
  • Cake Pops - Return of the Waffle Destroyer
    May 19 2021

    We've been on hiatus, but we're back with news, updates, and recommendations to get you hyped about the coming months! Rob and Jesse discuss Hugo/Locus/Ignyte Award nominations, the (possible? Hopeful?) return of conventions, the Baen Bar reopening, and plenty of cool stuff for you to watch, read, and play. Enjoy!

    Hugo Award nominees: http://www.thehugoawards.org/hugo-history/2021-hugo-awards/

    Locus Award Nominees: https://locusmag.com/2021/05/2021-locus-awards-top-ten-finalists/

    Ignyte Award Nominees: https://theconvention.fiyahlitmag.com/2021/04/22/announcing-the-2021-ignyte-awards-shortlist/

    Subscribe to Glitchy Pancakes on your favorite podcast app, and please leave a review if you like what we're doing. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GlitchyPancakes. Email questions or comments to CakesPod@gmail.com, and thanks for listening!

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    48 mins
  • 204 - Learning to Write SFF w/ Cat Rambo
    Apr 14 2021

    Find yourself wanting to learn how to write science fiction or fantasy? Already writing and want to level up? Then you'll definitely want to hear what our guest Cat Rambo has to say. Cat is one of the most accomplished names in the field, having published over 200 original works with many more on the way, as well as serving two terms as President of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and founding one of the most popular and helpful online writing schools, the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers. Listen in & learn some cool stuff!

    Cat Rambo's Website: http://www.kittywumpus.net/blog/
    The Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers: http://www.kittywumpus.net/blog/academy/
    Cat's Twitter: @CatRambo

    Subscribe to Glitchy Pancakes on your favorite podcast app, and please leave a review if you like what we're doing. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GlitchyPancakes. Email questions or comments to CakesPod@gmail.com, and thanks for listening!

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    55 mins
  • Cake Pops - The Recommendations That Have Saved 2021. For Us. So Far.
    Apr 2 2021

    Check out the cool stuff we've been consuming to help us stay upright and functioning in 2021 (AKA "2020 Part 2: Even 2020er"). Games, books, movies, and shows to soothe your brain and make happy. Enjoy!

    Subscribe to Glitchy Pancakes on your favorite podcast app, and please leave a review if you like what we're doing. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GlitchyPancakes. Email questions or comments to CakesPod@gmail.com, and thanks for listening!

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    47 mins
  • 203 - Black Horror & Podcasting w/ Tonia Ransom (Nightlight Podcast)
    Mar 10 2021

    Time to get SPOOKY! We're talking about horror stories this week! Joining us is Tonia Ransom, creator and executive producer of the excellent Nightlight Podcast, a horror podcast dedicated to publishing creepy tales by Black writers and acted by Black voice professionals. We discuss why we like to be scared, where horror writers get their terrifying ideas, what the Black American experience adds to the genre, the ins and outs of delivering horror through audio/podcasting, and much more! Turn your nightlight on and settle in...

    Nightlight Podcast: https://nightlightpod.com/
    Nightlight Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nightlightpod
    Nightlight Podcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NightlightPod
    Tonia Ransom on Twitter: https://twitter.com/missdefying?lang=en
    Tonia's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/toniaransom

    Subscribe to Glitchy Pancakes on your favorite podcast app, and please leave a review if you like what we're doing. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GlitchyPancakes. Email questions or comments to CakesPod@gmail.com, and thanks for listening!

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    55 mins
  • 202 - The Baen Bar/WorldCon Controversy
    Feb 24 2021

    It's always something, isn't it? This week we dig into the controversy surrounding the Baen Bar forum, WorldCon/DisCon III, and the removal of Toni Weisskopf as WorldCon's Editor Guest of Honor. Free speech and censorship (what they mean, and what they don't), how communities define and enforce their standards, and what the fallout means for everyone involved. Enjoy!

    File 770 article detailing the whole thing: http://file770.com/weisskopf-correia-weber-defend-baens-bar-jason-sanford-subjected-to-harassment-over-his-report/

    Excellent list of logical fallacies: https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/

    Subscribe to Glitchy Pancakes on your favorite podcast app, and please leave a review there if you like what we're doing. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GlitchyPancakes. Email questions or comments to CakesPod@gmail.com, and thanks for listening!

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    51 mins
  • 201 - Welcome to 2021! News of the World
    Feb 10 2021

    Welcome back! It's our first episode of the year, and having lost our minds long ago in the Before Times of 2020, we attempt to stay coherent as we discuss what's going on in fandom. We talk about the release of Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda, the upcoming Black Panther tv series helmed by Ryan Coogler, the Locus recommended reading list, updates on the convention scene, explain the Hugo Award nomination process, and more. We do NOT discuss WandaVision. Yet. Enjoy!


    Locus Recommended Reading List (2020): https://locusmag.com/2021/02/2020-locus-recommended-reading-list/

    Hugo Award Nomination info & website: http://www.thehugoawards.org/

    Subscribe to Glitchy Pancakes on your favorite podcast app, and please leave a review there if you like what we're doing. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GlitchyPancakes. Email questions or comments to CakesPod@gmail.com, and thanks for listening!

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    47 mins
  • Hindsight 2020: A Quick THANK YOU from the GP Crew
    Dec 30 2020

    This week, we took a few minutes to thank everyone who has helped us make the back half of 2020 better than we'd hoped. We launched Glitchy Pancakes on June 19 of this year with an episode on Protest & Rebellion in SF/F, featuring the amazing Sheree Renée Thomas. From then until now, we've published 30 episodes full of fun and illuminating conversations about all aspects of SF/F fandom with a slate of absolutely fantastic guests, and we hope you've all gotten something good out of listening. We greatly appreciate every guest who gave us a slice of their time, as well as all the listeners who have kept us going. We'll be back in January serving up more fresh hot stacks of Glitchy Pancakes. Happy New Year everybody! Let's make it the best one yet!

    Subscribe to Glitchy Pancakes on your favorite podcast app, and please leave a review if you like what we're doing. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GlitchyPancakes. Email questions or comments to CakesPod@gmail.com, and thanks for listening!

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    17 mins
  • 124 - The "Canon" Episode w/ Jeannette Ng & Dr. Lisa Yaszek
    Dec 23 2020

    Some say there are certain works & authors in SF/F/H that one Must Read in order to appreciate or understand the genres. But with all the amazing new work coming out from new voices around the world, are the so-called "canonical" works even relevant anymore? How can fans navigate the world of speculative fiction in a way that makes it meaningful (and let's not forget FUN) for them? We get into it with two fantastic guests: 2019 Astounding Award winner & author of Under the Pendulum Sun, Jeannette Ng, and Georgia Tech Regents Professor of Science Fiction Studies & author of The Future is Female, Dr. Lisa Yaszek. Heads up: there may be some discussion of gross '70s Jell-O molds.

    Jeannette Ng: Website and UNDER THE PENDULUM SUN

    Dr. Lisa Yaszek:
    Website & Amazon author page

    Octavia Butler on Devil Girls from Mars:

    Hugo Gernsback and Amazing Stories

    Lost Transmissions:

    Jeanette Ng’s Astounding Award Acceptance Speech: https://medium.com/@nettlefish/john-w-campbell-for-whom-this-award-was-named-was-a-fascist-f693323d3293

    We Have Always Fought

    Big Book of Science Fiction (edited by Ann & Jeff VanderMeer):

    Milton Davis:

    Balogun Ojetade:

    Margaret Cavendish:

    The Last Man by Mary Shelley:

    Brian Aldiss on Mary Shelley:

    Subscribe to Glitchy Pancakes on your favorite podcast app, and please leave a review if you like what we're doing. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GlitchyPancakes. Email questions or comments to CakesPod@gmail.com, and thanks for listening!

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    54 mins