Emma's birth in Harmony, PA (1804), her father Isaac Hale, family more well-to-do than Smiths, meets Joseph, they elope, she has 11 children in all, 5 of which live to maturity, accompanies Joseph to Hill Cumorah, writes for Joseph as he translates plates until Oliver Cowdery is sent, testifies of veracity of Book of Mormon, revelation is given to Emma (Doctrine and Covenants Section 25) where she is commissioned to make a collection of sacred hymns, Joseph and Emma move to Hyrum, OH, Joseph is tarred and feathered, son Joseph Murdock Smith dies, they move to upper floor of Newel K Whitney's store, Emma receives patriarchal blessing in which she is promised she will be saved in the kingdom of heaven, they move to Far West, extermination order by Lilburn W Boggs leads to Joseph being sent to jail, Emma is left to flee Missouri with children without husband, goes to Quincy, IL, living with Sarah Cleveland, then to Commerce, IL (later named Nauvoo), 1842 Emma is elected president of the newly-organized Relief Society, selects Elizabeth Whitney and Sarah Cleveland as counselors, Eliza R Snow as secretary, women didn't teach each other, taught by Joseph Smith, John Taylor, Willard Richards, Joseph taught women to bridle tongues and provoke husbands to righteousness, Relief Society lasts 2 years, Joseph is martyred, Emma becomes a widow, last son David Hyrum is born, Brigham Young instructs saints to leave Nauvoo (and United States), many departing saints give their property to Emma, Battle of Nauvoo, puts Mansion House up for sale, moves to Fulton, IL, finds out her furnishings are being sold, comes back to Nauvoo, opens her house as hotel, Lewis Bidamon, a formerly-married bachelor, moves into hotel, Emma and he are married, Nauvoo loses appeal when temple is destroyed, hotel business tanks, Bidamon goes to California for gold, this fails, he returns, he has illicit relationship with a Nancy, they have a child (Charlie), and continue to reside in Emma's house, in 1860 joins Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, of five children Julia marries catholic man and becomes catholic, Joseph Smith III serves as prophet of Reorganized Church for ~50 years, Frederick dies at age 26, Alexander and David serve as apostles of Reorganized Church, David briefly in first presidency, David ultimately is incarcerated in insane asylum for the rest of his days, Emma dies at age 74, friction between Emma and Brigham Young, concluding thoughts.
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