• Ep 299 | Live Free or Live in Fear | Guest: Logan Albright
    Oct 2 2024
    The COVID-19 pandemic gave government authoritarians the opportunity to exploit the public’s fear to seize power. It was shocking to see how quickly many people were willing to abandon their principles for the promise of protection, but it’s hardly the first time this has happened. Matt Kibbe sits down with Logan Albright, head writer at Free the People and author of "Freedom over Fear," to discuss the history of the politicians and bureaucrats using the rhetoric of fear to consolidate their own power and strip the citizens of their civil liberties. From xenophobia during war and FDR’s economic fascism during the Great Depression to surrendering privacy in the name of anti-terrorism and moral panics about the corruption of children, both the political Left and Right will take any chance to scare us as long as we keep letting them. Pick up your copy of “Freedom Over Fear” here: https://a.co/d/6DrdFXX
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    49 mins
  • Ep 298 | Big Pharma Has Captured Government | Guest: Sharyl Attkisson
    Sep 25 2024
    The COVID-19 pandemic revealed a number of troubling truths about the role the pharmaceutical industry plays in shaping public policy and the financial incentives that politicians and bureaucrats have to push certain medical interventions onto unsuspecting citizens. Matt Kibbe sits down with Sharyl Attkisson, author of "Follow the Science," to discuss the hidden connections between the medical-industrial complex and the regulators who have the power to force you to take an experimental vaccine whether you want to or not. It’s impossible to have trust in the public health establishment as long as these blatant conflicts of interests exist and as long as there is no civil or criminal accountability for companies delivering products that have a high risk of causing permanent harm to those who use them.
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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Ep 297 | We’re Being Gaslit About Biosafety | Guest: Bryce Nickels
    Sep 18 2024
    The emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen in late 2019, and the ensuing investigation into its origins, revealed a dangerous lack of concern among bureaucrats and elected officials for biosafety and biosecurity. Not only did our government fund research to make viruses more deadly to humans, but it continues to do so, refusing to back down or admit any wrongdoing, paving the way for a future pandemic that makes COVID-19 look like the common cold. In his research for "The Coverup" series, which examines the national security apparatus’ involvement in the development of the COVID virus, Matt Kibbe speaks with Bryce Nickels, professor of genetics for Rutgers University and co-founder of Biosafety Now, to find out what we as a society should be doing to prevent the development and spread of future pathogens. Their conversation also serves as a preview of the upcoming episode of "The Coverup" featuring Dr. Richard Ebright.
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Ep 296 | Restorative Justice Offers a Third Way to Deal with Crime | Guests: Kathleen McGoey and Lindsey Pointer
    Sep 11 2024
    Americans can’t seem to agree on how to handle crime. On the Right, we have the tough-on-crime, lock-’em-up mentality that prioritizes punishment and low tolerance for antisocial behavior. On the Left, we hear talk about compassion and rehabilitation, while thieves and vandals are allowed to loot and pillage our cities without consequences. Restorative justice constitutes a different way of thinking about criminal justice altogether, recognizing that the traditional prison model has failed to prevent recidivism, while the zero-accountability strategy implemented by cities like San Francisco has been a disaster for public safety. Matt Kibbe sits down with restorative justice professionals Kathleen McGoey and Lindsey Pointer to discuss their work in the field, as well as their new book, “The Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools for Online Learning,” which gives practical instructions on how to implement restorative practices in your own community.
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Ep 295 | We’re Living in a Taxocracy | Guest: Scott Hodge
    Sep 4 2024
    Most people think about taxation as a bite out of their paychecks, an extra expense at the grocery store, and a massive hassle around April 15 every year. All this is correct as far as it goes, but what we too often fail to appreciate are the massive ways in which tax policy shapes our lives and our decision-making. Matt Kibbe sits down with Scott Hodge, president emeritus of the Tax Foundation and author of the book “Taxocracy,” to discuss how taxation is used for social engineering by a government that wants to control and restrict your available choices. This concept is not limited to the so-called “sin taxes” on items like alcohol and tobacco but includes tax incentives for behavior deemed desirable by politicians and bureaucrats, such as buying a home or having children. Hodge argues that the use of tax policy to shape citizens’ behavior is fundamentally opposed to free will and the idea that we are the authors of our own destinies.
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    58 mins
  • Ep 294 | Moms Are Standing Up for Liberty | Guest: Tiffany Justice
    Aug 28 2024
    The quickest way for mothers to become politically activated is when their kids are threatened. This week, Matt Kibbe sits down with Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, to discuss the many ways in which the federal government is failing and neglecting America’s children. As a member of her local school board, Justice saw firsthand that teachers’ unions and school administrators consistently prioritized their own needs above those of the children. Then, during COVID lockdowns, the widespread school closures represented a callous disregard for the well-being of kids. At the same time, parents were waking up to school curricula filled with critical theory and gender ideology propaganda. In response to their activism, concerned parents were smeared and demonized by the federal government, labeled domestic terrorists for the crime of taking an interest in their children’s education. Moms for Liberty is holding its annual summit this week in Washington, D.C., with tickets still available for those wishing to get involved.
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Ep 293 | The UK Is Bringing Back Blasphemy Laws | Guest: Daniel Hannan
    Aug 21 2024
    Merry olde England isn’t so merry these days, as its police force has been busy arresting citizens for posting “offensive” opinions on social media. One police commissioner even threatened to extradite Elon Musk, along with other Americans, for disregarding the United Kingdom’s anti-hate-speech laws. The American Bill of Rights drew many of its provisions straight from the tradition of English common law, which now seems so distant from the country’s censorious policies. Matt Kibbe is joined by Daniel Hannan, a Conservative Party member of the House of Lords, to find out what’s going on with our neighbors across the pond. Hannan argues that these speech regulations are a return to the prosecution of blasphemy that was once common, only with modern social justice tenets substituted for religious ones.
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    55 mins
  • Ep 292 | We Need More Choices in Elections | Guest: Christina Tobin
    Aug 14 2024
    Every election cycle, it seems like our choices get not only worse but more limited. The two-party system consistently delivers poor candidates who resemble each other more than they differ. The reason for this is that there’s no competition. Matt Kibbe sits down with Christina Tobin, founder of Free & Equal, to discuss how we can change that. As things stand, it is practically impossible for independent and third-party candidates to get any traction, because the Democrats and Republicans control the process for obtaining ballot access and appearing in debates. After the success of independent candidate Ross Perot in the 1990s, the two parties locked down the debate process, continually increasing the requirements to qualify in order to shut out competitors. Free & Equal’s mission is to win back ballot access and debate exposure for candidates who seek to challenge the uniparty duopoly.
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    44 mins