• Finding Home: Elad's Journey into and out of Hasidic Judaism
    Oct 7 2024

    Elad shares how he grew up a secular Jew with Israeli parents and went on a spiritual journey, seeking meaning and community. This led him to a Hasidic community where he found “beauty, truth and beautifully true people.” Over time, though, he realized that ongoing acceptance within this religious family required a “total sublimation of my selfhood.” He describes the painful journey into a spiritual home, through disillusionment and, finally, walking away from the beliefs, people and places that had been his home to return to his authentic self.

    Find Elad on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/EladNehorai/ and

    On Substack https://eladnehorai.substack.com/

    Trigger Warning: Explicit mentions of sex and death threats. In addition, due to these episodes containing stories that involve cults and other types of coercive control that may be disturbing to some, listener discretion is advised.

    You can find Living Cult Free on social media, especially on Instagram, at living_cult_free Our website is livingcultfree.com where the mission is to support the creative expression of survivor stories and empower advocacy through education.

    At the website above, you can:

    • Contact us to share your story
    • Meet who runs and collaborates with Living Cult Free
    • Make a donation to help further Living Cult Free’s mission

    Thank you for your support!

    ©2024 Living Cult Free

    Intro & outro by Jon Snow; Original Music by Esther Friedman

    Editing and production by Vanessa Hennessey

    Huge thanks to Living Cult Free’s intern, Nikki Kattamuri, and the Living Cult Free Board of Directors

    Music and sound by:

    Ashot Danielyan, Jerome Chauvel, Fae Spencer, UNIVERSFIELD, Sergei Chetvertnykh, Piano Amor, ArctSound, and Sergii Pavkin

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Living Cult Free. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only. Please keep in mind that each episode is recorded long before it is shared live and the views and perspective of the storyteller may have changed. The Living Cult Free name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service.

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    47 mins
  • S3: Rebecca’s Story: The Profound Impact of Religious Cults on Personal Identities
    Aug 5 2024

    Rebecca’s story transcends individual experience to illuminate universal themes of resilience, identity, and healing. It underscores the power of community, self-discovery, and the ongoing process of healing from psychological and emotional wounds inflicted by cults and similar restrictive groups while celebrating the courage and strength required to break free and reclaim one’s authentic self. Listen as Rebecca describes accepting and flourishing in her queer and polyamorous identity, and how grounding herself in those communities has allowed her to thrive.

    TW: Due to these episodes containing stories that involve cults and other types of coercive control that may be disturbing to some, listener discretion is advised.

    Find Rebecca on Instagram @mightybrecca

    You can find Living Cult Free on social media, especially on Instagram, at living_cult_free Our website is livingcultfree.com where the mission is to support the creative expression of survivor stories and empower advocacy through education.

    At the website above, you can:

    • Contact us to share your story
    • Meet who runs and collaborates with Living Cult Free
    • Make a donation to help further Living Cult Free’s mission

    Thank you for your support!

    ©2024 Living Cult Free

    Intro & outro by Gerette Buglion; Original Music by Esther Friedman

    Editing and production by Vanessa Hennessey

    Huge thanks to Living Cult Free’s intern, Nikki Kattamuri, the Living Cult Free Board of Directors, and Erica A. Slauson for help with transcriptions.

    Music and sound by:

    Ashot Danielyan, PianoAmor, Sergii Pavkin, SoundGalleryBy. All music found on Pixabay and used under Pixabay Content License. Sound effects: Public domain.

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Living Cult Free. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only. The Living Cult Free name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service.

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    34 mins
  • S3: Ciara’s Story: Is it a Sin to Talk About It?
    Jul 1 2024

    Grappling with existential questions about the origins of her thoughts, the influence of external forces on her autonomy, and her experiences within a religious cult, Ciara reflects on themes of control, deception, and the struggle for personal identity and freedom within a structured belief system. Listen to find out how Ciara finds bursts of inspiration often fueled by a sense of urgency or emotional resonance throughout her daily life.

    Find Ciara on Instagram

    You can find Living Cult Free on social media, especially on Instagram, at living_cult_free Our website is livingcultfree.com where the mission is to support the creative expression of survivor stories and empower advocacy through education.

    At the website above, you can:

    • Contact us to share your story
    • Meet who runs and collaborates with Living Cult Free
    • Make a donation to help further Living Cult Free’s mission

    Thank you for your support!

    ©2024 Living Cult Free

    Intro & outro by Gerette Buglion; Original Music by Esther Friedman

    Editing and production by Vanessa Hennessey

    Huge thanks to Living Cult Free’s intern, Nikki Kattamuri, the Living Cult Free Board of Directors, and Erica A. Slauson for help with transcriptions.

    Music and sound by: Aleksey Chistilin, Alex Grohl, Ashot Danielyan, Daniel Hourtoulle, Geoff Harvey, Joe, Luca Francini, Maksym Dudchyk, Pixabay, UNIVERSFIELD. All music found on Pixabay and used under Pixabay Content License.

    The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Living Cult Free. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only. The Living Cult Free name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service.

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    1 hr
  • S2: STRATEGIES - Get Out or Help Someone You Love Get Out
    Nov 11 2021

    Today we explore strategies you can use to get out of a cult or help a loved one get out. To setup the framework for our discussion, we look at numbers and definitions. The numbers are huge. Up to 10,000 cults still exist today in the United States. That number is growing. “Millions of people have been affected by undue influence. Many of us have had religions chosen for us or we’ve joined self-help or spiritual groups that became harmful or destructive. We have suffered from coercive control and mind manipulations while bending to narcissists. We’ve given our power of decision making over to an organization and their leadership.”

    And language matters. The way we talk about cultic abuse influences how our good intentions are received. Someone who might shy away from what Gerette calls the C-word (cult), could respond better to “Controlling Group,” or “High Demand Group,” or “Spiritual Abuse.”

    We discuss Dr. Hassan’s “reality testing,” and Gerette’s escape after 18 years from the Center for Transformational Learning and the strategies that worked for her. We also talk about strategies we can employ when helping others who might be embroiled in a controlling group.

    If you have been in ANY culty high-control group or religion, you are invited to connect with us through livingcultfree.com.

    To Learn more about Writing to Reckon, visit www.gerettebuglion.com/writingtoreckon.

    Learn more about the signs of thought control and other aspects of Dr. Hassan's work by visiting www.freedomofmind.com.

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    45 mins
  • S2: EMOTION CONTROL - Emotional Backfire
    Nov 5 2021

    The subject of today’s podcast is Emotion Control. Like it or not, as human beings, we creatures tend to respond emotionally. Comfort, praise, recognition, and a sense of belonging are among our top stimuli. Our yearning for these is manna from heaven to cult leaders. They prey upon exactly this type of vulnerability. They lure us in under the veil of comfort and specialness and then set up an “us” versus “them” dichotomy. While under cultic influence, Dr. Hassan was told that the Moonies were his true family, all others were false – even evil. Vaxxers versus Anti-vaxxers is a similar kind of fault line.

    Today we discuss the ways cult leaders disrupt the normal right brain/left brain integration necessary to make rational decisions. By sidestepping reason, cult leaders foment fear and self-doubt. We also explore phobia Indoctrination, the Christian persecution complex, and FreedomofMind.Org’s itemized list of methods cult leaders use to control their followers.

    If you have been in ANY culty high-control group or religion, we invite you to reach out to us through livingcultfree.com.

    Learn more about the signs of thought control and other aspects of Dr. Hassan's work by visiting freedomofmind.com.

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    38 mins
  • S2: THOUGHT CONTROL - They Co-Opted my Brain!
    Oct 29 2021

    As smart, functioning adults, we like to think that we are in control of our own thoughts. This is not always the case. As we know from Gerette’s book An Everyday Cult and from this podcast, we know that destructive cults use any number of techniques to get members to stay and commit themselves to what may be harmful activities. Thought Control is the most insidious.

    Listen in as we discuss the different techniques cult leaders use to control the thoughts of their followers. Some techniques are extreme, others are subtle but insidious...

    If you have been in ANY culty high-control group or religion we invite you to connect with us through livingcultfree.com.

    Learn more about the signs of thought control and other aspects of Dr. Hassan's BITE Model visit freedomofmind.com or freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model.

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    38 mins
  • S2: INFORMATION CONTROL - Standing up to Scrutiny
    Oct 21 2021

    Controlling information is a critical way authoritarian leaders and cult leaders control the hearts and minds of their followers. This week we discuss how they do it and how you can take some agency regarding the information you consume.

    Dr. Hassan suggests that we must each do independent research, that we must ask difficult questions, and really dig beyond the cult-controlled internet algorithms to challenge our own beliefs.

    Gerette describes her experience within CTL, whose leaders subtly controlled information by dominating cult members’ free time. She sheds some light on the difference between information control in an Everyday Cult versus that in more controlling cults.

    We talk about personal truths, political truths, and objective truths. And how ambiguity tolerance—allowing for the possibility of another person’s personal truth to coexist with one’s own—can open the door to a more objective reality.

    If you have been in ANY culty high-control group or religion we invite you to connect with us through livingcultfree.com.

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    34 mins
  • S2: BEHAVIOR- Love is Stronger Than Mind Control
    Oct 15 2021

    Our focus today is Behavior Control, the first methodology in the BITE model, which refers to control of Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotion. Dr. Hassan developed BITE as a model for evaluating degrees undue influence. As functioning adults, we like to think that we are in control of our own behavior. Last week’s conversation about Influence leads us to reexamine that possibility.

    In this episode, we discuss how we become vulnerable to behavior control, types of behavior control, and how our environment shapes our behavior. Vulnerability to influence is part of the human condition. Dr. Hassan suggests that we are susceptible to behavior control from the moment we are born. Using healthy cynicism, curiosity, and discernment, we can begin to understand exactly who or what is control of our behavior.

    In the end, love is stronger than mind control.

    If you have been in ANY culty high-control group or religion, we'd love to connect with you. Please check out our website, follow us on social media and send us an email if you would like to consider having YOUR story shared on this podcast. livingcultfree.com.

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    41 mins