
  • Operating in Your Grace Gift
    Sep 14 2024

    Pastor Al shares that grace is a continuous gift from God, likened to endless ocean waves. He sheds light on Jesus' reference to a "yoke" in Matthew 11. He discusses grace-based work and the importance of not letting God's grace towards you be in vain. He urges believers to recognize their unique God-given gifts, underlining that these gifts are 'made in heaven' and meant for both personal development and service within the local church. Additionally, he discusses how God rewarding us for our actions is grace-based.

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    47 mins
  • What Are You Thinking?
    Sep 7 2024

    In this message, Pastor Al emphasizes that the true battleground where life's battles are fought and won lies in the mind.

    He explains that our emotions mirror our thoughts, and negative emotions point to wrong thinking.

    He clarifies what it means to pull down strongholds, and provides guidance on how to deal with them.

    He also sheds light on how obedience is different in the New Testament compared to the Old Testament.

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    48 mins
  • Winning the Battle for Your Mind
    Aug 31 2024

    In this message, Pastor Al discusses how to win the battle for your mind.

    He explains how to "bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

    Learn how to resist the devil and how to deal with negative thoughts.

    Discover the true meaning of repentance.

    Plus, Pastor Al breaks down the meaning of the gold plate worn by the Old Testament high priest and what it means to us today as New Covenant believers.

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    46 mins
  • The Power of Right Believing Pt. 7
    Aug 24 2024

    Pastor Al discusses the story about Balak and Balaam, highlighting that no one can curse what God has blessed.

    He emphasizes that believers are free from generational curses and that no negative words or actions against us can prevail, because we are irreversibly blessed by God.

    He assures that God is the ultimate defender and keeper of His people.

    He shares that our sins are no longer seen by God because they have been forgiven through Christ.

    Pastor Al touches on the transformation that comes from fixing our eyes on Jesus.

    The sermon concludes with an analysis of the high priest's breastplate and how it applies to New Covenant believers.

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    34 mins
  • The Power of Right Believing Pt. 6
    Aug 17 2024

    In this message, Pastor Al emphasizes the importance of avoiding political disputes and maintaining unity in the church.

    Focus is placed on loving others despite differing opinions on politics and he urges us to pray for all leaders, regardless of their political ties.

    He encourages the Summit Church family to spread God's love and grace.

    He explains what righteousness means, how it is obtained, and how to reign in life.

    Additionally, he presents nine key facts about righteousness.

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    44 mins
  • The Power of Right Believing Pt. 5
    Aug 10 2024

    Pastor Al discusses the subject of 'The Power of Right Believing', focusing on the benefits of believing God's Word.

    The message is directed both to live listeners and online viewers, with an invitation to online viewers to support the ministry if they find value in its teachings.

    He underscores the importance of replacing negative thoughts with God's Word.

    He explains that right believing leads to right living, and emphasizes the significance of renewing one's mind with the Word of God.

    Pastor Al discusses God's forgiveness, stating that believers are under a new covenant where they receive what Jesus deserves rather than facing punishment for their sins.

    He emphasizes embracing God's love and the truth that we are made righteous by faith rather than through our personal actions.

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    41 mins
  • The Power of Right Believing Pt. 4
    Aug 2 2024

    Pastor Al emphasizes the importance of right believing in a Christian's life.

    He highlights the significance of having Jesus at the center of one's life, which brings favor and blessings into your life.

    The topics of combating negative thoughts with positive thoughts and understanding God's unconditional love are discussed.

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    48 mins
  • The Power of Right Believing Pt. 3
    Jul 21 2024

    In this sermon, Pastor Al passionately discusses the story of the woman at the well to illustrate Jesus' unconditional love and grace, emphasizing that He does not condemn us for our mistakes.

    He also contrasts the Old Covenant law, which focused on love for God, with the New Covenant of grace, which focuses on God's unwavering love for us.

    He highlights the transformative power of understanding and receiving Jesus' love, illustrating this with stories about how this realization will lead to freedom from guilt, condemnation, and sin.

    The overall message stresses that no mistake or sin can separate us from God's love, encouraging believers to deeply know and believe in this amazing love.

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    49 mins