• Tax Complexity - What Should Canada Do? - Episode 19
    Sep 13 2024
    Tax is complex. That’s a given. The voluminous and horrifically complex recent August 12, 2024 draft tax legislation released by the Canadian Department of Finance is continuing evidence of that. As a recent tax commentator said “complicated rules to mitigate the impact of complicated rules doesn’t do our tax system any favors”. That’s absolutely true. Notwithstanding, there is no doubt that an attempt can be made to make our tax system simpler. In this short podcast episode, Kim briefly talks about why our tax system is complex and what could be done to help make it simpler. Happy listening!
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    17 mins
  • Canada Can Learn About Tax From Estonia? - Episode 18
    Aug 19 2024
    In this episode, Kim follows up from a July 30, 2024 article that he wrote about in the Financial Post that discusses a taxation model that Canada should consider implementing based upon what the small country of Estonia has done with great success. Kim opens up the podcast by quickly reviewing ten poorly thought-out taxation policies implemented by Canada in the last 9 years that needs to dismissed in favor of bold change like that boldly implemented by Estonia. As the eminent economist, Jack Mintz, wrote about in a 2022 paper of his, Canada should implement such a model in order to implement a “big bang” tax reform that would help invigorate Canada’s economy, encourage entrepreneurship and reward success…..something that Canada desperately needs to do to improve its productivity challenges. Happy listening!
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    24 mins
  • Why Are Successful Canadians Leaving Canada? - Episode 17
    Jul 19 2024
    In this episode of In the Mood With Kim G C Moody, Kim explores the reasons why there has been a large increase in the numbers of successful CDNs leaving Canada for greener pastures. Yes, poor tax and economic policies contribute to such reasons but ultimately other reasons have more impact. Kim explores the recent history and, in particular, the messaging surrounding the attacks on successful Canadians that has contributed to the departures and offers a simple solution to stem the tide. Happy listening!
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    29 mins
  • Will Canada Introduce New Taxes Like a Home Equity Tax? - Episode 16
    Jul 4 2024
    In this episode, Kim G C Moody discusses whether or not Canada will introduce new forms of taxation like a wealth tax and / or a home equity tax. These are not new ideas but in light of the capital gains inclusion rate increase that came out of the 2024 CDN federal budget, it is obvious that the CDN government is in search of new taxation revenues to fund its reckless spending. Some left leaning “think-tanks” are proposing an annual “surtax” on CDN homes valued over $1M in order to deal with “generational fairness”. Are these ideas good ideas? No…they are terrible ideas. Come along for a listen as Kim proposes other ideas.
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    31 mins
  • Where Are We at With the Capital Gains Inclusion Rate Increase Proposal? Episode 15
    Jun 4 2024
    As of the date of the recording of this podcast, June 4, 2024, we are exactly 3 weeks away from the proposed implementation of the Canadian capital gains inclusion rate increase. What are the lessons learned so far? What should affected Canadians do or are we still “planning in the dark” without draft legislation being released to provide necessary details for the proposals? Kim muses about these and other topics as the clock ticks towards implantation. Happy listening!
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    25 mins
  • Tax the Rich? Do Successful Canadians Already Pay Their ”Fair Share” ? - Episode 14
    May 6 2024
    In this episode, Kim G C Moody discusses the rhetoric of “tax the rich” and having them “pay their fair share”. This old and tired line was resurrected recently in the 2024 Canadian federal budget with the budget proposal to increase the capital gains inclusion rate. Do successful Canadians already pay their “fair share” of tax? If so, how much do they pay as a percentage of the whole? Is there room for them to pay more as the government of Canada wants them to do? What are the consequences of attacking successful Canadians? This episode discusses this and more and what Canada should do instead.
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    29 mins
  • 2024 CDN Federal Budget Review Including Capital Gains Inclusion Rate Increases - Episode 13
    Apr 22 2024
    In this episode, Kim G C Moody discusses the tax and economic highlights of the April 16, 2024 Canadian Federal Budget. The short story is it’s ugly…both on the economic side and tax policy measures. Kim’s taxation comments focus on the new capital gains inclusion rate increases and why the messaging and politics surrounding the June 25, 2024 implementation date are offensive. He also briefly comments on what’s not in the budget and the introduction of the laughable new “Canadian Entrepreneur’s Incentive” and the rules surrounding entrepreneur’s transfer of shares of a corporation to a “Employee Ownership Trust”. Happy listening and speak up if you are concerned!
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    45 mins
  • 2024 CDN Federal Budget Tax Predictions - Episode 12
    Apr 8 2024
    The 2024 CDN Federal Budget is about a week away. In this short podcast, Kim G C Moody makes his predictions about what tax measures might show up in the Budget. Will we see personal tax rates increase? Capital gains inclusion rate increase? Alternative minimum tax amendments? New personal tax credits? Have a listen to see what Kim predicts. Happy listening!
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    16 mins