RSGB Convention is just three weeks away and there is a fantastic programme planned. Whatever your amateur radio interests or experience there will be something for you. In addition to the presentations, you could take part in a workshop to learn more about microcontroller programming – spaces are limited so make sure you book soon if you want to be part of that event. There will also be an EMF and EMC Clinic, contest forums and a chance to find out more about a wide range of amateur radio special interest groups. The social side of the Convention is important too, whether you’re catching up with friends over coffee or enjoying the Gala Dinner on Saturday evening. Day or weekend tickets for the Convention are still cheaper if you buy in advance rather than on the door, and the deadline for advance tickets is Monday the 7th of October. To find out more about the programme, the speakers and to book your tickets, go to the RSGB Convention web pages at rsgb.org/convention The RSGB has announced that from the 29th of November it will stop taking routine bookings for paper exams. Currently 97% of amateur radio licence examinations are taken online using the TestReach platform, either at home under remote supervision or in a club setting. Following the implementation of Syllabus v1.6 on the 1st of September 2024, the new examination question bank will only be maintained online. Generating paper exams will involve significant additional work for the RSGB Examinations Department, with the associated costs. You will be able to apply for a paper exam on the grounds of special educational needs in the same way that you can currently request special requirements such as extra time or a reader. To do that you need to email the Exams Department via exams@rsgb.org.uk To read the full details of the changes, including the three important dates you need to know, please go to the RSGB website at rsgb.org and search for ‘Exam Announcements’. Do you work with young people at a school, or perhaps with a youth group such as the Scouts, Guides or Cadets? Are you looking for an activity that provides hands-on learning opportunities for them? The RSGB National Radio Centre currently has availability for two private evening visits in December as part of the Society’s activities for Youngsters on the Air month, or YOTA month as it is often called. Sessions typically last two hours and include an introduction to amateur radio, before the youngsters are split into smaller groups to complete a variety of activities. These can include Morse code, VHF communication using handhelds, shortwave radio communication and satellite communication. The group size is limited to a maximum of 12, and there must be one adult accompanying every four students. If you’d like to find out more about this unique learning opportunity, email the RSGB National Radio Centre Coordinator Martyn Baker, G0GMB via nrc.support@rsgb.org.uk The next Bletchley Park 1940s weekend is taking place at the moment. If you are visiting for the event, make sure you drop into the RSGB National Radio Centre where you’ll be able to see a number of World War Two receivers on display. Don’t forget that RSGB members can get free entry to Bletchley Park, which also includes admission to the RSGB National Radio Centre. You can access this fantastic offer by logging into the RSGB membership portal via rsgb.org/members and selecting ‘Visit Bletchley Park’. Don’t forget that National Hamfest 2024 is coming up on the 27th and 28th of September and promises to be an unforgettable celebration of all things amateur radio. As always, the traders and manufacturers are lining up to bring you the best in amateur radio equipment and accessories. Many exhibitors will be offering exclusive deals, making it the perfect time to upgrade your gear or add new items to your shack. For more information and to purchase your tickets, visit nationalhamfest.org.uk Railways on the Air weekend usually takes place on the weekend closest to the 27th of September. This date celebrates the anniversary of the first steam-powered passenger railway journey which took place on the 27th of September 1825. The first passenger train ran on a line in the North East of England from Darlington to Stockton. Bishop Auckland Amateur Radio Club coordinates the event and this year it will take place over the weekend of the 28th and 29th of September. For more information visit rota.barac.org.uk The next event in the popular 145 Alive series takes place on Sunday the 29th of September. The event will run from 1 pm to 4 pm and there will be nets operating in most Maidenhead Squares across England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. To take ...
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    16 mins
  • RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 15th September 2024
    Sep 13 2024
    GB2RS News Sunday the 15th of September The news headlines: The RSGB is looking for its next Youth ChampionSuccess for an RSGB member at the IARU ARDF ChampionshipToday is the last chance to book early bird tickets for the RSGB Convention The RSGB is looking for its next volunteer Youth Champion. This could be one role or split between people who focus on different aspects of it. The Youth Champion will work closely with RSGB Board Liaison Ben Lloyd, GW4BML and the RSGB Outreach Team to ignite interest and develop links with schools, universities, Scouts, Guides and the general public. They will also help to support current young amateurs and motivate them to try new things within amateur radio after they gain their license. This role needs someone proactive, good at building relationships with young people, and passionate about inspiring the next generation of radio amateurs. For the full role description go to rsgb.org/volunteers and if you would like to apply or find out more, contact Ben Lloyd via gw4bml@rsgb.org.uk The 24th IARU Region 1 ARDF Championships in Bulgaria saw an RSGB member on the podium. David Williams, M3WDD took the silver medal position in the M60 category of the 144MHz Classic five-transmitter race at the Championships held at Primorsko, Bulgaria earlier this month. David had come so very close to winning being only 14 seconds behind the winner Jozef Simecek of Slovakia. There were four races altogether. The week of competition started with the Sprint race on 80m followed the next day by the 2m five-transmitter Classic race for the M60 category in which David did so well. A well-earned rest day followed and after that came the 80m five-transmitter race. The week ended with the Foxoring event, a combination of direction finding and orienteering, again using the 80m band. You can see the results in full, and read more about ARDF, at rsgb.org/ardf Don’t forget that the RSGB Convention early bird price ends today, Sunday the 15th of September. There’s a range of great presentations planned, a fantastic microcontroller workshop to take part in, as well as all the fabulous social opportunities to enjoy like the Gala Dinner. Go to rsgb.org/convention to find out more and book your tickets. Have you ever tried LoRa? Or Node Red? Have you used the Raspberry Pico for coding or played a Morse game with an Arduino? These are just some of the great activities on the RSGB’s website that are available for National Coding Week which begins this Monday, the 16th of September. Whether you fancy doing something different for a club night or would like to sample something new just for fun, there’s an activity to inspire you! You could even try combining your love of amateur radio with the software interests of a young family member. The RSGB is offering nine activities this year so head over to rsgb.org/coding and get involved. The next Bletchley Park 1940s weekend is taking place on the 21st and 22nd of September. If you are visiting for the event, make sure you drop into the RSGB National Radio Centre where you’ll be able to see several World War Two receivers on display. Don’t forget that RSGB members can get free entry to Bletchley Park, which also includes admission to the RSGB National Radio Centre. You can access this fantastic offer by logging into the RSGB membership portal via rsgb.org/members and selecting ‘Visit Bletchley Park’. Don’t forget that National Hamfest 2024 is coming up on the 27th and 28th of September and promises to be an unforgettable celebration of all things amateur radio. As always, the traders and manufacturers are lining up to bring you the best in amateur radio equipment and accessories. Many exhibitors will be offering exclusive deals, making it the perfect time to upgrade your gear or add new items to your shack. For more information and to purchase your tickets, visit nationalhamfest.org.uk And now for details of rallies and events The Broadcast Engineering Museum near Gainsborough in Lincolnshire is new and a work in progress, so it only opens a few days each year. Today, from 11 am to 4 pm, the Museum is having an open day. The Museum contains a vast collection of historic broadcasting equipment and memorabilia, some restored and working, on display in a former RAF sergeants' mess. Free parking is available on-site. For more information email contactus@becg.org.uk or visit becg.org.uk The British Vintage Wireless Society is holding a swap meet and auction today, the 15th at the Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8JH. Stallholders can gain entry from 9 am. Admission for visitors will be available from 9.30 am for £8. The auction starts at 12.30 pm and hot and cold refreshments will be available all day. For more information visit bvws.org.uk or email Jeremy Owen, G8MLK at secretary@bvws.org.uk The East Midlands Ham and Electronics Rally is taking place on Saturday the 21st of September. The venue will be...
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    16 mins
  • RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 8th September 2024
    Sep 6 2024
    GB2RS News Sunday the 8th of September The news headlines: Book your RSGB Convention tickets nowThere are several vacancies in the RSGB’s Regional TeamRemember to call in to the CHOTA stations on Saturday The RSGB Convention is just five weeks away and an exciting programme of presentations and practical activities is being prepared. The early bird price for day tickets ends on the 15th of September and this year there won’t be any extensions to that date! As well as three streams of presentations across the weekend there will be an introductory workshop on microcontroller programming. This workshop is part of the Society’s aim to widen the programming skills in the amateur radio community and to introduce people to something new. On Saturday morning RSGB experts will give an EMC and EMF update presentation, followed by an informal EMC and EMF clinic in the afternoon. The RSGB HF and VHF contest forums will take place on Sunday. Throughout the weekend there will be opportunities to talk to RSGB representatives and to members of many special interest groups who could inspire you to try a different aspect of amateur radio. The RSGB 2024 Convention – your convention, your way. To book your day tickets and to book for the workshop, go to rsgb.org/convention The RSGB has 13 regions, each covered by a Regional Representative and a team of District Representatives. This volunteer team is an important link to clubs and a potential source of support and information for individual radio amateurs. There are several vacancies in the Regional Team and this month we’re highlighting two regions. In Region 5 there is an opportunity for someone to volunteer as a District Representative covering Gloucestershire, Hereford and South Worcestershire. There are also two vacancies in Region 13 for District Representatives to cover Leicestershire and Rutland, and also North Lincolnshire. If you’re interested in supporting local radio amateurs and clubs in those areas, please contact the appropriate Regional Representative. You can find their details by going to our website at rsgb.org/regions and clicking on the region in which you live. Next Saturday, the 14th, lots of amateur radio stations will be on the air to take part in the Churches and Chapels on the Air event, also known as CHOTA. The event will take place from 10 am to 4 pm and operation will be focused on the 80, 40 and 20m bands. To see the list of churches and chapels taking part visit the ‘CHOTA’ tab on the World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners website at wacral.org Several changes have been made to the RSGB contest trophies process, for logistical and resource reasons. For example, instead of engraving each trophy, the winner will be presented with a quality certificate at the Trophy Presentations on Sunday morning at the RSGB Convention. For each award, a high-quality photograph will be taken of the winner with their trophy, and that photo will be available for the winner if they would like it. RSGB HQ will now administer all trophies for the AGM event. The full changes are shown in the updated trophy policy on the RSGB website at rsgb.org/trophies If you have any questions about these changes, please contact the RSGB Trophy Manager Mike Franklin, G3VYI via trophy.manager@rsgb.org.uk Over the course of a year, radio amateur Maggie laquinto, VK3CFI attempted to make contact with Russian cosmonauts on the Mir space station. Maggie used her amateur radio skills and equipment to monitor the orbit of the space station and listen to the frequencies that it used. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Maggie relayed crucial information to cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev. In a recent BBC programme, Maggie’s son Ben laquinto speaks to Megan Jones. You can listen to the programme by searching for ‘The woman who spoke to the space station’ on the bbc.co.uk website. And now for details of rallies and events Caister Lifeboat Radio Rally is taking place today, the 8th, at Caister Lifeboat station, Caister on Sea, NR30 5DJ. The doors are open from 9 am to 8 pm and there is no admission fee. Sellers can gain access from 8 am. For more information email Zane, M1BFI via m1bfi@outlook.com or phone 07711 214 790. The Broadcast Engineering Museum near Gainsborough in Lincolnshire is new and a work in progress, so it only opens a few days each year. The next open days are coming up on Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th of September from 11 am to 4 pm. The Museum contains a vast collection of historic broadcasting equipment and memorabilia, some restored and working, on display in a former RAF sergeants' mess. Free parking is available on-site. For more information email contactus@becg.org.uk or visit becg.org.uk The British Vintage Wireless Society is holding a swap meet and auction on Sunday the 15th of September. The venue will be the Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8JH. Stallholders can ...
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    17 mins
  • RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 1st September 2024
    Aug 30 2024
    GB2RS News Sunday the 1st of September The news headlines: RSGB collaborates on a special contact with the International Space StationThe RSGB’s Tonight@8 webinar autumn programme starts tomorrow, the 2ndThe RSGB is getting ready for National Coding Week We are delighted to announce that the Radio Society of Great Britain and ARISS, in conjunction with Girlguiding Surrey West and Brooklands Museum including the Innovation Academy, have been collaborating on a special event due to take place on Saturday the 5th of October. Girlguiding President, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh will attend a planned contact with the International Space Station as part of a visit to promote the engagement and involvement of girls and young women in science, technology, engineering and maths. Further details of the contact and the event will be announced in late September. The RSGB’s autumn Tonight@8 programme starts this Monday, the 2nd of September. Brian Coleman, G4NNS will give an update on the Meteor Beacon Project which is a cooperation between the worlds of amateur radio and astronomy. The first phase of this project was completed in May 2022 when the UK meteor beacon GB3MBA went on the air from the Sherwood Observatory of the Mansfield and Sutton Astronomical Society. It enabled studies of meteor events over the UK using simple equipment and made possible a range of STEM projects featuring radio and astronomy. The second phase of the project, which Brian will describe in the presentation, is to develop a network of receivers streaming their data via a central server for detailed studies of individual meteor events. You can watch and ask questions live on the RSGB YouTube channel or a special BATC channel. To find out more go to the RSGB website at rsgb.org/webinars The RSGB is getting ready for National Coding Week which begins on the 16th of September. This national event is in its 11th year and encourages people of all ages to try coding, or programming as it is also called. During the next few days, the RSGB’s Outreach Team will release two new coding activities for you to try on your own, with members of your local club, or at a school or other youth group. These are in addition to the seven activities the Society shared last year. This is a great opportunity to see how coding can link with your usual amateur radio activities, or for you to try something new. If you are planning an activity or an event or would like some support, please email the RSGB National Coding Week Coordinator Nigel Thrower, G3YSW via ncw@rsgb.org.uk You can find the coding activities on the RSGB website at rsgb.org/coding The British Science Association has announced that applications for kick-start grants will open on the 17th of September 2024. The grants are provided to help schools in challenging circumstances to deliver events and activities as part of British Science Week. To find out more visit the British Science Week website and enter ‘Grant applications for British Science Week 2025’ in the search box located in the top right-hand corner. If you need some inspiration on how to get involved, the RSGB is already planning for the March event. You can go to rsgb.org/bsw to find out more, as well as to view activity ideas and lesson plans from previous years. If you’d like to get involved or have any questions, you can email the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator, Ian Neal, M0KEO at bsw@rsgb.org.uk RSGB Members can ensure that they are the first to hear about the Society’s online webinars and events by registering to receive updates by email. Simply log into the RSGB members’ portal, select the ‘Manage Preferences’ tab and click the online events option. By selecting this preference you’ll be kept up to date on events such as the Tonight@8 webinars, which are already shaping up to have a brilliant programme for the Autumn. Keep an eye on your mailboxes for more news about these soon. Don’t forget that the popular Churches and Chapels on the Air event, also known as CHOTA, is taking place on Saturday the 14th of September. Lots of stations will be on the air from 10 am to 4 pm so please give them a call. The operation will be focused on the 80, 40 and 20m bands. To see the list of churches and chapels taking part visit the ‘CHOTA’ tab on the World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners website at wacral.org The RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park, or NRC, will be closed for one day on Monday the 16th of September to allow time for some minor decorating and cleaning. Don’t forget that RSGB members can gain free entry to Bletchley Park and the NRC by downloading a voucher from rsgb.org/bpvoucher And now for details of rallies and events Telford Hamfest is taking place today, Sunday the 1st of September at Harper Adams University near Newport, Shropshire. The doors open at 10.15 am and admission is £5. Children up to the age of 16 will be admitted free of charge....
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    19 mins
  • RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 25th August 2024
    Aug 23 2024
    GB2RS News Sunday the 25th of August 2024 The news headlines: The RSGB 2024 Convention will feature a microcontroller programming workshopYou can take the RSGB Morse competency test at National Hamfest this yearRSGB Board Director Peter Bowyer, G4MJS to take on Board Liaison roles for contesting and trophies At this year’s RSGB Convention, there will be a workshop to introduce attendees to microcontroller programming through a short presentation followed by practical exercises. The Society aims to widen the programming skills in the amateur radio community and introduce individuals to radio-related usage of Micro Controller Units, or MCUs. If you attend the workshop, you will receive a genuine Arduino board, a set of DuPont wires, a breadboard and two specific devices which you will be able to take away with you at the end of the workshop. The exercises will take you through using the Arduino IDE, basic programming and interfacing to the provided devices. You need to pre-register as spaces are limited to just 20 people. The workshop and hardware are free, but in return for the £10 booking fee, you will receive a copy of the book “Microcontroller Know How” by Mark Jones, G0MGX. You must be a ticket holder for the Convention to be able to take part. To find out more and to book your place, go to the RSGB website at rsgb.org/convention and choose the workshops and forums tab on the right-hand menu. If you’re going to the National Hamfest on the 27th and 28th of September, why not try the RSGB Morse competency test? You don’t have to book in advance, just visit the RSGB village area. You can be tested at 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 or 30 words per minute so you don’t have to be a CW expert. If you pass the test, you’ll either receive a certificate on the day or it will be sent to you electronically shortly after. Eric Arkinstall, M0KZB is the RSGB Morse Competency Project Lead and he will guide you through the test process. If you don’t want to do the test you can still drop in to try Morse for the first time or pick up some hints and tips. It will be a busy event so whilst there will be headphones available, you’re welcome to bring your own if you prefer. Eric looks forward to seeing you at the event! If you have any questions, please contact Eric via morse.tests@rsgb.org.uk The RSGB Board Chair has announced that new Director Peter Bowyer, G4MJS will take on the Board Liaison roles for contesting and trophies. If you would like to contact Peter, his email address is g4mjs@rsgb.org.uk This year’s Youngsters on the Air camp in the Czech Republic finished on Friday the 23rd of August after an action-packed week. The RSGB representative Rhys Williams, M0WGY took part in a range of amateur radio activities that included kit building, ARDF and surface-mount technology as well as a day trip into Prague. Rhys also made the most of the great station setup and enjoyed plenty of airtime. This included making over 100 QSOs on the 40m band whilst operating special callsign OL24YOTA, which he has said was good to practise his pile-up management. You can read more from Rhys by going to rsgb.org/yota-camp and reading his daily blog. This year’s camp was organised by the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group together with the Czech Radio Club. The next event in the popular 145 Alive series takes place on Sunday the 29th of September 2024. The event will run from 1 pm to 4 pm and there will be nets operating in most Maidenhead Squares across England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. To take part in the event, which is designed to promote FM activity on the 2m band, all you need to do is call in and make contact with others. The organisers are looking for more net controllers. If you would like to run a net, contact Mark Savage, M0XIC via the 145 Alive Facebook page. The date has been confirmed for the Twelfth Scottish Microwave Round Table GMRT. The event will take place on Saturday the 9th of November 2024 at the Museum of Communication, Burntisland, Fife. Lunch will be provided and an optional dinner will be held in the evening at a local hotel. The programme is now confirmed and online booking is available via the GMRT website at gmroundtable.org.uk or by emailing Colin, GM4HWO at gm4hwo@gmail.com National Hamfest is only a few weeks away. Early-bird advance tickets are currently available but this offer finishes on Saturday the 31st of August. Visit nationalhamfest.org.uk for more details and booking information. And finally, don’t forget to listen out for all the stations that are on the air for the British Inland Waterways on the Air event this weekend. To read more about the event visit Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group’s website at nharg.org.uk and follow the ‘BIWOTA 2024’ link. And now for details of rallies and events Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society Rally is taking place today, the 25th. The venue is Heron’s Lodge Guide Activity Centre, Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge, Milton Keynes, ...
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