• S4 EP16: "The Aggravation of Psychological Safety in the Workplace" Part 1
    May 3 2022

    “How come your billables are so low, you need to get your billables up. This is their very first in-person meeting. Post pandemic. Why do you think the billables are low? You f***ing idiot! Like, are you stupid?”

    Post-pandemic, when in the workplace do you feel there is psychological safety, or do you feel like your leaders have abandoned you and they are only concerned with the bottom line. In this Inspired Action for Imperfect Humans podcast episode, Christopher Lawrence and Kyle Kalloo discuss psychological safety, and why it is essential in the workplace.


    • Introduction
    • Workplace burnout
    • Humanizing leadership
    • Christopher shares stories about failing leadership practices
    • The 5 Behaviours of a Cohesive Team
    • Kyle shares a story about workplace culture

    Calls to Action:

    Even before the remote workforce evolution, office culture was inherently fragile. After all, it’s made up of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans. And while perfection isn’t the goal, we all secretly wish for a workplace where people find ways to bring out the best in each other. Unfortunately, that’s not always an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice... but with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable. How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality? Get the answers to your culture questions when you setup a complimentary Discovery Session with Kyle Kalloo at https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14623413

    Not loving your career? Feel you need a change in your job? Let's Strategize! Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Christopher Lawrence here: https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14044176

    Tell us your “inspired stories” stories by visiting www.InspiredActionPodcast.ca

    Christopher Lawrence LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/career-life-coach-christopher-lawrence/

    Kyle Kalloo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-kalloo/

    Change My Life Coaching & Change My Business Coaching LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/6446498/admin/

    Looking to create a corporate coaching culture? Reach out to Kyle Kalloo: kkalloo@changemylifecoaching.ca

    Website: https://strategicleader.ca

    Show More Show Less
    21 mins
  • S4 EP15: "Being a Bold Risk Taker or Playing Small" Part 2
    Apr 26 2022

    “I included a check for $500 in an addressed envelope to the Westboro Baptist church…”

    Are you a bold risk taker and ask for what you want, or do you play small? In this Inspired Action for Imperfect Humans podcast episode, Christopher Lawrence and Kyle Kalloo tell stories of boldly taking risks and asking for what they want, sometimes succeeding, and sometimes failing… and what they learnt in the process.


    • Introduction
    • Christopher tells his story of writing a check to the Westboro Baptist Church
    • Kyle tells his story of his time in elementary school and wanting to be a business leader
    • The YouTube Channel “Yes Theory”
    • 8 reasons why risk takers are more successful

    Calls to Action:

    Even before the remote workforce evolution, office culture was inherently fragile. After all, it’s made up of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans. And while perfection isn’t the goal, we all secretly wish for a workplace where people find ways to bring out the best in each other. Unfortunately, that’s not always an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice... but with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable. How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality? Get the answers to your culture questions when you setup a complimentary Discovery Session with Kyle Kalloo at https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14623413

    Not loving your career? Feel you need a change in your job? Let's Strategize! Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Christopher Lawrence here: https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14044176

    Tell us your “inspired stories” stories by visiting www.InspiredActionPodcast.ca

    Christopher Lawrence LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/career-life-coach-christopher-lawrence/

    Kyle Kalloo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-kalloo/

    Change My Life Coaching & Change My Business Coaching LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/6446498/admin/

    Looking to create a corporate coaching culture? Reach out to Kyle Kalloo: kkalloo@changemylifecoaching.ca

    Website: https://strategicleader.ca

    Show More Show Less
    19 mins
  • S4 EP14: "Being a Bold Risk Taker or Playing Small - Part 1"
    Apr 19 2022

    “When a leader hears you want to be challenged without definition or specificity, it says to them you want more work. You need to be clearer with what you actually want and desire.”

    Are you a bold risk taker and ask for what you want, or do you play small? In this Inspired Action for Imperfect Humans podcast episode, Christopher Lawrence and Kyle Kalloo discuss asking for what you want, and why it’s very important to be clear and know what you want before you ask for it.


    • Introduction
    • “Rejection Proof” by Jia Jiang
    • Being clear on what you actually want
    • Needs and why relationships need to be renegotiated.
    • Asking for what you want
    • What playing small looks like

    Calls to Action:

    Even before the remote workforce evolution, office culture was inherently fragile. After all, it’s made up of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans. And while perfection isn’t the goal, we all secretly wish for a workplace where people find ways to bring out the best in each other. Unfortunately, that’s not always an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice... but with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable. How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality? Get the answers to your culture questions when you setup a complimentary Discovery Session with Kyle Kalloo at https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14623413

    Not loving your career? Feel you need a change in your job? Let's Strategize! Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Christopher Lawrence here: https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14044176

    Tell us your “inspired stories” stories by visiting www.InspiredActionPodcast.ca

    Christopher Lawrence LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/career-life-coach-christopher-lawrence/

    Kyle Kalloo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-kalloo/

    Change My Life Coaching & Change My Business Coaching LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/6446498/admin/

    Looking to create a corporate coaching culture? Reach out to Kyle Kalloo: kkalloo@changemylifecoaching.ca

    Website: https://strategicleader.ca

    Show More Show Less
    28 mins
  • S4 E13: "Held Up at Gun Point in the Workplace - Stress Management"
    Apr 12 2022

    “I thought it was interesting when the guy was, the gunman was yelling at the manager to open the safe he stopped. And he looked at him, says, relax, just give me a break. I'm trying to open the safe. And I'm thinking at this point, oh my God, he's going to get shot.”

    Stress Management, do you think you have excellent stress management? Or poor stress management? In this Inspired Action For Imperfect Humans podcast episode both Christopher Lawrence and Kyle Kalloo recant tales of being in very stressful situations where their lives were on the line, and how they dealt with those situations!


    • Introduction
    • Kyle tells his story of being held up at gun point in the workplace
    • Christopher tells his story of being held up by knife point
    • Stress in the workplace and what happens
    • Negativity is a form of stress
    • Not all stress is created equal

    Calls to Action:

    Even before the remote workforce evolution, office culture was inherently fragile. After all, it’s made up of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans. And while perfection isn’t the goal, we all secretly wish for a workplace where people find ways to bring out the best in each other. Unfortunately, that’s not always an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice... but with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable. How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality? Get the answers to your culture questions when you setup a complimentary Discovery Session with Kyle Kalloo at https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14623413

    Not loving your career? Feel you need a change in your job? Let's Strategize! Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Christopher Lawrence here: https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14044176

    Tell us your “inspired stories” stories by visiting www.InspiredActionPodcast.ca

    Christopher Lawrence LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/career-life-coach-christopher-lawrence/

    Kyle Kalloo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-kalloo/

    Change My Life Coaching & Change My Business Coaching LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/6446498/admin/

    Looking to create a corporate coaching culture? Reach out to Kyle Kalloo: kkalloo@changemylifecoaching.ca

    Website: https://strategicleader.ca

    Show More Show Less
    25 mins
  • S4 EP12: "Cultivating Emotional Intelligence at Work"
    Apr 5 2022

    “Most workers being 92% think they have strong emotional intelligence. But fewer than 74% believe that their bosses do”

    Are you emotional in the workplace? Or do you check your emotions at the door? In this Inspired Action for Imperfect Humans podcast episode Christopher Lawrence and Kyle Kalloo discuss emotions in the workplace, and why cultivating emotional intelligence in the workplace is highly important to having better teams.


    • Introduction
    • Christopher tells his story of how emotions are his superpower
    • Some statistics regarding emotions in the workplace
    • Kyle chats about Daniel Goldman’s book “Emotional Intelligence”
    • Emotional granularity, what is it?
    • What is not acceptable in the workplace

    Calls to Action:

    Even before the remote workforce evolution, office culture was inherently fragile. After all, it’s made up of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans. And while perfection isn’t the goal, we all secretly wish for a workplace where people find ways to bring out the best in each other. Unfortunately, that’s not always an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice... but with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable. How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality? Get the answers to your culture questions when you setup a complimentary Discovery Session with Kyle Kalloo at https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14623413

    Not loving your career? Feel you need a change in your job? Let's Strategize! Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Christopher Lawrence here:https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14044176

    Tell us your “inspired stories” stories by visiting www.InspiredActionPodcast.ca

    Christopher Lawrence LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/career-life-coach-christopher-lawrence/

    Kyle Kalloo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-kalloo/

    Change My Life Coaching & Change My Business Coaching LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/6446498/admin/

    Looking to create a corporate coaching culture? Reach out to Kyle Kalloo: kkalloo@changemylifecoaching.ca

    Website: https://strategicleader.ca

    Show More Show Less
    24 mins
  • S4 EP11: "Flexibility Currency - There Are 3 Types"
    Mar 29 2022

    “I really think when we talk flexibility, people are only thinking in terms of their time, but there's so much more to it than that.”

    Do you have flexibility currency? Did you know that there’s more to flexibility currency and being flexible, than just time? In this Inspired Action for Imperfect Humans podcast episode, Christopher Lawrence and Kyle Kalloo discuss the three different types of flexibility currency, and why flexibility currency is very important for both the employee and leaders in any organization!


    • Introduction
    • What is flexibility?
    • What is flexibility currency?
    • Kyle tells his story with a past leader, and being flexible.
    • Taking action on being flexible.

    Calls to Action:

    Even before the remote workforce evolution, office culture was inherently fragile. After all, it’s made up of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans. And while perfection isn’t the goal, we all secretly wish for a workplace where people find ways to bring out the best in each other. Unfortunately, that’s not always an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice... but with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable. How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality? Get the answers to your culture questions when you setup a complimentary Discovery Session with Kyle Kalloo at https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14623413

    Not loving your career? Feel you need a change in your job? Let's Strategize! Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Christopher Lawrence here:https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14044176

    Tell us your “inspired stories” stories by visiting www.InspiredActionPodcast.ca

    Christopher Lawrence LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/career-life-coach-christopher-lawrence/

    Kyle Kalloo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-kalloo/

    Change My Life Coaching & Change My Business Coaching LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/6446498/admin/

    Looking to create a corporate coaching culture? Reach out to Kyle Kalloo: kkalloo@changemylifecoaching.ca

    Website: https://strategicleader.ca

    Show More Show Less
    20 mins
  • S4 EP10: "Culture Should Be The Cornerstone of Corporate"
    Mar 22 2022

    Are you taking an active role and participating in a positive culture in your workplace? Or are you complaining and contributing to a negative space? In this Inspired Action For Imperfect Humans podcast episode, Christopher Lawrence and Kyle Kalloo discuss culture in the workplace, why it’s important to participate and foster a positive space, and why culture should be the cornerstone of any corporation!

    “When it comes to culture, I think often employees forget the role that they play in contributing to that culture. And if you're complaining about it, then you're as much a part of the problem as your leadership is.”


    • Introduction
    • Why it’s important to take a deliberate role in workplace culture
    • What should the bottom line be in fostering culture?
    • Why loyalty doesn’t matter
    • Fostering a dynamic culture
    • Your brand identity, and the corporate brand identity

    Calls to Action:

    Even before the remote workforce evolution, office culture was inherently fragile. After all, it’s made up of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans. And while perfection isn’t the goal, we all secretly wish for a workplace where people find ways to bring out the best in each other. Unfortunately, that’s not always an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice... but with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable. How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality? Get the answers to your culture questions when you setup a complimentary Discovery Session with Kyle Kalloo at https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14623413

    Not loving your career? Feel you need a change in your job? Let's Strategize! Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Christopher Lawrence here:https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14044176

    Tell us your “inspired stories” stories by visiting www.InspiredActionPodcast.ca

    Christopher Lawrence LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/career-life-coach-christopher-lawrence/

    Kyle Kalloo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-kalloo/

    Change My Life Coaching & Change My Business Coaching LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/6446498/admin/

    Looking to create a corporate coaching culture? Reach out to Kyle Kalloo: kkalloo@changemylifecoaching.ca

    Website: https://strategicleader.ca

    Show More Show Less
    22 mins
  • S4 EP9: "It's Not OK to Be Single at Work"
    Mar 15 2022

    Are you single? Are you the one that is typically asked to stay late or work on last minute projects in the workplace, because you are single? Do you feel heavily discriminated against in the workplace because you are single? In this Inspired Action for Imperfect Humans podcast episode Christopher and Kyle tell their stories of being single in the workplace, and why “it’s not ok to be single in the workplace”.

    “You know, where they saw, this singlism come out, fervently in the last two years was during COVID because there were more exceptions made for people who were working at home with children”


    • Introduction
    • Being single in the workplace
    • Singlism; what is it?
    • An example of discrimination against a single person
    • The gender wage gap

    Time Stamps:

    Introduction 0:00 – 2:00
    Being single in the workplace 6:00
    Singlism; what is it? 10:00
    An example od discrimination against a single person 11:00
    The gender wage gap 15:00

    Calls to Action:

    Even before the remote workforce evolution, office culture was inherently fragile. After all, it’s made up of imperfect humans interacting with other imperfect humans. And while perfection isn’t the goal, we all secretly wish for a workplace where people find ways to bring out the best in each other. Unfortunately, that’s not always an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice... but with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable. How do you enhance your workforce’s ability to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality? Get the answers to your culture questions when you setup a complimentary Discovery Session with Kyle Kalloo at https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14623413

    Not loving your career? Feel you need a change in your job? Let's Strategize! Book a complimentary Strategy Session with Christopher Lawrence here:https://ChangeMyLifeCoaching.as.me/?appointmentType=14044176

    Tell us your “inspired stories” stories by visiting www.InspiredActionPodcast.ca

    Christopher Lawrence LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/career-life-coach-christopher-lawrence/

    Kyle Kalloo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-kalloo/

    Change My Life Coaching & Change My Business Coaching LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/6446498/admin/

    Looking to create a corporate coaching culture? Reach out to Kyle Kalloo: kkalloo@changemylifecoaching.ca

    Website: https://strategicleader.ca

    Show More Show Less
    23 mins