• Don´t Be Afraid to Promote Yourself with Victoria Stilwell
    Oct 1 2024
    Today, Jo & Vicky are joined by Victoria Stillwell from It´s Me Or The Dog and The Dog Academy, TV fame. She runs an academy to teach people to be dog trainers. Victoria has been a dog trainer and behaviour expert for over 20 years. During this varied and interesting discussion, they end up talking about why money is not a dirty word and how you can be super powerful in your business. They also discuss what those in the industry can do to support each other and improve the industry overall. Victoria also explains, step-by-step, how to create a course that works and keeps clients engaged. KEY TAKEAWAYS Always be authentic and genuine and people will trust you and your business. Don´t be afraid to promote yourself. Celebrate your knowledge, share it, and make sure you are paid what you are worth. Spend time on shaping and growing your business instead of worrying about what others are doing. Find your why, your reason for being in the dog business. It does not have to be big; it could be as simple as I enjoy this work. You have to like people. Dog training is a tough business, and the value of the services provided is underestimated. Don´t be afraid of failure. If you have an idea ask – How am I going to do it? Reach out and collaborate with other dog trainers in your area. Be flexible, explore, and focus on what you are doing in your business rather than what other providers are doing. If you are looking for courses to reinforce what you are teaching clients look into the resources at positively.com. BEST MOMENTS “If you are authentic, it will shine through.” “Dog-centred first then client-centred, but both are really important.” “Every course has got to be a story. It's got to have a beginning and a middle and an end.” “Be proud that you are making money and go out there and do the best you possibly can.” EPISODE RESOURCES https://positively.com https://www.vsdogtrainingacademy.com Socials - @victoriastilwell and @itsmeorthedog SOCIALS AND IMPORTANT LINKS https://www.tiktok.com/@letstalkdogbusiness https://www.youtube.com/@LetsTalkDogBusiness Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/ ABOUT THE HOSTS Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organizations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts! Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
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    51 mins
  • Creating Passive Income for Your Dog Business – Jo & Vicky´s Real-World Experience of Doing So
    Sep 24 2024

    In this episode, Jo & Vicky sit down to share their experience of using online spaces to create passive income for their dog businesses. They dive deep into the realities of creating and marketing dog training courses and also provide information on the membership and Live training session models.

    By the end of the episode, you will have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of using online spaces to create passive income. It will enable you to work out whether it is worth doing for your business, what the best approach and how to make it happen.


    • Creating a dog training course does have the potential to generate some passive income.
    • The average conversion rate, even if you have an email list of active followers is only between 7 and 10%. So, you need a big list to generate enough buyers.
    • It takes a lot of upfront work to build a big enough list to sell to.
    • Content creation and marketing will consume more of your time than you think.
    • When people do buy, if you do not offer them some support, the chances are they will not complete the course, which is disheartening.
    • The membership model can include support but running it will take up some of your time.
    • Sharing live training has some advantages over delivering a standard course.
    • Do your research, and make sure that there is demand for what you are thinking of delivering.
    • Whatever you deliver has to be suitable for your audience.
    • During the research phase find out what people want and how they want it to be delivered.


    “To make something like that work you need a very large audience.”

    “You need proof of concept.”

    “You have to know exactly what that course, that membership does. How does it support somebody? ”

    “When you're putting the customer at the heart of everything you make your service that much more attractive, and you can absolutely do that in the online space.”




    Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com

    Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/


    Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.


    The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!

    Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.

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    34 mins
  • North Star Thinking – Master Your Mindset to Live a Life You Love with Will Polston
    Sep 17 2024
    In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Will Polston to talk all things mindset and about using your North Star to create and live the life you love. Will explains how working out what your North Star is will guide you in all areas of your life and lead to success. He shares strategies anyone can use to create a mindset that ensures you are clear about what you want from life and are taking the right action to get it. KEY TAKEAWAYS Instead of setting goal after goal and constantly chasing something use your North Star (your life mission) to guide your life.Success is 80% mindset, 20% skills and mechanics.Use an annual review to see how far you have come and remind yourself of where you are going.Live to your values. If you are saying “I ought to”, or “I have to” do this or that, the chances are you are living using someone else´s values.Be self-aware. If you feel something work out why. All emotions, positive and negative are a signal to us.Surround yourself with people that uplift you and have your back.Find yourself both direct and indirect mentors and bounce things off of your peers.Mentor others. Teaching is fulfilling and cements what you know.Don´t be afraid to share your knowledge and give unconditionally. It sounds counterintuitive but is incredibly beneficial.Every single fear that anyone ever has, boils down to either a fear of gaining something that they don't want or losing something they do.Tap into the innate drive that most of us have to help other people. BEST MOMENTS “A lot of people burn out because they are not spending enough time doing the stuff that they love.” “If you don´t like something change it. If you can´t change it, change the way you think about it.” “The only person that you want to be running against is you. Make sure that you are ahead of the best version of you.” EPISODE RESOURCES https://willpolston.com/north-star-thinking-book/ SOCIALS AND IMPORTANT LINKS https://www.tiktok.com/@letstalkdogbusiness https://www.youtube.com/@LetsTalkDogBusiness Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/ ABOUT THE HOSTS Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts! Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
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    58 mins
  • Short-Term Vs Long-Term Dog Business Strategies and Quick Cash Ideas
    Sep 10 2024

    In this episode, Jo & Vicky talk about strategies any dog business can use to generate a bit of quick cash. They explain how to leverage the relationships you already have with clients, without damaging those relationships, along with using social media, and mailing lists more effectively.

    Jo & Vicky also explain why no business should rely solely on quick, short-term, cash generation strategies.


    • For many businesses, cash flow is a big issue. Most have dry periods when they struggle to cover the bills.
    • Before launching a short-term cash generation project, check that it still aligns with the purpose and values of your business.
    • Don´t focus on cold calling – trying to attract brand new customers. Reach out to people who have already worked with you and trust you.
    • Go back to people who have made enquiries about your services in the past. They may now be ready to buy.
    • Stay in regular contact with people on your email list.
    • Paid ads can work, but bear in mind that there is also a risk you could lose money.
    • Don´t get too comfortable. Keep working to grow even when your cash flow is good.
    • Often, it is easier to sell one high-ticket service than it is to sell dozens of lower-ticket ones to make the same amount of money.
    • Don´t sell yourself short. Your skills took a long time to learn.


    ‘Allow your brain to feel creative … start thinking a bit outside the box. ´

    ‘You have got to have a long-term strategy playing in the background. But it´s OK to inject a bit of short-term strategy.’

    ‘Going back to people you already know, is always the best place to start.’

    ¨You have these superpowers in you. You have the ability to craft something so incredible that nobody will believe the amount of impact you can have on your life. ’


    Alex Hormozi books - https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Alex-Hormozi/author/B099H3YM3R




    Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com

    Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/


    Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.

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    50 mins
  • The Impact Your Personality Profile Has on Your Business with Andy Nisevic
    Sep 3 2024

    In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Andy Nisevic a workplace performance specialist and the MD of One Degree. Today, they sit down to talk all things DISC profile. So, get ready to learn all about your personality profile and how it is affecting your business.

    Andy also explains how he and his team teach leaders to be able to recognise what each person in their team needs to be able to optimise their workplace performance. Importantly, Andy explains how dog business owners can use what he teaches to better understand their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as adapt how they communicate to better suit the personality of the people they are teaching.


    • DISC is a low cost yet effective personality profile tool.
    • Using DISC, you can identify which of the four personalities each person is and quickly pick out what they need and who they are likely to clash with.
    • We all have a natural personality style and adaptive one we use in certain circumstances e.g. starting a new job.
    • Most of us are a blend of the four personality styles. Usually, one of them dominates.
    • You must not use the personality trait you have as an excuse. Instead, use that knowledge to catch yourself doing the wrong thing and correct things.
    • Blending the right people together makes a huge difference to how likely it is to be successfully.
    • Adapt the way you teach and the learning materials you use so that they work for people with different personality traits will make you more effective. Andy explains how.
    • Use what you learn from Andy in this episode to quickly assess what personality type each client is and adapt your approach accordingly.


    ‘DISC looks at how we communicate as individuals. ´

    ‘They are great empaths...really good at understanding what other people need in order to be secure.’

    ‘The longer we stay in that adapted profile the more detriment it has to us.’







    Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com

    Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/


    Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.


    The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!

    Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable
    Aug 27 2024

    In this episode, Jo & Vicky discuss how to feel comfortable in the uncomfortable. Those entrepreneurs who are ready to innovate to meet the changing needs of dog owners and to take advantage of new ways of doing things always do well. Their skill set grows, people start to talk about their business and because they are always moving with the times, they meet the needs of dog owners as their needs and how they live change. But innovating does require you to step outside of your comfort zone.

    Jo & Vicky share examples of how they have done this and how you can do the same.


    • We all want security, as a result, we all tend not to change willingly. But this is not always good for our businesses.
    • The way people live and how they think about their dogs is always evolving, which means what you offer and how you communicate needs to evolve too.
    • When you offer something a bit different it gets people talking and attracts people who have tried dog training in the past without experiencing complete success.
    • Don’t do things differently just for the sake of it, do it to meet a genuine need.
    • Regularly pause and ask you what is and is not working. If your clients are not getting the right result or you are not making a decent profit from one of your services, it is time to make changes.
    • Test your changes out with small groups and tweak things before you fully launch your new service.
    • When you get used to pushing yourself a bit, you end up learning a lot about yourself.


    ‘How many times have you changed something in your business ´

    ‘Then pretty much 80% of that group enrolled with me on 12-month one-to-one coaching.’

    ‘Just test it.’

    ‘If you don't feel passionate about everything you do, then something will need to change.’




    Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com

    Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/


    Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.


    The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!

    Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.

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    49 mins
  • Making Business Fun by Working in Alignment with Who You Are with Shari Teigman
    Aug 20 2024

    In this episode, Jo & Vicky sit down with their mentor Shari Teigman to talk all things personal development and dog business. She is a performance mentor and creative strategist who works with people to unlock and unleash their inner maverick.

    She, Jo & Vicky discuss how she builds trust and uses her expertise to enable people to solve problems, develop as people and grow their businesses.


    • If your business does not truly reflect who you are and fit your life, you end up creating a business that works for everyone but you.
    • You want to be proud of the work you do. Success needs to look like you want it to, not to be measured by someone else´s metrics.
    • To grow your business, you have to undergo personal growth.
    • Periodically check in with yourself to make sure you are still heading in the right direction.
    • Reflect on where you have come from and celebrate your progress.
    • If you hate where you are now, know you can change it and celebrate the little things, e.g. making that tough phone call or serving your one client well.
    • The more you ask questions, the more you uncover what is blocking progress.
    • People are coming to you in their worst state to get to their best state.
    • When you build trust, anything is possible.
    • Become yourself first and your business will grow.
    • Make time for yourself so you can recharge. If you don´t you will burn out.


    ‘I like certainty, I hate change, but I love growth.’

    ‘They are coming to you in their worst state to get to their best state.’

    ‘I don´t believe in positivity all of the time. I think we have to feel what we feel.’

    ‘My social toner ran out because I used it 24 hours a day.’




    Balance in Business with Shari Teigman - Real Women Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/balance-in-business-with-shari-teigman/id1582829441?i=1000584026213




    Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com

    Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/


    Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.


    The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!

    Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • The Importance of Business Growth
    Aug 13 2024

    In this episode, Jo & Vicky explain how taking one step further out of your comfort zone propels you forward. Jo & Vicky share how they did this themselves and the positive impact it has on their personal and business growth.

    If there is something you know you need to do but have been putting off, this episode is ideal for you. It contains great advice that will help you to be brave, take action and grow yourself and your business in ways you never thought possible.


    • If you find yourself avoiding something, ask yourself how doing this will help you to grow. Often, the answer provides motivation.
    • Be realistic, some of the new things you need to learn and do will be difficult and you will have to push through.
    • Don´t be too hard on yourself when things go wrong. You´ll do better next time.
    • You learn best by doing, so be brave and take one little step. Messy imperfect action is the first step to success.
    • If you want to build your business, you need to put yourself out there. If you don´t use your face and voice your opinions online people will not connect with and trust you.
    • The skill set you learn doing Zoom calls, making videos and doing presentations is a powerful one you will use in other areas of your business.


    ‘To get 10 steps ahead, you´ve still got to take the first one.’

    ‘Your business will evolve into something that potentially you never thought possible.’

    ‘Without a face behind your brand, how can anyone connect with you? ´

    ‘I remember that journey that I went on to push myself through it, and it's f**ing hard, and now it doesn't bother me at all.’




    Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com

    Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/


    Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.


    The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!

    Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.

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    31 mins