• Why Your Kid's Name Matters
    Sep 12 2024

    Everyone ends up with more names than the one given at birth. Many of these prove to be stressful if not downright destructive. They can come from parents, caregivers, siblings, adults, or other children. They can be mean and cruel, designed to hurt, or they can result from ignorance about their power -- even if they're "positive" names.

    See the power of names from the very first one given and how it can impact you to raise kids receptive to God's love.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.











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    27 mins
  • Meekness at the DMV
    Sep 10 2024

    Meekness is a wonderful concept! But it can be hard (at least for me) to practice at certain places -- like the Department of Motor Vehicles!

    In the 3rd Beatitude, Jesus declares it was the meek who would inherit the earth. Surely that would have sounded like Jesus didn't have a good grip on reality to a people ruled by Rome -- who hadn't conquered the "known world" by exercising meekness!

    Gain insights into how this declaration ties into the first two "Be Happy's" (otherwise known as the Beatitudes) and learn what meekness is and what it isn't.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.














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    21 mins
  • Designed or Derived? What's the Difference?
    Sep 5 2024

    Fulfilling the First Great Commandment needs a proper understanding of our origins. Were we designed? Derived? What difference does it make?

    Be inspired to think deeply about this topic -- beyond a usual narrative about fossils, carbon dating, and age of the earth.

    Be empowered to talk about this critical topic with your children.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.













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    23 mins
  • How Is Mourning Part of the Abundant Life?
    Sep 3 2024

    "You're going to love serving under my leadership, especially if you are in mourning." Not the opening lines of any new leader's address!

    Yet early in Jesus' ministry he declares, "Blessed are those who mourn." How does this qualify for the "abundant" life he came to give?

    Understanding "abundant" is not the same as "happy," is the start to accepting mourning as a part of life God enters into with us.

    Gain a fresh insight into the Bible's shortest verse -- "Jesus wept" and why God promises comfort when (not if) we mourn.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.












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    22 mins
  • How Space Shuttles and Popcorn Teach Humility
    Aug 29 2024

    How can you help kids protect their capacities?

    Teaching humility. But this is a virtue that requires time to develop. It's not a series of lessons to complete!

    Learn three ways humility is developed and practiced. Discover from the examples of the space shuttle Challenger, popcorn, and the ancient Jewish king, Saul, the high cost of refusing humility.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.












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    23 mins
  • I Don't Want to be Poor! Or do I?
    Aug 27 2024

    The “Beatitudes” can read more like inspiring but irrelevant wall art than life-altering wisdom. Jesus’s statement that people who were “poor in spirit” were blessed can sound like a cute nursery rhyme instead of the key to a life of true empowerment.

    Discover why recognizing our poverty – our inability to provide for our own needs – unlocks the door to the power necessary for transformation.

    Learn why we want to avoid both covert and overt arrogance. The first that says, “I’ll do it myself” and the second that admits to being “poor in spirit” but then chooses to wallow in that truth rather than being changed by it.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.












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    25 mins
  • Why Kids Need a "Do" List
    Aug 22 2024

    Ever said anything your kids considered shocking? If so, you may be in good company!

    In the New Testament book of James, he writes shocking words addressing the issue Christians were fighting about. (Sadly, Christians fighting over theology isn't new!) Back then it was faith vs. works, or, put another way, "who vs. do."

    As we teach our kids the importance of a life centered on the two Great Commandments, developing "do" skills is part of this. A right belief isn't enough -- which James addresses with a shocking statement! Character that doesn't show up with "do-ing" isn't real character.

    We dive into making the First Great Commandment real and actionable in pursuit of raising kids ready to fully engage in God's grand story!

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.











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    19 mins
  • How "Bossy" Is Your Faith?
    Aug 20 2024

    It's been said most people don't quit their jobs; they quit their bosses. How we relate to supervisors may make the biggest difference in how we show up -- or don't -- for a job.

    It's the same with our faith.

    Is Christianity a tyrannical boss? One that's good in emergencies but has little value in the day-to-day? Or one that has the desire and wisdom necessary for your success?

    The first two are opposite types of the gospel of "sin management" so powerfully written about by Dallas Willard in The Divine Conspiracy.

    The last gave us The Beatitudes -- eight ways how the gospel shows up in everyday life with a perspective and power that changes everything.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.












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    20 mins