• "Save the King" - an Episode of TOM’S TALMUD TISCH on Masechet Sanhedrin: Perek Chelek, pg. 95 a
    Oct 10 2024

    Tractate Sanhedrin, Page 95 a "SAVE THE KING" In the previous Episodes, we were introduced to a Heroic Leader of the Royal Armed Forces being paranormally informed about King David being held as hostage in a life-threatening situation in Gaza, the dangerous rescue mission he undertook. Narrowly escaping a terrorist's attempt on his life, he successfully eliminates the threat moves on to Save the King's life as he's hurled into a deathtrap. As we concluded the previous Episode in suspense, with the rescued Monarch miraculously hovering in the air, hanging between life and death, we now open this new Episode with an analysis of the supranatural potency attached to uttering a Divine Name, and why the servant rather than the sovereign did it. A surprising Prayer Reversal comes out of a change of heart, and royal turnabout that leads to a paradigm shift in the circumstances. A post-mortem report will be used to weaken the enemy. Then he’s eliminated. Finally, and thankfully The King is Saved! The entire strange saga ends with the military brass reviewing battlefield protocol, and a new edict about the of monarchical battle positions is adopted, and the rules engagement are now changed forever! This fascinating class is yet another addition to the growing collection on Perek Chelek.

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • "Mission to Rescue" - an Episode of TOM’S TALMUD TISCH on Masechet Sanhedrin: Perek Chelek, pg. 95 a
    Oct 10 2024

    Tractate Sanhedrin, Page 95 a "MISSION TO RESCUE" In the previous Episodes, we were introduced to terrible and tragic massacre of Cohanim in the city of Nov. Although King David was not responsible per se for the perpetration, as the unwitting catalyst an element of guilt nonetheless stains his soul. G-d give the Monarch a consequential choice of cleansing, forcing him to select. In fulfilling his choosing, a divinely designed domino effect leads him to Captivity in Gaza, and a crushing assassination attempt from which he is miraculously saved. Now, Hashem sends a message to a Heroic Leader of the Royal Armed Forces about David's desperate situation, and he must carefully weigh how to best proceed on this dangerous rescue mission. Godspeed into Gaza the General gallops. Sure enough, he almost immediately encounters a "Mother of Terror." She deceptively tries to kill him, and a deadly confrontation between this female Gazan terrorist and the Israeli war hero ensues. Moving on to Save the King, it proves to be a fraught endeavour, as the illustrious Hostage is hurled into a deathtrap. His Decorated Rescuer stops the Freefall with a supranatural act of suspension, as we are held in suspense!

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • "Your Royal Hostage" an Episode of TOM’S TALMUD TISCH on Masechet Sanhedrin: Perek Chelek, pg. 95 a
    Oct 10 2024

    Tractate Sanhedrin, Page 95 a "YOUR ROYAL HOSTAGE" In the previous Episode, we touched upon the terrible and tragic events leading up to, and the actual massacre of Cohanim in the city of Nov. This sets the stage for a most unusual episode in the life and tribulations of Israel's eternal monarch. Here, we will open with choice of punishment that was placed before King David, as he was forced to select the consequences. Discover the incredible story of a Royal Hunt that goes awry in a dizzying array of Satanic proportion with Falcons, Fake Deer and the Wild Chase that led to a Capture the King by an Evil Giant named Ishbibenob! The terrifying reality of Captivity in Gaza sets in with the King being bound and gagged. By the grace of G-d, a crushing assassination attempt narrowly fails. The supernatural Divine deliverance is even ultimately alluded to in the book of Psalms. A Commander of King David' Armed Forces is tipped off about the monarch's dangerous predicament, and that sets a dangerous rescue mission into motion!

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    1 hr and 32 mins
  • "The Conqueror" an Episode of TOM’S TALMUD TISCH on Masechet Sanhedrin: Perek Chelek, pg. 95 a
    Oct 10 2024

    This in-depth Gemara study is on the fascinating teachings of Perek Chelek, which uniquely focuses on Faith Matters and Torah Theology. From Credo to Conduct, we explore the Soul's Nature, Eternity, the Afterlife, fascinating Prophecies about Historic Events as well as the future Messianic Redemption. To clarify these aspects, archetypal personalities, exceptional eras, and events are often analyzed and assessed to shed light on these matters. Occasionally, our Sages will probe beneath the surface to reveal deeper dimensions and enabling us to learn the lessons of history and avoid repeating their mistakes today! _________________________________________________ Tractate Sanhedrin, Page 95 a " THE CONQUEROR" In the previous Episode, we learned about the events leading up to the terrifying siege Sennacherib imposed on Jerusalem and the seemingly impossible situation King Hezekiah and his loyal citizens found themselves in. A star-struck Sennacherib raced against the clock to arrive at Jerusalem just on time for the predicted Fateful Day. In Contempt of Zion, the Monarchical Commander-in-Chief arrogantly views Judea’s Capital City in derision. Discover the incredible story behind his deadly decision to delay that becomes a devastatingly fateful mistake as the destructive decree against the Jewish People metamorphoses into miraculous deliverance!

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    1 hr and 9 mins
    Jul 16 2023
    Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin - The Talmud on the World to Come Lesson Thirty-Five Page 94b This in-depth Gemara study is on the fascinating teachings of Perek Chelek, which uniquely focuses on Faith Matters and Torah Theology. From Credo to Conduct, we explore the Soul's Nature, Eternity, the Afterlife, fascinating Prophecies about Historic Events as well as the future Messianic Redemption. To clarify these aspects, archetypal personalities and eras are often analyzed and assessed to shed light on these matters. Occasionally, our Sages will probe beneath the surface to reveal deeper dimensions and enabling us to learn the lessons of history and avoid repeating their mistakes today! ---------- Tractate Sanhedrin, Page 94 b " KINGDOM OF HEAVEN" In the previous Episode, we’d returned to a post-mortem on Sennacherib’s miraculous defeat. Through it, G-d provided surprising sources of sustenance. Unnerved, the people sought prophetic guidance in collecting the unearned spoils. In this Episode, we will backtrack to the events leading up to the terrifying siege and the seemingly impossible situation King Hezekiah and his loyal citizens found themselves in. It opens with the March on Jerusalem. The Talmud relates a remarkable narrative of Sennacherib’s stunning successive string of a single day’s journeys as he marched towards Zion. Astonishingly, many stops were made by this aggressive attack army made over the course of that same day. Yet, even more stunningly, it was the force of spirit, rather than their spirit of force that would carry the day. Discover the sweeping story of a tidal wave of ancestral goodness and the power of their Mitzvot. Finally, it’s the tale of two Lion-hearted warrior Kings alluded to in prophetic prose that makes the difference. While one is indeed a Monarch to Fear, the other should not induce anxiety!
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    55 mins
    Jul 4 2023
    Talmud Tisch - Intermediate Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin - The Talmud on the World to Come Lesson Thirty-Four Page 94b This in-depth Gemara study is on the fascinating teachings of Perek Chelek, which uniquely focuses on Faith Matters and Torah Theology. From Credo to Conduct, we explore the Soul's Nature, Eternity, the Afterlife, and the future Messianic Redemption. To clarify these aspects, archetypal personalities and eras are often analyzed and assessed to shed light on these matters. Occasionally, our Sages will probe beneath the surface to reveal deeper dimensions and enabling us to learn the lessons of history and avoid repeating their mistakes today! ---------- Tractate Sanhedrin, Page 94 b This Episode follows the previous analysis of how King Hezekiah spawned a Golden-Age of Torah Literacy, inspiring Am Yisrael to amass Wisdom rather than Wealth. We now return to the post-mortem of Sennacherib’s miraculous defeat. G-d provides the people of Israel with plentiful Parnassa from unexpected sources. This boon materially enables the incredible aforementioned national religious renaissance. Surprisingly, the Jewish People seek prophetic guidance for propriety in pillaging. Isiah invokes the image of locust harvesting in response. Yet, how can grasshopper gleaning become a source of an ethical code of conduct for collecting spoils? We will touch on international law on ownership and the privilege of victors. Can people's legal rights simply be rinsed in a wave of conflict? Proof is found in an ancient Battle of the Titans and the accompanying prophetic insight on Purified Property. Discover how one nation’s victory on the battlefield served to enable another nation’s legal claims to land and geography!
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    1 hr and 17 mins
    Feb 12 2023
    TOM’S TALMUD TISCH: Series on Hakhel, Part Eight Masechet Sotah, Chap. Seven, Page 41a Was Righteous Relinquishing of Royal Respect, Right or Wrong? In this Eighth and final Episode, we conclude analyzing the pithy information on fulfilling the biblical Septennial Assembly Mitzvah of Hakhel that's available in the Mishna. As we've learnt gathering the nation for an event that leaves the maximum after-effect calls for the participatory leadership of a supreme royal figure -- if possible. The inspiring atmosphere at our Septennial Assembly was created, in part, by the sitting Monarch playing the pivotal role. Ultimately, much of Hakhel’s unique aura revolved around the Crown, and the King's Honour therefore comes to be viewed an important component of the Mitzvah. This helps us appreciate our desired involvement of even a less-than-fully-sanctioned regent who represented (at best) a dubious, non-accredited monarchy. The unorthodox humility of one such supreme political leader, leads into a discussion of whether any governing monarch may ever relinquish royal esteem without inappropriately --and unlawfully diminishing the honour of the monarchy itself? The same foreigner-King's surprising emotional outburst elicited an even more surprisingly flattering response from the Torah-sage-led-nation. Was their flattery a tragic and costly mistake? Finally, we'll discover how this sheds light on, and provides a better, fuller comprehension of the Mitzvah of Hakhel itself!
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    1 hr and 7 mins
    Jan 23 2023
    TOM’S TALMUD TISCH: Series on Hakhel, Part Seven Masechet Sotah, Chap. Seven, Page 41a In this seventh Episode we continue the analysis of information found in the Mishna -- deciphering the meaning of the mechanics of the artificially created ceremony involving rank and file of Jewish political and spiritual leadership to best fulfill the biblical Septennial Assembly Mitzvah of Hakhel! Simply stated: while the Torah clearly ordains the need to gather the nation for an important event that would feature a Torah Reading by its supreme royal leadership, there is no mention of introducing it in a dazzling display of honour to human beings. And, even if the King's Honour is framed as a component of the Mitzvah, doesn’t honouring others infringe upon the unique dignity due to royalty alone? The formalities of the event are fully clarified as we learn to appreciate greater involvement of the Temple dignitaries, alongside with the Monarchy. Finally, a look at posture and protocol: who can sit, and who must stand and what that means to us, the Jewish People. Understanding Temple Respect, and the uniqueness of the Davidic Monarchy vs other Houses of Jewish Royal will ultimately lead into a fuller comprehension of Hakhel itself! This is the Seventh Episode in our special mini- series on Hakhel.
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    1 hr and 15 mins