• Urgent Times Call for Resurgence of Mastermind Groups
    Feb 17 2025
    Episode 9: The United States ranks 36th in literacy. The populace is entering into a Second Dark Ages and drinking poison in the water. Artificial intelligence, auto-spelling, auto-correction, auto-complete is all chipping away at our brain's opportunity to practice working. The censorship war is has been in full swing for years now. https://vimeo.com/1057642916 Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share and post. Need for a New Renaissance People have always been able to solve their own problems, given the right capacity, opportunity and motivation. Mastermind Groups create opportunity where there is none, by harnessing lessons learned from the first Dark Ages. Human imagination, trial and error took hold during the Renaissance and provided the free-thinking environment for leaders of the Industrial Revolution. What did the leaders have in common? They possessed 17 traits and held regular, active Mastermind Groups. Groups worked together in harmony with a definite major purpose. Individuals can have a separate purpose from the group, but agree to work together in harmony. Urgent Times Today the challenges before us are different than the Dark Ages, but the Great Reset appears already underway. Our challenges today are to our health, security, food, water and exposure to toxicity and radiation. The leadership required for a successful Mastermind Group is similar to that of a military commander. At higher levels of military echelons, the departments the commander must oversee are very diverse and highly specialized. For example, one Commander I knew came from an artillery background but was in charge of a Combat Engineer unit that could build cities. The Commander didn't have to know everybody's job. The role of the Commander is to get effective work from the team, delegate authority, and to deal with people causing disruption to the organization. Harmony is the watchword. From a place of support and safe vulnerability, comes innovation. These principles are at the core of the successful way the US military decentralizes decision-making where possible. Therefore, racism and nepotism are rendered impotent. Marry a harmonious group, working actively towards a definite major purpose, together with humility and you have a recipe for outstanding success. Call to Arms: Need for Resurgence of Mastermind Groups Mindshift Care hosts a group called Making Minshifters, in which we study together from the audio program The Science of Personal Achievement, by Napoleon Hill (available in Amazon). Members participate in solving their own problems while contributing to a group. Activism Mindshift: How You can Help You can start a Mastermind Group of your own! If you want to tackle a problem, or detox from a rare chemical, I'm offering training and support for lay leaders and professionals alike. Examples of Mastermind Groups PROBLEM STATEMENT: Need holistic support for relapse prevention from addictions of any type. PROBLEM STATEMENT: Need ideas and support for detoxification from industrial pollutants (PFAS, lead...). PROBLEM STATEMENT: Need to raise community awareness about polluted water (Springfield, Missouri). PROBLEM STATEMENT: Need a way to add live Q&A and content updates for the 5 books and 8 free, video courses that launched with our initial launch. Making Mindshifters Making Mindshifters is a traditional Mastermind Alliance with a purpose of overseeing the other Mastermind Groups. The schedule is subject to change based upon availability. Sync the Mindshift Events calendar for updates and reminders.
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    9 mins
  • Anger Management Simplified: Trileptal and a Two-Minute Speech
    Feb 6 2025
    Episode 8: How childhood neurodevelopment turns into road rage, or becomes rewired completely. You decide. (This one will save loss, pain, and lives.) Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) is an official diagnosis for an anger control problem. It is characterized by impulsive, unexpected anger and aggression that is disproportionate to the situation. The diagnosis code is F63.81 in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision. From the outside, the world sees an angry person, but they are often riddled with guilt about their behavior. If unable to modify the personality and self-care to accommodate for IED, these people burn all their bridges and wind up totally alone. They need to Mindshift. https://vimeo.com/1054709890 Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share. Trileptal and My 2-Minute Speech "When a threat is perceived, adrenaline triggers an uncontrollable reaction. Intermittent explosive disorder is a hard-wired anger reaction, almost always originating from PTSD. This is why traditional cognitive approaches to anger management are often inadequate. It is exactly the opposite of a trained operator or martial artist. However, if the brain is exposed to enough toxicity, a veteran will slowly lose their brain's ability to inhibit. A mood-stabilizer is a "10 second fuse". It will let you notice the feeling without impulsively acting on it. Walk away from the anger-provoking situation the first 5 times you get mad, so you can learn how the medication will help you go calm yourself down. Then, practice talking through your problems knowing you can now walk away if you need to, so eventually you won't have to live in fear of your anger or be made to feel like a doormat." Trying to overcome IED without help is like dancing stoned on the edge of cliff. By definition, not taking life-threatening behavior seriously is absolutely the most irresponsible decision for mental health. Afterall, mental health equals self-care. Why won't this work on children? From the outside, children and adults look the same emotionally with temper tantrums. The adult with IED, however, is overreacting in anger despite a previous decision to keep anger under control. Children haven't yet made decisions on the kind of person they want to be (superego), they are running into a nonstop series of life lessons and reflexively react based upon their hardwired subconscious programming. It's not the kid's fault. By that same logic, it's also technically not the adult's "fault", but it is their responsibility. Adults in the heat-of-the-moment react violently without a conscious choice - the prefrontal cortex is not involved in a decision until after the action has begun. Trying to stop yourself once your anger has progressed to screaming and violence is literally trying to overcome all of your life's pains and griefs that have come to bear, and in the most dangerous and unhealthy way possible. You need to Mindshift. Notice the division between Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in children and Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) in Adults in Figure 1: Psychotherapy mirrors neurodevelopment across the lifespan. This means that the different psychotherapies that helps these psychiatric diagnoses as we age support our understanding of brain health and its misuse:There are three overall phases in brain development when viewed from the womb to the tomb. Initial Programming is broken into two stages: womb to age 6 and from age 6 to age 17. The first stage begins in the womb and involves the direct download of the environment into the unconscious body memory (mind) of the child. Gradually, the child learns how to approach the world through choices but faces an uphill battle to rewire the body-lessons learned in very early development. The subconscious mind is already formed. We never completely undo the early, initial programming. The Neuroplastic Zone reflects the period of our liv...
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    14 mins
  • Practice Guidelines for Serious Mental Illness
    Jan 31 2025
    Episode 7: Teaching tool for medication classes in severe psychiatric illnesses. Figure 1. This is the table of contents for the Clinical Handbook I wrote as a teaching tool for advance practitioners. I taped the below graphic on the walls of each office where I supervised a busy psychiatric urgent care. It was helpful in explaining modern medication management approaches in an easy-to-understand format. The 100-Day Mindshift by Dr. Daniel Williams helps primary care and mental health programs that don't have time to explain the Clinical Practice Guidelines from the American Psychiatric Association. Figure 2: Treatment Guidelines for Serious Mental Illness. https://vimeo.com/1054650093 Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share. What is considered a "Serious Mental Illness"? Major depressive disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder type 1 are considered Serious Mental Illnesses. Lobbyists aren't yet successful with getting PTSD added to the list. Medications are frequently used to treat dozens of mental health-related symptoms, but this episode will focus on Serious Mental Illnesses. Summary of Diagnostic Criteria for Serious Mental Illnesses *Major depressive disorder ~ 2 weeks of a collection of low mood and neurovegetative symptoms (appetite, sleep, energy, concentration, motivation, psychomotor agitation or retardation) with or without suicidal thoughts and psychotic features. Schizophrenia ~ 6 months of predominantly psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions. Bipolar disorder ~ 7 days of a manic episode ever in life, including the combination of decreased need for sleep, grandiosity, and euphoria. Episodes can be depressed, manic, or mixed. Schizoaffective disorder ~ Clinically significant depressive or manic episodes, but psychosis remains when the mood episodes are in remission for at least 2 weeks. Bipolar Disorder is frequently confused with Intermittent Explosive Disorder Western culture defines "bipolar" as impulsive anger flares. This is nothing like the manic episodes of bipolar disorder and it is possible to have an anger problem too. Intermittent Explosive Disorder is truly an anger problem diagnosis. Features include unplanned, violent overreactions, such as arguments, punching holes, breaking cell phones and TV remotes. The guilt from the outbursts is often enough to trigger a full major depressive disorder, unless the person is antisocial and has no guilt. In my practice... A holistic approach to Intermittent Disorder would include Trileptal and a 2-Minute Speech, energy release work, and the Definite Major Purpose worksheet. Definite Major Purpose WORKSHEETDownload
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    9 mins
  • Top 18 Ground-Breaking Mental Health Documentaries
    Jan 1 2025
    Episode 6: Dr. Williams' top 18 documentaries for your date nights. "When you finally graduate as a psychiatrist and start watching documentaries, you can't help but wonder why universities left out so many vitally important facts...There should be a relationship warning that comes with these because one partner may rapidly outgrow the other - don't watch them alone. Make it a date night." Daniel Williams, MD The following documentaries are organized the same as our free Core Curriculum class, How to Mindshift video bundle and the 100-Day Mindshift printed book. https://vimeo.com/1054572807 Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share. Mental: Choosing Power The Science of Resilience: How to Thrive in a World of Chaos The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (also Down to Earth) Messages From Water: Water Crystals in Motion Physical: The Body Component Watch the Water, Stew Peters The Devil We know Dark Waters Erin Brockovich Root Cause (dental) Food Inc. (a nice complement to the Wheat Belly book) Cannabis: A Lost History Spiritual: Faith, Energy Healing, Purpose I Am: The Shift is About to Hit the Fan The Healing Field: Exploring Energy and Consciousness Heal: The Most Powerful Healer is Within Emotional: Regulating Emotion Brene Brown: The Call to Courage E-Motion and the 6-minute Releasing the Heart Wall episode Art Therapy: The Movie
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    30 mins
  • ADHD or Toxic Brain Syndrome?
    Dec 24 2024
    Episode 5: Learn what neurotoxins do to objective ADHD testing results. Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share. These figures show raw data from a neuropsychological test. Participants are asked to look at a computer screen as different shapes with varying colors go across the screen. They are given specific instructions to click one button on a remote if, for example, a red square is different than the previous shape that has already gone off the screen. If it is the same color and shape a second button is chosen. Therefore, the neural reflex arc involves the visual cortex, prefrontal cortex for a decision based upon a predetermined rule, and ends with a physical response (button click). I have seen a thousand of these tests like these and got to the point that I could guess the T-score based upon visual inspection of the raw data (below) within one decimal point. The only way I could do that is because what we call ADHD is nothing more than delayed neural processing-decision-variable response (PDV) by 1/4 of a second. Figure 1: Normal Controls (without ADHD). Green represents a correct response during a 20 minute computerized test (x-axis). The pink arrow roughly estimates the trend of responses over time. Figure 2: Classic ADHD Pattern. Pink represents responses that are, on average, 1/4 second slower than controls. There is typically more delay and incorrect answers that worsens as the test progresses. Figure 3: ADHD = 1/4 Second Reaction Delay. Both of the above graphs are superimposed upon each other. Therefore, what we observe phenotypically as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is nothing more than 1/4 second PDV Response delay. This could occur from a long list of potential causes, including: Neurotoxins Traumatic Brain Injury Hippocampal shrinkage due to EMF waves, neurotoxins, chronic insomnia, chronic elevated cortisol, PTSD, depression Screen time radiation
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    9 mins
  • Top Neurotoxins in the Water and Food Supply: The Neuro 9
    Nov 20 2024
    Episode 4: Atrazine, botulinum toxin, BPA, fluoride, glyphosate (RoundUp tm), heavy metals, parabens, PFAS, and vegetable seed oils. https://vimeo.com/1056812184 Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share. My preferred lab for testing toxins: https://amzn.to/3CaygEY. For a water filter that reduced fluoride, BPA and PFAS: https://amzn.to/42gG1nx. My personal SimpleLab results for my home drinking water were clean. The water sample I sent was 50% from the EpicWater Filter and 50% from the ice machine that has a PFAS filter. LifeStraw water bottle with filter (you can pour in from a plastic water bottle when necessary). 1 Gallon stainless steel water jug (for carrying your daily water). LifeStraws for emergencies (keep them in your car, bug-out gear, and gun cases). The Neuro 9 I conducted a qualitative meta-analysis of systematic reviews of neurotoxins using PubMed, Google Scholar, documentaries, headlines and Brave AI Browser. The results are published below. #9 ATRAZINE Decreases sperm count, alters testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Das S, Sakr H, Al-Huseini I, Jetti R, Al-Qasmi S, Sugavasi R, Sirasanagandla SR. Atrazine Toxicity: The Possible Role of Natural Products for Effective Treatment. Plants (Basel). 2023 Jun 12;12(12):2278. doi: 10.3390/plants12122278. PMID: 37375903; PMCID: PMC10301673. https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2017/08/atrazine-harmful-weedkiller-taints-tap-water-millions-us "Developmental neurotoxicity with studies reporting disruption of the hypothalamus, neurotransmission, neuronal development, and behavioral processes." Atrazine causes sex change in frogs. Top Sources: 80 million pounds of herbicide are sprayed on crops every spring in the US. Documentary: Save the Frogs Janiel Ahkin Chin Tai, Jennifer L. Freeman, Chapter 19 - Developmental neurotoxicity of the herbicide atrazine:Diagnosis, Management and Modeling of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Academic Press, 2021, Pages 219-228, ISBN 9780128179888, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817988-8.00019-1. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128179888000191) #8 BOTULINUM TOXIN Difficulty breathing, paralysis. "The cellular mechanism of action of the large majority of bacterial protein exotoxins with intracellular targets, including the BoNTs, can be conveniently divided into four subsequent steps: a) cell binding, b) internalization/endocytosis; c) membrane translocation of the enzymatic moiety into the cytosol and d) intracellular target modification of a selected target (Montecucco et al., 1994)." Top Sources: Root canals, injections, rotten anaerobic food Documentary: Root Cause, Government Film: Botulism in Rhesus Monkeys Rossetto O, Megighian A, Scorzeto M, Montecucco C. Botulinum neurotoxins. Toxicon. 2013 Jun 1;67:31-6. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2013.01.017. Epub 2013 Feb 19. PMID: 23435262. (Accessed 11/20/2024) #7 BPA (Bisphenol-A) BPA is a threat to male fertility. Cariati, F., D’Uonno, N., Borrillo, F. et al. “Bisphenol a: an emerging threat to male fertility”. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 17, 6 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12958-018-0447-6 "...the brain has consistently emerged as one of the most sensitive organs disrupted by BPA, even at doses below those considered safe by regulatory agencies such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)." Top Sources: Water bottles, packaged food, thermal paper receipts, canned goods, waterproof lining Documentary: River of Power (1987), The Story of Plastic (2019), and Human Experiment (2015). Mustieles, V., Fernández, M.F. Bisphenol A shapes children’s brain and behavior: towards an integrated neurotoxicity assessment including human data. Environ Health 19, 66 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-020-00620-y Apoptosis (programmed cell death) Cell damage Hippocampal targeting Pang Q, Li Y, Meng L, Li G, Luo Z, Fan R.
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    15 mins
  • The PFAS Detox: Human Excretion of Polyfluoroalkyl Substance via Ionic Foot Bath Electrolysis
    Oct 5 2024
    Episode 3: PFAS comes out of the body during Ionic Foot Bath. https://vimeo.com/1055803788 Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share. Introduction Polyfluoryl-alkyl Substances (PFAS) represent 15,000 different variations of long chains of fluoride, a known neurotoxin, that bioaccumulate in plants and animals. In humans, they have been associated with kidney cancer, increased cholesterol, and thyroid problems to name a few. PFAS is commonly referred to as "forever chemicals" due to the fact they stay in the body from 3-27 years, depending on the form. Ongoing bioaccumulation risks remain for those working in industries with frequent exposure, dump sites, contaminated water supplies, food packaging, painting, electroplating, carpet installation, carpet treatment, serving as a firefighter, working with ski wax, waterproofing material and construction materials. Public awareness has not yet caught up to the existing science and there is a paucity of recommendations available for the informed consumer. The available data for daily exposure for the general population to PFAS comes out of Canada and Norway. Daily consumption was 90% dietary with intake of 73 ng/day, on par with dust and air inhalation exposure. A follow-up study combined types of PFAS and estimated daily consumption as high as 250 ng per day. This study aims to validate ionic foot bath treatments remove PFAS from the human body, paving the way to correlate with improved health outcomes. Materials Hand-crafted copper foot basin from India Ionic Cleanse Detox machine from Better Health Company, round double coil array. Model BHC-CTRL-01, 24 W, 2A, 12V DC. One gallon per session of distilled water, steam distillation from Premium Waters, packaged 05/27/24 12:06, best by 05/27/2025. GreenPan anodized ceramic cooking pot Pink Himalayan salt, 1/4 cup per session Methods An initial serum PFAS level was obtained using the PFASure test from Any Lab Test Now. One 30-minute foot bath session was conducted with the Ionic Cleanse Detox Machine using distilled water with 1/4 cup of pink Himalayan salt. Water sample testing was conducted on both the clean and dirty foot bath water using SimpleLab. Before 15 Minutes 30 Minutes Before 15 Minutes 30 Minutes Results The initial serum PFAS result was 7 ng/mL, which falls in the Medium Risk Category (<2 preferred, 2-20 elevated risk health risks, >20 high risk of bad health outcomes). The clean sample of distilled water used in the initial foot bath came back from the lab totally free of PFAS. The dirty water from my very first foot bath was also sent off for 3rd party, independent testing. The PFAS results was 49.7 PPT (parts per trillion), which is over 12 times the new EPA drinking water standard (<4 PPT). The lab results is below: RESULTS of distilled water after the first foot bathDownload Initial ValuesUnit Conversions0.0000497 PPMmg/L0.0497 PPBmicrogram/L49.7 PPTng/L49,700 PPQpg/LThe total amount of excreted PFAS was 0.18813438 micrograms (188.13 ng). Discussion This study will need to be duplicated if it turns out that PFAS comes out readily during electrolysis. Next Steps I'll post more data here as the protocol goes along the next few months, including final serum PFAS testing and clean water data. From these data, we'll be able to estimate the following: Quantitative amount of PFAS excreted through the feet during electrolysis. Rate of electrolysis excretion of PFAS to estimate the number of treatments needed. References Guidance on PFAS Exposure, Testing and Clinical Follow-Up, Consensus Study Report, National Academies Press. 2022. Nationalacademies.org Toxicants in Food Packaging and Household Plastics: Exposure and Health Risks to Consumers, Suzanne M. Snedeker, Editor, Humana Press 2014. Tittlemier, S. A., et al. (2007). "Dietary Exposure of Canadians to Perfluorinated Carboxylates and Per...
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    16 mins
  • Early Potential Biomarkers of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Bioaccumulation
    Oct 4 2024
    Episode 2: It's the Fall of Rome all over again. Contaminated water and proxy wars fought under false flags. https://vimeo.com/1055803097 Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share. Introduction The globe has become polluted to such an extent that industrial contaminants can be found in the air, soil, water and food supplies. Many contaminants can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) represent 15,000 different variation of chemical compounds with known health effects including abnormal laboratory tests (liver enzymes and cholesterol) and cancers. The fear-mongering media has dubbed these "forever chemicals" because the original PFOS (with 8 carbons) took over 27 years to eliminate from the body. Current versions may take over 8 years be eliminated from the body. The region surrounding Springfield, MO contains PFAS in the water supply due to ongoing industrial contamination. A trend was noticed at a busy psychiatric urgent care in Springfield, MO whereby it seemed to staff that healthy people had low Vitamin D, thyroid dysfunction, and abnormal lipids. In the majority of cases, these were the only medical problems these people had. The rates of abnormal labs and medications/supplements for Vitamin D, thyroid dysfunction and dyslipidemia in this vulnerable population are reported here. Methods Chart reviews were conducted for patients attending a psychiatric urgent care in Springfield, MO in July 2024. Inclusion criteria was having had a full panel of laboratory studies within the previous 18 months. Labs had to include a Vitamin D level, full lipid panel and full thyroid panel with at least TSH, T4 (conjucated/unconjucated), and T3 . Exclusion criteria were patients missing laboratory studies for either Vitamin D, lipid panel or thyroid panel. Age, gender, number of medical diagnoses, vitamin D supplement usage, TSH, T4 (or free T4), T3, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, calculated VLDL, calculated HDL, and statin use were studied. Results Twenty-six patients were included in this study (n=26). Ages ranged from 8-68. Thirty-eight percent were male and 62% were female which is typical in outpatient psychiatric practice. Out of nine total lab tests, seven labs were above the expected 5% outliers of the reference range (Table 1). Over 73% of patients had elevated calculated LDL, 46.2% had abnormal total cholesterol, 38.5% had low Vitamin D, 30.8% had abnormal TSH values, 19.2% had low HDL, 15.4% had elevated triglycerides, and 7.7% had abnormal T3 triiodothyronine values. Thyroxine (T4) and calculated VLDL were the only tests that had less than the 5% of patients with abnormal results. Table 1: Number of patients with and without abnormal labs. Ratios and percentages are calculated. Percentages of patients with abnormal labs over the expected 5% are highlighted in green. Discussion Bioaccumulation of pollutants is known to cause endocrine disruption. Early detection of bioaccumulation is important for medical surveillance efforts to understand the scope of the problem, further identify at-risk populations, and contribute to reducing the current cancer epidemic. This study demonstrated the need for further research in epidemiologic studies, hazard identification, mitigation of pollutants, education for the public and researching detoxification outcomes. Limitations of this study include low sample size, lack of controls for medical problems and medications (except for Vitamin D supplementation which was studied). REFERENCES Guidance on PFAS Exposure, Testing and Clinical Follow-Up, Consensus Study Report, National Academies Press. 2022. Nationalacademies.org Toxicants in Food Packaging and Household Plastics: Exposure and Health Risks to Consumers, Suzanne M. Snedeker, Editor, Humana Press 2014. Tittlemier, S. A., et al. (2007). "Dietary Exposure of Canadians to Perfluorinated Carboxylates and Perfluorooctane Sulf...
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    12 mins