• Part 4 - Acheiving what God wants based on what Christ has provided .
    14 mins
  • Part 3- Acheiving what God wants based on what Christ has provided .
    14 mins
  • Part 2- Acheiving what God wants based on what Christ has provided .
    15 mins
  • Part 1- Acheiving what God wants based on what Christ has provided .
    Dec 31 2024
    One of the main reasons that God sent his son into the world as a human being is that we have been lost and cast out of the family of God, though Adams's sin could be restored to full life and full fellowship to his family. We must remember that we did nothing to deserve being a sinner and receiving all of the bad things that being a sinner would bring because we had nothing to do with sin and sinning because we were not even born when Adam sinned, yet we still received the same punishment that he received, and that was very unfair to us. But God sent Jesus to take all of the sins and punishment that sin brings on himself, he became like a black hole that just sucked up all of sin's power and effects on himself so that just as Adam made us sinners now he can make those which receive him righteous and full of the God kind of life. Please join me in this message and see how much God loves humanity. God bless
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    14 mins
  • Understanding how Adam made all Humanity Sinners.
    Dec 1 2024
    Romans 5:21 - says, Therefore, just as though one man sin entered the world. and death through sin, and in this way death spread to all men because all sinned. NOTE: Having a good understanding of how sin entered the world, arms or equips you to be able to defend yourself when those thoughts come saying, Yes, you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, but look at what you said or did, see you are not truly saved. By having a true understanding of how a person became a sinner, empowers you to fight back because you have a real understanding of what the bible teaches about how a person became a sinner, through the one man Adam, just as Romans 5:21 states. This means Satan can not trick you, or put self-condemnation on you, for you know who you are as a born-again person through Christ Jesus. Friend you neither I nor anyone born on the earth after Adam sinned had anything to do with being made a sinner and cast out of the family of God. You nor I was born when Adam sinned in the garden of Eden. Yet what he did was so powerful that even today people are still being born sinners from birth. Join me in this powerful message and never be depressed or struggle in your heart about who you are in Christ Jesus and what that means in a very real way.
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    35 mins
  • Pt 1 - Sin and Sinning what does it all mean
    Nov 12 2024
    Some people's understanding of sin and sinning is you became a sinner needing to be saved, through doing are saying something sinful. But that's not what the bible teaches, for when we read Romans 5:12 it says therefore, just as though one man sin entered the world, and death through sin. and in this way, death spread to all men, because all sinned. Notice the scripture said just as though one man ( who is this one man people )? yes, it is Adam. Therefore, the scripture says that we all were made sinners, through this one man Adam. This means that being a sinner happened through what Adam did, not through what you or I did because now we sinned because Adam made us sinners, and sinning is what a person who was made a sinner through Adam. dose. Therefore if a person has a wrong understanding of this subject of sin and how they were made a sinner, they will be stressed, feeling not pleasing in God's sight, and much more. So now having the right understanding in this area can wreck your life, causing you to feel depressed, lose joy, and much more. friend please join me in this study and gain needed wisdom, and answers in this important area of the Christian walk.
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    13 mins
  • Pt 4 - Understanding the name Christ and Jesus
    13 mins
  • Pt 3 - Understanding the name Christ and Jesus
    Nov 8 2024
    Friends the word of God is Spirit which is Christ, but we can not see a Spirit, and a Spirit does not have human blood to take to the cross for the sins of the world, nor can a Spirit die. these are all of the things needed to atone for the sin that came into the earth through Adam. This is why the word had to become flesh and this is why we see the man Jesus who does have blood to take to the cross and can die. So here is the deal when you put the man Jesus and the Spirit in one person, we now have everything needed to save humanity , The man can do the dying and the Spirit can do the raising him from the dead.
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    13 mins