• Pre-eclampsia
    Oct 19 2023

    Ym mhennod ddiweddaraf ein cyfres podlediad, rydym yn siarad ag arbenigwyr bydwreigiaeth am brawf cyflym newydd i ddiagnosio cyneclampsia, sy’n helpu i wella diagnosis, atal cymhlethdodau mamol, lleihau marw-enedigaethau ac atal genedigaethau cyn amser.

    In the latest episode of our podcast series we speak to midwifery experts about a new rapid test to diagnose pre-eclampsia, which helps improve diagnosis, prevent maternal complications, reduce still births and prevent pre-term deliveries.

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    17 mins
  • Rethinking Our Drinking
    Jul 7 2023

    For a special Alcohol Awareness Week edition of the Betsi Cadwaladr Healthy Debate podcast, we spoke to Lianne about how an evening glass of wine became a big problem during the COVID-19 pandemic – and how her health and wellbeing had has improved since she addressed her drinking.

    And we hear why changes in the way we work and our relationship with alcohol could mean more and more people who might not think of themselves as drinking too much could be at risk of causing themselves harm.

    For help and support visit Rethinking Our Drinking or DAN247

    Yn y rhifyn arbennig o podlediad Dadl Iach Betsi Cadwaladr ar gyfer Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Alcohol, buom yn siarad â Lianne am sut y daeth gwydraid o win gyda’r nos yn broblem fawr yn ystod y pandemig COVID-19 – a sut mae ei hiechyd a’i lles wedi gwella ers iddi fynd i’r afael â’i harferion yfed.

    Cawn glywed hefyd pam mae newidiadau yn ein dull o weithio ac yn ein perthynas ag alcohol yn golygu bod mwy a mwy o bobl nad ydynt efallai, yn ystyried eu bod yn yfed gormod fod mewn perygl o achosi niwed iddyn nhw eu hunain.

    I gael cymorth a chefnogaeth ewch i Ailfeddwl Am Yfed neu DAN247


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    29 mins
  • 'When I'm 64' - how Early Supported Discharge helped my stroke recovery
    Jun 23 2023

    'When I'm 64' - how Early Supported Discharge helped my stroke recovery
    In the latest episode of our podcast series we speak to stroke survivor Peter Walton, from Llandudno.

    Peter was manager of a large nursing home in Bangor, physically fit and enjoying life.

    On his 64th birthday last September he was getting ready to enjoy the celebration at his home when he suddenly felt, in his own words, like he was "walking on the moon".

    His daughter and his ex-wife came to his aid and they quickly realised he was having a stroke.

    Speaking frankly, he explains the effect it had on him and how he was helped in his recovery by the Central Early Supported Discharge team.

    Two members, physiotherapist Jodie van Heerden and occupational therapist Lynda Heron, explain the service and how early intervention can improve the quality of life for people who suffer a stroke.

    It's a podcast which anyone who has experienced or had a family member or friend affected by a stroke, should listen to.

    'Pan fyddaf yn 64' - sut y gwnaeth Rhyddhau'n Gynnar â Chymorth helpu fy adferiad yn dilyn strôc
    Ym mhennod ddiweddaraf ein cyfres o bodlediadau, gwnaethom siarad â Peter Walton o Landudno sydd wedi goroesi strôc.

    Bu Peter yn rheolwr cartref nyrsio mawr ym Mangor, ac yntau’n gorfforol iach ac yn mwynhau bywyd.

    Ar ei ben-blwydd yn 64 oed fis Medi diwethaf, roedd yn paratoi ei hun i fwynhau’r dathliadau yn ei gartref pan ddechreuodd deimlo’n sydyn, o’i roi yn ei eiriau ei hun, fel “pe bai’n cerdded ar y lleuad”.

    Aeth ei ferch a’i gyn wraig ato i’w helpu ac o fewn dim o dro, gwnaethant sylweddoli ei fod yn cael strôc.

    Gan siarad yn onest, mae’n esbonio’r effaith a gafodd hyn arno a sut y gwnaeth Tîm Rhyddhau’n Gynnar â Chymorth Ardal y Canol ei helpu gyda’i adferiad.

    Mae dau aelod, sef Jodie van Heerden sy’n ffisiotherapydd a Lynda Heron sy’n therapydd galwedigaethol, yn esbonio’r gwasanaeth a sut gall ymyrraeth gynnar wella ansawdd bywyd i bobl sy’n dioddef strôc.

    Mae’n bodlediad y dylai unrhyw un sydd wedi profi strôc neu sy’n adnabod aelod o’r teulu neu ffrind sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio gan strôc wrando arno.

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    44 mins
  • What next for primary care in North Wales?
    Apr 3 2023

    What next for primary care in North Wales?

    In our latest podcast three leading figures discuss what is happening with primary care and what the future holds for the region’s patients.

    Conservative MS Darren Millar, deputy executive medical director and practising GP Jim McGuigan and acting assistant director for North Wales dental services/North Wales Dental Academy project director Peter Greensmith get to grips with the issues facing all North Walians.

    Beth nesaf i ofal sylfaenol yng Ngogledd Cymru?

    Yn ein podlediad diweddaraf mae tri ffigwr blaenllaw yn trafod beth sy’n digwydd ym maes gofal sylfaenol a beth sydd gan y dyfodol i'w gynnig i gleifion y rhanbarth.

    Bydd yr AS Ceidwadol, Darren Millar, y dirprwy gyfarwyddwr meddygol gweithredol a'r meddyg teulu, Jim McGuigan, a'r cyfarwyddwr cynorthwyol dros dro ar gyfer gwasanaethau deintyddol Gogledd Cymru/cyfarwyddwr prosiect Academi Ddeintyddol Gogledd Cymru, Peter Greensmith, yn mynd i'r afael â'r materion mae holl drigolion Gogledd Cymru yn eu hwynebu.

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    42 mins
  • Anorexia and Me
    Feb 28 2023

    To mark Eating Disorders Awareness Week, artist Iwan Gwyn Parry talks movingly about how a secret battle with anorexia almost cost him his life. 

    The 52-year-old says he lived in ‘denial’ about the seriousness of his illness for many years, keeping it hidden from friends and colleagues.                                                                                                                                                                                 

    In October 2022, weighing just five stone and with his body covered in sores and bruises, Iwan finally accepted that he needed specialist help. 

    He’s encouraging others who may be struggling to reach out for support, describing it as the best decision he ever made.

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    28 mins
  • 'Breaking Point' How to fix the NHS and Social Care system
    Jan 31 2023

    The first episode of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board's Podcast series: Healthy Debate.

    The NHS continues to face its most challenging winter ever, with long waiting times for ambulances in Emergency Departments, patients unable to leave hospital due to lack of social care available and planned surgery further delayed due to the pressures. 

    How do we fix the NHS? 

    Listen to our first podcast to hear the views of those that work on the frontline of the NHS and social care.

    Guest Speakers:
    Mark Payne, Consultant Physician & Cardiologist, BCUHB 
    Arwel Wyn Owen, Head of Adult Services, Ynys Môn Council 
    Keith Dorrington, Health Board Clinical Lead, Wales Ambulance Service Trust 

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    33 mins