"Tiny Traumas, Big Impact," in this episode where acclaimed psychologist Dr. Meg Arroll uncovers the subtle yet significant challenges that affect our mental health. Drawing from her new book, "TINY TRAUMAS: When You Don’t Know What’s Wrong, but Nothing Feels Quite Right," published by HarperCollins, Dr. Meg brings her expert insights and solution-focused approach to help you understand and heal from the seemingly minor issues that cumulatively take a toll on our well-being.
Join us as Dr. Meg, a trusted voice in national newspapers, magazines, radio, and podcasts across the UK, guides you through her transformative AAA approach:
Awareness: Identify your unique constellation of tiny traumas. Acceptance: Recognize how these accumulated experiences manifest in your life and begin processing them. Action: Take proactive steps to create the life you desire.
Whether you're dealing with high-functioning anxiety, perfectionism, or simply feeling "not okay," this podcast provides the tools and knowledge to address the root causes and start your journey towards a healthier, happier mindset. Tune in to "Tiny Traumas, Big Impact" and start the new year with the fresh perspective and peace of mind you deserve.
Perfect for anyone seeking to bridge the gap between mental health and wellness, this episode also delves into how modern life—from social media pressures to toxic positivity—contributes to these tiny traumas. With Dr. Meg’s expertise, learn to navigate and overcome these invisible struggles, transforming your mental landscape for the better.
Subscribe now to "Happy Being Well" and don't miss an episode of essential advice, insightful discussions, and practical steps towards mental wellness.
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